Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 528 Powerful Space Ability

"Hmm," Lin Bingyan nodded, and instantly used the ice armor ability to wrap her whole body, and on her hands, two sharp ice-like scimitars appeared.

"Swish", Lin Bingyan followed the space drawn by Sister Rourou and instantly shuttled to the position behind the man, and the ice in her hand was wiped towards the neck of the man. The man also reacted very quickly. When Lin Bingyan's ice knife just reached his neck, he had already sensed it. He suddenly lowered his head to avoid the attack, and the two axes in his hands had already chopped up towards Lin Bingyan's head. After Lin Bingyan failed to hit, she jumped back and was transmitted back to the original place through the space hole created by Sister Rourou.

In this way, Sister Rourou and Lin Bingyan, two powerful people with superpowers at level 6, relied on the exquisiteness of their own superpowers to fight with the powerful black-clothed lady at level 8. In a short moment, the three of them also exchanged several moves. The fighting style of the two of them was also very mentally exhausting and focused. In just a short moment, the two of them were already panting and sweating.

Once again, Lin Bingyan passed through the space formed by Sister Rourou and came behind the black-clothed strongman of level 8, with a scimitar formed by the ice layer on her arm. With a flash of light, Lin Bingyan slashed at the man's head. Unexpectedly, the black-clothed man facing forward raised his mouth slightly, and had already noticed Lin Bingyan's appearance. While dodging Lin Bingyan's attack, he suddenly turned around and chased after Lin Bingyan. Lin Bingyan quickly shuttled through Sister Rourou's space hole, but the black-clothed man was faster. In an instant, he rushed in front of Lin Bingyan, and then Lin Bingyan also shuttled through the space hole. The axe in his hand hit Lin Bingyan's outer ice armor hard, stirring up a layer of ice chips. The whole person was hit by the force of the axe and flew forward.

Sister Rourou was also surprised when she saw this. She didn't expect that the man in black had figured out the two's attack routines after just a few moves, and could react so quickly and shuttle with Lin Bingyan. Sister Rourou also quickly used her supernatural power again and took Lin Bingyan away quickly. This time, Sister Rourou used the supernatural power of space to take Lin Bingyan farther away from the man in black and arrived at a small building on the third floor.

"Puff, it's a close call. Their strength is really amazing. They are worthy of being people in the upper-level city base. How are you? Are you injured?" Sister Rourou patted her plump chest and asked Lin Bingyan who was sitting on the roof.

"Fortunately, I used the ice armor in advance to protect my body, but she broke the defense of the ice armor with one axe. If she chopped me with another axe, I would definitely be injured. Sister Rourou, fortunately you reacted quickly, but now, how can we deal with her? She has already figured out our attack method. Should we change a method?" Lin Bingyan also stood up and asked.

"I have thought of a way. My ability is a bit special. We can... At that time, you may be in a little danger. You must use the ice armor ability in advance, and you must react very quickly. In addition, I will help you. If you encounter danger, I will use space shuttle as quickly as possible to protect you." Sister Rourou smiled gently and spoke to Lin Bingyan's ear.

A moment later, the man in black was looking for Lin Bingyan and the other person while being cautious, and he heard some movement from behind his body. Obviously, the black-clothed man thought that Lin Bingyan and the others were using the same old trick again.

"Don't you have a good memory? You have already failed once, and you still use this trick? This trick can no longer form a sneak attack on me. Don't think that your ice armor can withstand my attack this time." After hearing the movement, the lady in black raised her mouth slightly, quickly dodged her head, and turned around quickly while speaking.

However, this time, Lin Bingyan only gestured at the black-clothed man's head with the ice knife in her hand, and then quickly took it back. After seeing that the black-clothed man had turned around, she deliberately showed a panic expression on her face, jumped up, and jumped sideways into the space hole. Seeing this, the black-clothed man thought that Lin Bingyan had seen him discover it and ran away in panic. He didn't have time to think about it, and the whole person also rushed forward sideways, and the axe in his hand hit Lin Bingyan's back heavily. It can be seen that the man in black was also aiming to break Lin Bingyan's ice armor defense and cause some damage to her body. This time, he was full of power. After hitting Lin Bingyan, he not only broke her ice armor defense, but also made her spit out a small mouthful of blood. However, Lin Bingyan did not pay much attention to it. Instead, she smiled lightly, quickly retracted her legs, and her whole body shuttled through the space hole.


However, Lin Bingyan had already traveled through, but the black-clothed man who followed behind Lin Bingyan horizontally had half of his body on the other side of the space. When the black-clothed man saw that his axe had injured Lin Bingyan, he just smiled, but his face suddenly changed, and he felt a strong pain in his stomach. The black-clothed man looked down at his waist and found that only half of his body had traveled through the space, while the other half, because of the closure of the space, had cut off her body.

The black-clothed man turned his head with difficulty, looked at Lin Bingyan angrily, and then his whole body lay on the ground and did not move, and she still held the small axe that had just injured Lin Bingyan in her hand.

Lin Bingyan could not bear to see the miserable state of the black-clothed man's body, and quickly turned her head, but saw that Sister Rourou was already sweating profusely, and used the space to travel to Lin Bingyan's side again.

While nervously checking Lin Bingyan's injuries, he said, "How are you? Are you seriously injured? I didn't expect this guy to be so strong. If that brat knew that his beloved girlfriend was injured, he would be worried about me."

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