Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 527: Join us in attacking

Although he rushed out, he arrived earlier than Lin Bingyan's ability. He found the awakened level 1 warrior who used the black gold long sword and slashed him. The awakened level 1 warrior only felt a gust of wind in front of him. Relying on his own skills, he kicked off the ice crystal thorns with one foot, and at the same time, he did a somersault to the limit of his body, barely dodged Lin Fei's attack, and stood steadily on the ground in front. The black-clothed man raised his mouth slightly, revealing a smile. When he was proud that even Lin Fei's sneak attack could not hurt him, he found that his face was actually cut by Lin Fei's blade, leaving a wound, and blood was flowing down his cheek along the position of the wound.

"You dare to hurt me!" Seeing this, the man turned around with a distorted face and said viciously.

As he spoke, the man rushed up with the black gold long sword and fought with Lin Fei.

"Explosive Fist!"

Han Feng was naturally facing another Awakening Level 1 warrior. Although he was a Level 9 warrior, his speed was slower than Lin Fei. When he rushed over, the Awakening Level 1 warrior had already reacted. This Awakening Level 1 warrior was upgraded from the supernatural power level and used the sand supernatural power. Looking at Han Feng rushing over, he transformed a long knife made of sand into his hand, and cut off the ice spikes under his feet with one knife. Then, he calmly set up a defensive wall made of sand in front of him. After Han Feng rushed over, he used the Explosive Fist and punched the sand wall one by one. Although many fist marks were left on the sand wall, it was unable to break the defensive wall. Seeing this, Han Feng quickly took a double violent pill and fought with the black-clothed man who used sand. However, even so, Han Feng still fell behind. During the fight with the black-clothed man, he was in danger and only had to defend himself.

"Blade arrows - three volleys!"

After Wang Peng, who was flying in the air, saw Lin Bingyan take action, he also pulled out three arrows from his backpack. These three arrows were different from other ordinary iron arrows. They were the arrows Xiao Qiang rewarded when he killed a level 5 zombie. Wang Peng pulled the bow to a full string, and three arrows were shot at the same time, aiming at the black-clothed leader of awakening level 2, a strong man of level 9 supernatural power, and another strong man of awakening level 1 who was fighting with Han Feng and forced Han Feng into danger.

Among them, the arrow shot at the awakening level 2 black-clothed man was easily caught by him with a wave of his hand, and thrown in the opposite direction to Wang Peng. Wang Peng dodged in a hurry and escaped the attack, but he was also shocked and sweating. The arrow shot at the awakening level 1 strongman forced the strongman to take a step back, giving Han Feng time to breathe, and naturally did not hurt the awakening level 1 strongman. As for the strong man with level 9 supernatural power, he just jumped up to avoid Lin Bingyan's ice spike attack, and he noticed that an arrow was shot at him with a fierce attack, but he jumped in the air and could not avoid it, so he could only take a hard hit on his leg.

After the strong man with level 9 supernatural power was hit by an arrow on his leg, he gritted his teeth and stood on the ice layer created by Lin Bingyan, stretched out his hand and pulled it out of his leg. In an instant, blood gushed out, dyeing the ice layer under the man's feet red.

"Human Bomb Chariot!"

At this time, when the Level 9 superpower stretched out his hand to hold his leg, he suddenly felt a large ball of flesh appear in front of him, rolling and crashing towards his body. He did not care about the pain caused by the injury on his leg, and quickly used his superpower to fight with Qiao Tong.

"Earth Bind!"

When Lin Bingyan took the lead in using the ice and snow spikes, Jiang Kai immediately used his superpower. For a while, on the ice layer, some spiral earth-like substances stretched out again, entwined and bound the legs of the group of black-clothed men. However, before Jiang Kai could fully release this superpower, he saw another Level 9 superpower who was already rushing towards him after reacting. At that moment, Jiang Kai could only give up the attack and use his superpower to block it. Of course, during this process, Jiang Kai also quickly took a double violent pill to block the storm-like attack of the Level 9 superpower black-clothed man.

"Jiang Kai, let's cooperate!" After fighting for a while, Qiao Tong found that he and Jiang Kai were no match for the two level 9 black-clothed men. Even though one of them was pierced by an arrow in the leg, Qiao Tong shouted at Jiang Kai while running in Jiang Kai's direction.

The two of them soon cooperated. Jiang Kai was mainly responsible for using superpowers for defense, while Qiao Tong was also responsible for using superpowers for attack. The two cooperated very well. In addition, Wang Peng, who was flying in the air, also shot cold arrows from time to time. Even if the sharp arrows had been used, those ordinary arrows could not cause damage to the defense of the black-clothed men, but the two black-clothed men had to take out their energy for defense. After fighting for a while, they felt very angry because the two could not concentrate on dealing with Jiang Kai and Qiao Tong. At this time, they seemed to be evenly matched.


The other strong man in black, who was level 8, was a lady who used two short axes. She was very fast and her body was very agile. After Lin Bingyan used the ice and snow spikes, she had already reacted, swung the two axes and rolled forward, rushing towards Lin Bingyan. The speed was very fast. When she arrived in front of Lin Bingyan's body, Lin Bingyan had no time to react more and use her ice armor skills. At the critical moment, Sister Rourou suddenly used the space power to pass through. After arriving beside Lin Bingyan, Sister Rourou stretched out her hand and pulled Lin Bingyan into the circular space hole she had drawn. Lin Bingyan only felt that after a flash of light in front of her eyes, she had already appeared more than 10 meters away from the previous position.

"Let's deal with him together. I will use space to help you shuttle, and you use the power to carry out the main attack." Sister Rourou used the power with both hands and said to Lin Bingyan.


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