Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 529 Fighting everywhere

After Lin Bingyan heard Sister Rourou's words, she couldn't help but blushed a little shyly, and said to Sister Rourou: "Sister Rourou, I'm fine, just slightly injured. Fortunately, I'm wearing the breeze armor given by Xiao Qiang. Well. It’s still my fault that my level is too low. Even if I use my powers, I can’t resist the attack. After I return to the base, I must train harder. Otherwise, my level is too low and I won’t be able to fight with him. ”

"Oh, this brat is so lucky. He has such a beautiful girl who likes him so much and can think of him even when he is hurt. If you are okay, I have to take a rest quickly. You should take a rest too. "Using superpowers continuously and accurately with such high intensity will consume too much of my mental energy." As Sister Rourou spoke, she patted her rising and falling chest and sat on the floor in the forest. Next to Bingyan, she was resting and paying attention to the fights of other people in the field.

"Door 4 - open!"

"Biao Lianhua!"

"Ding, take a double violent pill, the time limit is 10 minutes."

Just when Lin Bingyan used the Ice and Snow Ground Thorn, Xiao Qiang quickly took a double violent pill. At the same time, Xiao Qiang also opened four doors, and even used the Lotus Technique. They are all used. In the fight with the men in black just now, Xiao Qiang also knew that the men in black were indeed very strong, so Xiao Qiang thought that since he wanted to make a sneak attack, he would use all his strongest moves right away. , thinking that he must be able to kill a few men in black as soon as he comes up, so that the pressure of helping others can be reduced.

Therefore, after using the fourth door, although Xiao Qiang was the last to activate his body, he did reach the group of men in black first. Xiao Qiang came up to deal with a strong level 8 man in black. After rushing to the man in black very quickly, Xiao Qiang held down the man in black's head and fiercely He hit the head of the man in black on the ice spikes created by Lin Bingyan. Xiao Qiang's powerful strength and speed prevented the man from reacting at all. His neck passed through the ice spike, and blood immediately flowed out along the ice. As soon as he took action, he killed a strong man in black with level 8 strength. Xiao Qiang's strength was indeed strong after opening the fourth door.

"Ding, the host kills a strong level 8 human, the experience value is +300, the redemption point is +300, and the reward is double the experience card (intermediate level)."

At this time, after the level 2 awakened man in black saw Lin Bingyan's ice and snow ground stab attack, he launched a group attack on the men in black on his side, and immediately punched the ice on the ground hard. Above the layer, all the ice layers were smashed and cracked. Turning around, he found that Xiao Qiang had already killed a strong man on his side as soon as he took action, and judging from his appearance, he was still preparing to attack others. Immediately, he rushed to Xiao Qiang's side and fought with Xiao Qiang.

"Zhang Bo, wake up quickly. Now is not the time to be depressed. The enemy is right in front of you. Hurry up and show your strength. Everyone is fighting with you."

"Hurry up and cheer up. Look at the people around you. Everyone is fighting for you. Their opponents are too powerful and they need your help."

"Zhang Bo, this world is not as bad as you think. At least we are still here. Everyone in our Longshan Base is willing to be your friend."

. . . . .

While Xiao Qiang was fighting with the leader of Level 2 Awakening, he was also trying to shout loudly to wake up Zhang Bo from the grief of losing Xu Ran. After opening the fourth gate and using his strongest move, Pyo Lianhua, he was able to slightly suppress this level 2 awakened person. If he wanted to defeat him, he would have to spend a lot of money. It only takes effort. Fighting against this level 2 awakened person, Xiao Qiang could clearly feel how powerful the awakened level expert was. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also understood that Zhang Bo definitely did not use all his strength when he fought with him just now, or it can be said that he was not like now, fighting with himself head-on, and he used all his strength from the beginning. Xiao Qiang was even more convinced that Zhang Bo might have a kind nature. Seeing that he did not look for loopholes in his moves when he was panicking, he did not use all his strength to deal with Xiao Qiang.

"Zhang Bo, I know you are very strong. When you fought me just now, you didn't use all your strength. Now get up quickly and don't lie there."

Xiao Qiang kept shouting at Zhang Bo, trying to get Zhang Bo to get up quickly. In the field, the struggle was still going on. After Qiao Tong, Jiang Kai, and Wang Peng joined forces, and a strong man with level 9 strength on the opposite side injured his leg, the three of them were still stable. Suppress the two and cause some damage to them. Lin Fei's place was more brutal. Lin Fei became more and more excited as he fought, and he was also shirtless. After taking the last 3 times violent pill, he also fought head-on with the awakened level 1 strong man. Both of them were covered in Many injuries. At this moment, the level 1 awakened strongman that Han Feng was fighting against used sand to entangle Han Feng, then flew up and kicked Han Feng away. Han Feng's whole body was also thrown away. He hit the corner of the commercial building hard, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from Han Feng's mouth. After seeing this, the strong man who had awakened to Level 1 used sand to restrain Han Feng again. A sharp knife made of sand appeared in his hand and stabbed Han Feng.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, host uses Flying Thunder God Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 142/1000."

When the sand knife was about to stab Han Feng, Xiao Qiang quickly used Flying Thunder God Technique, switched to Han Feng's side, and kicked the head of the Awakening Level 1 strongman who rushed over. Caught off guard, the Awakening Level 1 strongman who was still rushing forward had no time to react, and could only quickly put his hand next to his head and formed a layer of sand defense on his hand.

"Bang", Xiao Qiang kicked the Awakening Level 1 strongman out, and he rolled into a shop.

"Everyone be careful, this kid has a strange body movement, be sure to pay attention to his sneak attack." After the black-clothed man who led the group missed a move, he saw that Xiao Qiang had instantly appeared next to him and launched a sneak attack, and also warned him.

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