Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 521 Sister Rourou shows her power

Insert the scalpel suddenly, and through these spaces, the scalpel can reach the enemy's body, and every move will penetrate the space and directly penetrate the enemy's vitality gate to greet him. The opponent against Sister Rourou turned out to be a strong person with level 8 strength. Thanks to that person's strength being much higher than Sister Rourou, he was able to react quickly. He didn't know where he suddenly appeared through the space. Sneak attack scalpel. And once that person wants to rush forward to fight with Sister Rourou, Sister Rourou will draw a larger space circle and run away into the distance.

At this moment, five people who had not taken action, two of whom were wearing black sportswear, rushed in front of Xu Ran in an instant. A long knife and a very sharp dagger were placed on Xu Ran's neck. superior. In addition, three people fell from the sky and jumped in front of Xiao Qiang and Zhang Bo.

Xiao Qiang was a little confused. He didn't know where these men in black came from and why they followed his own people into fighting. Instead, they caught Xu Ran again after running here.

"We are here just to look for these two big demons. It has nothing to do with you people. Why don't we stop here? What do you think, little brother?" The middle-aged man standing in front of the three of them looked at Xiao. Qiang then spoke.

Although Xiao Qiang was a little confused, he still turned around, glanced at Zhang Bo next to him, and asked for Zhang Bo's opinion. But Zhang Bo's eyes were filled with anger, and he was staring closely at the two men who were holding knives on Xu Ran.

"That's right, they are here to find me and it has nothing to do with you. The outcome has been decided between us. Naturally, I will not ask about the Longshan Base again in the future. You can just go back." Zhang Bo saw Xiao Qiang. After looking at him inquiringly, he turned his head slightly and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Qiang was noncommittal, smiled softly, and did not rush to answer Zhang Bo's words. Instead, he shouted angrily to the few people who were still fighting in his base: "Stop, don't do it yet. beated!"

"Stop, come back!" After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the man in black standing in front also stretched out his palm and said to his people.

As the two people spoke, the five people who were still fighting separated. The five men in black fell behind that man. The five people on Xiao Qiang's side also ran over and stood behind Xiao Qiang. position, the two sides were in a confrontation.

"Xiao Qiang, why did you let them go like this? These people are so unreasonable. We just asked them a question, and they scolded us immediately. Moreover, they actually attacked and injured Qiao Tong immediately. We were angry. However, we have just fought with them." Sister Rourou walked towards Xiao Qiang angrily, waving the scalpel in her hand and said to Xiao Qiang angrily.

Xiao Qiang heard Sister Rourou's words and glanced back. Sure enough, he saw someone stabbed Qiao Tong in his waist, with scarlet blood oozing out. No wonder Sister Rourou was so angry and even fought with them. So that's it.

"So what if I hurt you? Do you know who we are? We are from the Tongzhou base. We are a level 3 city, not comparable to your small level 4 city. If you dare to have any objections, be careful I will destroy all of your base. They were all destroyed, but these two little beauties can be kept for fun." Among the group of men in black, a man with yellow hair stood out and pointed at Xiao Qiang. Here he spoke.

"Ding, I found a level 2 strongman who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a level 1 strong person who has awakened!"

"Ding, I found a level 1 strong person who has awakened!"

"Ding, we found a strong level 8 human!"

. . . . . .

When he heard the man say this, Xiao Qiang had already turned on the double-eye recognition scanning function and scanned the 10 men in black in front of him. He found that these 10 people had indeed high strength levels. They were just awakened level experts. There are 4 of them, the highest is a strong person with level 2 awakening, and the lowest is a human with level 8 strength. With such strength, and being a base staff member in a higher-level city, it's no wonder he is so arrogant.

Xiao Qiang turned around and found that after the young man finished speaking, the person next to him who had spoken previously seemed to be their leader, awakening to level 2 strength. But after hearing what the young man said, that person didn't react at all, as if he agreed with what the young man said.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sneered. It seemed that this group of people really thought that they were powerful, but they just didn't take people like him seriously and could let them bully them.

After hearing what he said, the personnel at Longshan Base were very angry, and they were all gearing up, hoping to compete again with these men in black. When Xiao Qiang heard his words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he smiled softly, but there was already a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"You are looking for death. How dare you talk like that?" Sister Rourou held the scalpel in her hand and was about to step forward and rush forward.

"Sister Rourou, Qiao Tong is injured. Why don't you go and treat him quickly? Just leave it to me to handle what a doctor should do." Xiao Qiang hurriedly stood in front of Sister Rourou. Before that, he spoke to Sister Rourou.

"Okay!" After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Sister Rourou glared at the person in front of her, then turned back to bandage Qiao Tong's wound.

"Swish", Xiao Qiang turned around. At this moment, because his body was still in the state of opening the fourth door during the fight with Zhang Bo just now. The whole person suddenly moved and rushed to the front of the young man in an instant. The young man was also shocked. He didn't expect Xiao Qiang to have such skills and could reach his side in an instant. He didn't expect that after hearing the name of the base, these people in the next-level city would dare to attack him.

In a hurry, the man only raised his hand, and felt that his head had been pressed by a hand. Then, a huge force came from his head. The young man felt that his body was out of control, and his whole body was instantly overturned and pressed to the ground.

"Bang", Xiao Qiang pressed the young man's head heavily on the concrete floor. The young man's head was instantly broken and a lot of blood came out. Not only that, Xiao Qiang also swiftly took out the dagger from the system, spun it in his hand, and then stabbed the young man's mouth with the dagger. Instantly, a hole was pierced in the young man's mouth, and the blood dyed the man's face scarlet.

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