Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 519 Someone breaks in

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 21/1000.

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 17/1000. "

Xiao Qiang used two skills in succession, bypassing the stone fish attack launched by Zhang Bo and getting in front of Zhang Bo. Facing the stone fist swung by Zhang Bo, Xiao Qiang nimbly dodged and got behind Zhang Bo from the side. He aimed at the position of Zhang Bo's shoulder, jumped high, used the Thunder Claw skill, and grabbed Zhang Bo's shoulder. However, Zhang Bo's reaction speed was fast enough. When Xiao Qiang's palm just touched the stone helmet armor on Zhang Bo's shoulder, the huge stone fist turned around and swung, and a punch hit Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang hurriedly crossed his arms forward to block the attack, but he was still knocked out.

However, Xiao Qiang, who was knocked out, There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. On Zhang Bo's shoulder, there was a detonating talisman on the thick stone armor. Because Zhang Bo's stone armor was very thick, he naturally did not notice that there was an extra detonating talisman on his body. Xiao Qiang roughly calculated that if he used the Weakness Talisman on Zhang Bo, Zhang Bo's strength would be reduced. At that time, if he used it with the Detonating Talisman, he would be able to break the stone defense outside Zhang Bo's body. At that time, as long as he took advantage of his weakness and found the right time, he would definitely be able to inflict heavy damage to Zhang Bo's body.

"Unknown people were detected in the periphery. They are very strong and have broken into the direction of the commercial building. There are 10 people in total. The periphery cannot stop them. Request support. They have already broken into the inside. Please be vigilant." At this time, the intercoms hanging on the waists of several people rang at the same time, and the voice of Qiao Tong, who was responsible for defense in the periphery, came from them.

"What's the situation? The fighting here is too loud? Why did they attract people when they didn't attract zombies? "When they heard the voice coming from the intercom, several people looked at each other, and Han Feng said in confusion.

"Qiao Tong, what's the situation? Where did those people come from?" Han Feng said, and took out the intercom from his waist and asked Qiao Tong.

"I don't know where they came from, but it seems that they are not coming for us, but they have a bad temper and don't say much to us. I just asked a little bit, and then two people came out to fight with me and Sister Rourou. They have already fought. Their strength is not weak. I can only stop one person at most. The rest have already gone in your direction." Qiao Tong's reply came from the intercom. Similarly, along with Qiao Tong's voice, you can also hear the sound of fighting and Qiao Tong's panting.

"Okay, I know, you pay attention to safety. If you can't beat them, don't fight them hard. Since they are not coming to find us, there is no need to conflict with them. We will go there now. You pay attention to safety. "Han Feng heard Qiao Tong's voice and spoke into the intercom.

Hearing Qiao Tong's vague voice coming from the intercom, Han Feng, Lin Fei and Jiang Kai hurriedly ran to the outside where Qiao Tong and the others were defending. Lin Bingyan nervously glanced at Xiao Qiang who was still fighting in the field, and then rushed to the outside with a few people.

Xiao Qiang was knocked out by a punch, and the whole person slid back for dozens of meters before stabilizing his body. Xiao Qiang naturally heard the sound of the conversation just coming from the intercom. However, now is the critical moment of his fight with Zhang Bo, and he also glimpsed with the corner of his eyes that Han Feng and the others have already rushed over. So, Xiao Qiang decided to finish the fight with Zhang Bo first.

"I don't know who suddenly came, and my partner is fighting with them, so this move will decide the winner with you. "Xiao Qiang stood in place, pointed the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand forward, and said to Zhang Bo.

"Those people may come to find me. Please thank your partner for me first. This move will decide the outcome. I hope your move will not disappoint me too much." Zhang Bo said calmly, and turned his head to look at Xu Ran.

Holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella in one hand, he took out a dagger from the system with the other hand and threw it forward. The dagger did not stab at Zhang Bo's body, but flew behind Zhang Bo, so he did not pay attention to it. While throwing the dagger, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella (spear form) in his hand and rushed towards Zhang Bo. Soon, Xiao Qiang had already rushed in front of Zhang Bo.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 140/1000. "

However, Xiao Qiang did not intend to fight Zhang Bo head-on. After using the Flying Thunder God technique, he had already reached the back of Zhang Bo's body. The mark of the Flying Thunder God was engraved on the dagger that Xiao Qiang had just thrown. After Xiao Qiang used the technique, he instantly moved from in front of Zhang Bo to behind him. However, Zhang Bo did not show too much surprise, because in the previous fight, Xiao Qiang had used the Flying Thunder God technique many times, and Zhang Bo already knew that Xiao Qiang had such a technique, so he would be careful and guard against it.

After seeing Xiao Qiang disappear from his sight, Zhang Bo, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his mouth slightly, turned around quickly, and swung a punch at the position behind him.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 37/1000."

"Bang", Xiao Qiang held the dagger in one hand, and quickly used the Broken Palm technique with the other hand, and hit Zhang Bo's stone fist with one palm, turning the thick stone fist into powder, raising a large amount of dust. However, soon, Zhang Bo used the stone again to quickly turn into an arm.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 141/1000."

"The fourth door - open!"

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