Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 520 Winning is Winning

After Xiao Qiang and Zhang Bo exchanged palms, he looked at his arm that was about to swing towards him again and used the Flying Thunder God technique again. This time, Xiao Qiang dodged and reached Zhang Bo's front position, and the mark of the Flying Thunder God was engraved on the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Because the whole process was also very fast, the Thousand Machine Umbrella in Xiao Qiang's hand was still in a forward-rushing posture. At this time, Zhang Bo was still turning around because of Xiao Qiang's use of the Flying Thunder God technique just now. Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique twice in a row, and also used the Shattering Palm technique once in the middle, but the speed was very fast. In addition, he used the Weakness Talisman (Advanced) on Zhang Bo, and Zhang Bo had no time to turn around. Of course, the reason why Xiao Qiang was able to use the technique so quickly was also related to the upgrade of the proficiency of the technique.

Not only that, the detonating talisman attached to Zhang Bo's shoulder exploded with a "boom". Now Zhang Bo's body was very weak. After using the detonating talisman, he easily blew up the stone helmet armor on Zhang Bo's shoulder. Zhang Bo was slightly stunned, and was about to turn around, and a new stone helmet armor was formed at the shoulder position. Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand and launched a fierce attack, piercing Zhang Bo's shoulder position. Xiao Qiang used all his strength to strike, bringing Zhang Bo's entire body to the ground, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella inserted Zhang Bo's body into the ground.

The reason why Xiao Qiang was able to insert the Thousand Chance Umbrella into Zhang Bo's body so quickly before Zhang Bo reacted, in addition to the weakness talisman that reduced his reaction speed, was due to the strategy that Xiao Qiang came up with. First, using the Thunder Claw technique, in the face of a hard punch, the detonation talisman was secretly attached to Zhang Bo's outer stone helmet armor. Then, while using the weakness talisman, he threw the dagger behind Zhang Bo, and the whole person held the Thousand Chance Umbrella and attacked Zhang Bo fiercely. In this process, Xiao Qiang used two sections of the Flying Thunder God technique in succession, and also used the Broken Palm technique in the middle to resist Zhang Bo's swung fist. Of course, even if Zhang Bo knocked the dagger aside, Xiao Qiang could still use the Flying Thunder God technique to get behind him, because just in case, Xiao Qiang had already engraved the Flying Thunder God's mark on the detonating talisman. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also opened the fourth gate to speed up his attack speed and strength. Relying on the Thousand Machine Umbrella that was still rushing forward, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella and greatly shortened the distance with Zhang Bo. Taking advantage of the moment when the detonating talisman broke through the defense, Xiao Qiang seized the opportunity and inserted the Thousand Machine Umbrella into Zhang Bo's body.

Although this process is complicated, it happened very quickly, and it was also a great test for Xiao Qiang. Being able to use so many techniques repeatedly in a short period of time, and finally relying on the powerful force and speed of opening the fourth gate to break the defense with one blow, Xiao Qiang needed to concentrate and pay attention. Therefore, after the fight, Xiao Qiang was sweating all over, and there were beads of sweat falling on his forehead.

Seeing Zhang Bo fall to the ground after being pierced in the shoulder by Xiao Qiang, Xu Ran stood up nervously from the side, and was about to run towards the center of the field. But she saw Zhang Bo look at her gently, shook his head slightly at her, and then she did not run over, but continued to look over here.

"It is true that heroes come from youth. I lost, and you won. Your move is really powerful. It broke my defense. If your talisman had just been attached to my heart, I am afraid you would have killed me. Why don't you kill me?" Zhang Bo, who was lying on the ground, put away his supernatural power, and the stone helmet armor on his body gradually fell off. Looking at Xiao Qiang who was walking towards him, Zhang Bo said.

"You are not old, why do you have to speak like an experienced and old-fashioned person? Besides, I have no hatred with you. We just need to decide the winner. Why do we have to kill you?" Xiao Qiang walked towards Zhang Bo, wiped his sweat, and sat beside Zhang Bo and said.

"Aren't you afraid that I will come to your base again? Don't forget that I am the big devil in other people's mouths." Zhang Bo, who was lying on the ground, turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiang who was sitting beside him and said.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect my base. If I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time. However, I have to admit that the strong man of awakening level 3 is indeed powerful. This time, it was thanks to so many talismans that I was able to defeat you. As for the big devil, I don't care. That's just what others say. After other people have experienced what you have experienced, who can guarantee that they will do better." Xiao Qiang smiled at Zhang Bo calmly and said. '

"Winning is winning. This world only cares about the results. Who cares what means are used in this process? The strength of the strong man at level 9, no matter what method is used, whether it is talisman paper or practice, can defeat me, a strong man of awakening level 3, which already explains the problem." Zhang Bo understood it very thoroughly and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, if that's the case, what should I say? Will you go to my Longshan base, or continue wandering in this city base with her?" Xiao Qiang said as he stood up and pulled out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from Zhang Bo and spoke to him.

"We are not good at communicating with others. We will feel uncomfortable in your Longshan base. It is good to stay in the city. When the time comes, you will clear all the zombies in the city. If we stay in the city, won't it be more comfortable?" Zhang Bo gently supported his shoulders, stood up, and said to Xiao Qiang.

While the two were talking, Xiao Qiang could hear the clear sound of fighting. It seemed that the people mentioned by Qiao Tong on the intercom had already fought with Han Feng and others. When Xiao Qiang was about to say something to Zhang Bo and rush over to help, he saw several people fighting towards this side.

Among them, Han Feng, Lin Fei, Jiang Kai, Lin Bingyan and Qiao Tong were fighting against one person each, and the fight was very lively. What surprised Xiao Qiang was that even Sister Rourou was using her superpowers to fight with one person. Xiao Qiang knew that Sister Rourou's ability was the same as Lin Bingyan's, both of which had reached level 6. However, Sister Rourou had only used this ability to treat people, but he had never seen her use it to fight.

Sister Rourou held a sharp scalpel in one hand, and used her other hand to constantly use her ability, using the space circle drawn by the ability.

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