Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 522: One Strike

In a flash, Xiao Qiang reached the young man and subdued the young man with the strength of a level 8 warrior. The black-clad men behind him were a little surprised, and they didn't expect Xiao Qiang to dare to attack them. Just now, when they saw Xiao Qiang stop the fight, these black-clad men thought Xiao Qiang was easier to bully. The black-clad man who led the fight had a flash of surprise in his eyes, but soon returned to normal. Without even turning his head, he stretched out his hand to stop the other black-clad men who wanted to rush up.

"I can treat it as a misunderstanding if you hurt my people, but I can't forgive you if you dare to insult the women in our base." After Xiao Qiang stabbed the young man's mouth with a dagger, he did not take the young man's life. Instead, he stood up and spoke to the black-clad man who led the fight.

"With the skills of a Level 9 warrior, he can actually subdue a Level 8 warrior in one move. He is indeed quite powerful. My people have injured your people, and now you have injured my people. We are not here to find your base today, but from the moment you injured him, we have a grudge against each other, and we will definitely settle accounts with you in the future. But today, it's all right. Now we both stop fighting. Are you satisfied?" The leader in black also has glasses that can see through people's levels, and he also said to Xiao Qiang at this moment.

"Yeah!" Xiao Qiang shook his head gently and spoke softly to the black-clothed man in front of him.

Facing so many strong men, Xiao Qiang didn't want to act rashly, especially today he brought Lin Bingyan and others with him. If they were injured, it would not be good.

However, Xiao Qiang regretted not killing the Level 8 young man, because there would be a grudge anyway. However, what surprised Xiao Qiang was that the black-clad man who led the group could still hold back from attacking.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang walked back in the direction of the group. After walking two steps, he heard the young man behind him standing up and mumbling something. Because his mouth was pierced with a hole, his vague words could not be heard clearly. However, Xiao Qiang heard that the man was holding a long knife in his hand and was about to rush towards Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang, who was walking in front, heard the movement behind him and raised his mouth slightly. He was still regretting that he had not killed the young man who spoke arrogantly just now. Now if the young man rushed up, he would have a reason to kill him, so Xiao Qiang deliberately slowed down his pace and waited for the young man to rush over.

With a "creak", Xiao Qiang suddenly heard a sound, and saw Lin Bingyan and the others looking at the position behind them, showing a somewhat surprised expression. Xiao Qiang turned around quickly, but saw the leader of the awakening level 2, holding the young man in his hand, pinching his neck and lifting him up in the air. The sound just now was the sound made by him twisting the man's neck. With one blow, all his people were killed. No wonder Lin Bingyan and the others showed surprised expressions. However, what surprised Xiao Qiang was that the expressions of the group of young people behind him were indifferent, as if it was a common thing.

"You are not strong enough, but you dare to talk nonsense. You are so arrogant with the strength of a strong man at level 8. You dare not even listen to what I say. You guys should also remember that in this doomsday, strength is everything. Also, we came here with a mission today, don't argue with them casually. The boss is already very angry because of the loss of that thing. Let's talk about it after completing the mission first." The black-clothed man who led the group casually threw the body of the black-clothed man at level 8 to the side, and said to the black-clothed man behind him with a murderous look on his face.

Xiao Qiang curled his lips and walked back to Zhang Bo's side. There was a questioning look in his eyes, and he asked Zhang Bo something.

"Our agreed fight has been completed today. This is a matter between me and their Tongzhou base. You don't have to get involved. You can leave." Zhang Bo naturally knew what Xiao Qiang meant, but he said to Xiao Qiang and walked forward on his own.

Seeing Zhang Bo's look, Xiao Qiang had to take Lin Bingyan and the others to the side and walked to the steps of the commercial building. When they arrived at the steps of the commercial building, the two men in black who put the knife on Xu Ran's neck escorted Xu Ran back to the center of the venue and stood among the men in black.

"Ding Dong, don't we help them? The two of them were not bad before, but these men in black are very bad." Lin Bingyan pulled the corner of Xiao Qiang's clothes and asked Xiao Qiang softly.

Obviously, after Lin Bingyan heard Zhang Bo's explanation of the cause of the incident, she also felt deep sympathy for their experience. Therefore, when she saw the two of them being surrounded by so many men in black, she asked.

Xiao Qiang turned his head, looked at everyone, and said softly: "It's not that I don't want to help, but Zhang Bo's personality is like this. If I insist on helping, it will make Zhang Bo unhappy. In this way, everyone is ready to take action at any time. When the time comes, everyone can take action together after watching my actions. Anyway, after listening to what the black-clad leader said just now, we already have a feud, so we are not afraid of any conflict with them. It's just that these people are very strong, so everyone must be careful when taking action."

The leader in black saw that Xiao Qiang and the others did not choose to leave, but stood aside to watch. He frowned reluctantly, turned his head and looked in the direction of Zhang Bo and said, "I can ignore the fact that you two big devils sneaked into my Tongzhou base and killed people there. But why did you insist on destroying our equipment and taking the most important formula, which made the boss very unhappy. Now, hand over the formula immediately, and I can leave you two with a whole body."

"Take the knife away from her immediately, and don't touch her with your dirty hands." At this time, the blood on Zhang Bo's shoulder had stopped, and his eyes were filled with anger, as if he could shoot flying knives. He ignored the words of the leader in black, but instead locked his eyes tightly on the two people who were holding Xu Ran, looking at them coldly.

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