Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 515 The two sides fight

In addition, Xiao Qiang relied on the upgraded wolf tooth step technique to dodge continuously, and his body was very agile. Zhang Bo swung his fists several times in a row, but he couldn't hit Xiao Qiang. However, Xiao Qiang could use his body skills to continuously hit Xiao Qiang with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"If you hate humans so much, it may have something to do with your arm, or it may have something to do with Xu Ran. Anyway, we can't tell the winner for now, so why don't you tell me why you hate other people so much." Xiao Qiang dodged Zhang Bo's attacks back and forth, and kept talking to Zhang Bo, wanting to know why he hated others so much.

"Humph, if you have the ability, fight me head-on, what's the point of you dodging like this? Hurry up, if you have the ability, fight me head-on." Zhang Bo saw Xiao Qiang dodging back and forth, refusing to fight him head-on, but he couldn't hit him, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"If you say that, doesn't it mean that if I keep hiding, you can't do anything to me. If I run now, I guess you can't catch up with me." Xiao Qiang used the wolf tooth step, Xiao Qiang gently slid, dodged Zhang Bo's sweeping hand and arm, and went around Zhang Bo's back and said.

"Humph, I can't catch up with you, but you can't defeat me, right? The weapon in your hand is very good, but after fighting for such a long time, except for getting some stones off the shell of my stone helmet armor, you can't hurt me at all. In comparison, you are really not as brave as your men, at least they dare to fight me head-on. And I have as many stone helmet armors as I want, and the speed of replenishment is very fast." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Zhang Bo simply stopped attacking Xiao Qiang and spoke on the side.

Seeing that Zhang Bo had stopped attacking, Xiao Qiang also did a backflip and separated himself from Zhang Bo for a while. Following Zhang Bo's words, Xiao Qiang only saw that the stone armor that Xiao Qiang had knocked off on the outside of his body was quickly covered with a layer of stone armor again, making a new set of armor.

After hearing Zhang Bo's words, Xiao Qiang did not argue too much, but looked at Zhang Bo and said: "If I'm not mistaken, your arm should have been gone before the end of the world, right?"

"Okay, since you want to know why I hate humans so much, then I'll tell you. But you have to fight me well, and you can't use that clever footwork to just dodge." Seeing this, Zhang Bo seemed to have made up his mind and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah." Xiao Qiang nodded, agreeing with Zhang Bo's statement.

"Stone spikes!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Bo used his special ability on Xiao Qiang. I saw some spike-like objects made of stone slowly extending from the ground from the direction under Zhang Bo's feet, extending forward, and soon, they were about to pierce the position under Xiao Qiang's feet.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 8/1000."

Xiao Qiang hurriedly took off and flew more than ten meters high. In the air, he suddenly slammed his palm towards the ground. In an instant, the stone spikes that spread over turned into a ball of powder, and Xiao Qiang also made a place for himself to land. After landing steadily on the ground, Xiao Qiang saw that Zhang Bo had already swung his two huge stone arms and rushed over.

Shaking his head gently, Xiao Qiang touched the button of the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and rushed towards Zhang Bo, and chopped up his two huge fists.

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 7/1000."

"Yes, that's right, show your true ability and fight me well." Zhang Bo said after seeing Xiao Qiang's performance.

Xiao Qiang used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique after upgrading his proficiency and fought with Zhang Bo. At the same time, he did not forget to remind him, "Okay, now I have started a head-on fight with you, you can now tell me why you hate humans so much."

The upgraded Crazy Dragon Sword Technique is the same as the Wolf Fang Step. Not only has the power of the moves increased a lot, but the speed of each move has also increased a lot. Just relying on the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, he was entangled with Zhang Bo. And this is also the reason why Xiao Qiang dared to fight against a Level 3 awakening strongman.

"Before the end of the world, my arm was broken. It was an accident. Life became very difficult. Since I was missing an arm, no job anywhere wanted me. I didn't want to beg, so I had to spend the whole day in this city picking up garbage." While fighting with Xiao Qiang, Zhang Bo told Xiao Qiang about his experience.

"Fortunately, I met Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran is a deaf-mute who works as a waitress in a restaurant. One night, when she was going back to her rental house, she was followed by a drunk bad guy. I happened to be nearby, and after seeing it, I helped Xiao Ran drive the bad guy away. Of course, I didn't have any special abilities at the time, and I couldn't beat the bad guy at all. He beat me up and left me with injuries all over my body. Fortunately, although I was beaten, I got to know Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran is a kind and good girl. Not only did she not despise me, she also took me to heal my injuries and helped me rent a room next to her room. Later, gradually, we fell in love with each other. Those two years were our happiest time. We went out early and came back late, and accumulated some savings. At that time, we were also ready to save more money and then buy a small house of our own." When Zhang Bo told this story, he unconsciously looked in the direction of Xu Ran, and a gentle look flashed across his face.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, he kept a distance from Zhang Bo, nodded patiently, and listened to Zhang Bo's story.

"But, that abominable restaurant owner ruined everything. It was a rainy night. After I picked up garbage all day, I saw that it was already raining and it was getting late, so I prepared to take an umbrella to the restaurant to pick up Xiao Ran. After arriving at the restaurant, I found that the restaurant was actually closed, but if I listened carefully at the door, I could hear the sound of things overturning in the house. I didn't know if Xiao Ran was inside, so I quickly slapped the iron door of the restaurant. Even though it made a "bang bang bang" sound, even though my throat was almost broken, no one inside opened the door." When Zhang Bo told this story, he could clearly feel the loss of his whole person's emotions, and even his attacks were a little faster.

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