Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 523 Sonic Power

The two were stared at by Zhang Bo, and they felt as if they were locked by Zhang Bo's fist. The pressure of the awakened level 3 strong man was still very oppressive. The two of them loosened their hands unconsciously, but after looking at the black-clothed leader standing in front of them, they held their hands tighter.

"You two big devils, although you have very strong strength, you can live very comfortably even in my Tongzhou base. Why don't you know how to enjoy life and have to hunt down those people. Now you actually took the formula away and angered the boss. Even if you have the strength of awakening level 3, so what? Are there so many strong men in my Tongzhou base, and they are just decorations today? Be good and hand over the formula. Otherwise, these few of my men will definitely torture this female devil." The black-clothed leader paced while continuing to speak to Zhang Bo.

"Ah, you're looking for death!" After hearing the words of the leader in black, Zhang Bo's eyes seemed to be able to spit fire, and he roared and looked at those people.

Zhang Bo followed this group of black-clothed men to fight, and Xiao Qiang knew how powerful a strong man with awakening level 3 was and how rich his supernatural powers were. In the fight with him just now, either Zhang Bo did not fight with him with all his strength, or he quickly won with Zhang Bo after using the weakness talisman, and caught him off guard, so he won him. And now, Zhang Bo faced these people, and he used all his strength as soon as he made a move, and every move was a move that he used with all his strength.

After Zhang Bo roared, the whole person gradually went down and merged into the cement stone ground. Then, the two black-clothed men who were holding Xu Ran felt a slight vibration under their feet. Zhang Bo rushed out from the ground, his whole body was wrapped in stone helmet armor, and two sharp stone knives formed on his arms. From the bottom up, it soared into the sky, and suddenly slashed at one of the black-clothed men. With one blow, it cut down a black-clothed man of level 9. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pulled Xu Ran into his arms, protecting him behind him.

This strength made Xiao Qiang feel a little shocked. If Zhang Bo said that he had not let him go just now, he really didn't believe it. No wonder, he didn't use a big move like Biao Lianhua just now, but he was able to beat Zhang Bo. Fortunately, he didn't kill him just now, otherwise he might not be able to hurt him.

"Sand Binding!"

"Wooden Stab!"

"Wild Wind Slash!"

. . . . . .

At this moment, the fight between several people in the field instantly entered a white-hot stage. Zhang Bo protected Xu Ran. Even with the strength of awakening level 3, Zhang Bo couldn't get any advantage under the encirclement of 4 awakening-level strongmen and several other strongmen. Among them, there was a powerful person who was awakened at level 1, but his speed was very fast, constantly climbing onto Zhang Bo's outer armor. Some small bomb-like items were attached to it to explode his stone helmet armor, and the others immediately launched an attack.

Zhang Bo protected Xu Ran, and at the same time he had to defend against the crowd, so he couldn't use his skills at all. He was also injured in several places under the siege of these people. After a fierce effort, Zhang Bo blocked the attacks of several people around him, hugged Xu Ran and jumped high, rushed out of the encirclement of several people, blocked Xu Ran in the corner behind him, and blocked himself in front, fighting with the black-clothed man, preventing the black-clothed man from breaking into the back.

Although after upgrading to the awakening level, the strength gap between each level will become even greater. However, Zhang Bo was dealing with so many strong men alone, and he had to stand in front of Xu Ran. There were some moves that could be avoided. If Zhang Bo avoided, then Xu Ran would be injured, and naturally he would not avoid it. As a result, Zhang Bo's movements were greatly restricted. In a moment, Zhang Bo's body was slashed by several people in many places, and even his face was scratched with a dagger. The handsome face, which was originally very white, became even whiter because of blood loss. After Xu Ran, who was blocked behind Zhang Bo, saw it, tears could not stop falling. She felt very sorry for Zhang Bo, but she was a mute, and even if she cried, she could only sob softly and could not cry out loud. However, with the injuries on Zhang Bo's body, Xu Ran seemed to have made a decision.

"Let's go and help! Be careful." After seeing this, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly and quickly said to the people behind him.

After Xu Ran saw Zhang Bo's condition, he suddenly ran out from behind Zhang Bo and ran to the side of the bodies of those people. He took a deep breath and faced the men in black.

"Xiao Ran, don't!" Zhang Bo shouted loudly while resisting the attacks of several people after seeing Xu Ran's appearance. But if he wanted to rush over, he was entangled by the men in black and couldn't get away.

"Ah~" a sharp sound came out of Xu Ran's mouth. This sound was an invisible sound wave, like an invisible dagger, drilling into everyone's ears and hitting everyone's body.

Xiao Qiang and the others were about to run over to help when they suddenly heard this sharp and piercing sound. It immediately felt very piercing, and even made them feel uncomfortable physically and mentally. They felt a little dizzy, and they didn't want to rush forward anymore. Turning his head to look at the people next to him, he found that they were in the same situation as himself. Xiao Qiang understood that Xu Ran's ability was probably a sound wave attack.

However, they might be far away from Xu Ran, and because Xu Ran was mainly facing the black-clothed man, they just felt that the sound made them feel a little stuffy and dizzy, and it was very piercing. But the black-clothed men who were closer to Xu Ran were in a more serious situation. They had stopped fighting. Those with stronger strength only had bleeding in their mouths and noses. Those with weaker strength not only had bleeding in their mouths and noses, but were also attacked by the sound waves and lay on the ground unable to move.

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