Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 516: The Reason

Facing Zhang Bo's angry mood, the attack speed became faster and faster. Xiao Qiang also hurriedly parried. Even Lin Bingyan who was watching from the side was a little nervous. After blocking Zhang Bo's punch with a knife, Zhang Bo's kick was already coming. Xiao Qiang quickly touched the button on the Thousand Chance Umbrella, transformed the Thousand Chance Umbrella into an umbrella form, and moved downwards, blocking Zhang Bo's kick. A kick, but the huge force still pushed Xiao Qiang to slide back. He slid more than 10 meters away before he stabilized his body, leaving two long footprints on the ground.

"With no other option, I could only climb up along the wall of the hotel in the heavy rain. Since I only had one arm, the wall was very high, and there were broken glass inserted into the cement wall. I climbed up from the wall. After I came down, my whole body was covered with wounds from broken glass, and there was blood all over my body. But at that time, I didn’t care about the pain on my body. I just wanted to rush over and see what Xiaoran was like. After rushing over, I discovered that the beast was greedy for Xiaoran's beauty and thought Xiaoran was a deaf mute, so he raped Xiaoran. After he arrived, I beat him angrily. , but with only one arm and wounds all over his body, he couldn't beat him at all. After beating him for a while, Xiaoran hugged me, who was lying on the ground covered in blood, with tears streaming down his face. On my face. And that beast even threatened us with bold words, saying that if we dared to call the police, he had many connections in the city and would kill both of us without knowing how we died. Both of them are disabled, and they don't know anyone in the city. If they fight with him, they won't be able to fight against him." When Zhang Bo told this story, he no longer attacked Xiao Qiang, but his body was still strong. But they were all trembling, and even their voices were trembling a little.

Hearing what Zhang Bo said, Xiao Qiang could feel some anger and clenched his fists unconsciously. On a rainy night, two disabled people with no means of access would feel so sad and angry when faced with the humiliation of a wealthy and powerful boss. In that situation, the two people were so helpless. Looking at Zhang Bo's eyes, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but show a hint of anger and sympathy. Lin Bingyan and others on the sidelines also heard Zhang Bo's words and were also very angry at what happened to the two of them. Several people also turned to look at where Xu Ran was sitting. They saw that Xu Ran could maintain a calm expression, but there was a hint of distress in the look on Zhang Bo's face.

"Listening to what the man said, there was nothing we could do. Looking at Xiaoran's face, my tears couldn't stop falling. In order to prevent Xiaoran from being bullied again, I took advantage of the opportunity. When the beast turned around to smoke, I took out the kitchen knife on the chopping board and chopped it on the man's head, knocking him to the ground. The person also passed out from exhaustion, but I think this is enough. Even if I am caught, I can protect Xiaoran's safety. However, fortunately, the apocalypse suddenly broke out, covering the entire continent. Everything was in a mess, and who could care about the restaurant owner who was chopped to the ground with a kitchen knife. "At this point, Xiao Qiang could feel that Zhang Bo's mood recovered a little. Son, while saying this, he launched another attack on Xiao Qiang.

"Wolf Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 18/1000."

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 8/1000."

Xiao Qiang could feel that Zhang Bo's emotions fluctuated greatly when he talked about this past event. Therefore, I don't want to fight too hard with Zhang Bo. After all, a strong man who has awakened to level 3 and is covered in big rocks is still very powerful. "Dang, Dang, Dang", the two of them hit each other again in an instant. In just a short moment, they had exchanged several moves.

"After the end of the world, you must have encountered something else. Otherwise, you wouldn't have such great hatred for everyone." Xiao Qiang tried his best not to fight with Zhang Bo, while fighting with Zhang Bo. Zhou Xuan spoke.

"Yes, when the apocalypse came, we thought we had finally got rid of the shadow of that beast. In the first week, I took Xiao Randong to hide in Tibet, avoiding the zombies. Later, we had no choice, there were too many zombies, and we We joined a team of hunters. However, because we didn’t discover our powers at the time, they also thought that we were useless, and they would treat us casually every day if they had any trouble. Insulted and beaten. I was okay, but I couldn't watch Xiao Ran being wronged, so I took Xiao Ran and ran out quickly during a fight with a group of zombies and joined a base. "Zhang Bo. While the man was talking, the man on the other hand was running out of tricks. Regardless of whether Xiao Qiang avoided it casually or not, he was waving his stone arm to hit Xiao Qiang indiscriminately.

"But, that base, hum, in the base, the two of us are the lowest existence, doing all kinds of dirty work, eating the worst food. But at that time, we felt that we had finally found a place to stay, and we didn't have to worry about zombies attacking at any time. Although it was a bit tiring, it was good that we didn't have to be beaten. So, the two of us endured it and actively greeted the people in the base. If they had any difficulties, we would try our best to help them. There was even one time when Xiao Ran and I risked being bitten by zombies and dragged a person into the base. But even though we wanted to get along well with them, we were still aliens in their eyes, and we still couldn't warm up to them."


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