Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 530 Thank you Xiao Qiang

After Xiao Qiang heard what the leading man in black said, he was also ready to help everyone more before they could react. Looking around the field, I found that Lin Fei and the black-clothed awakened level 1 strongman were fighting head-on. It was obvious that Lin Fei's injuries were more serious, and his whole body was like a bloody gourd.

"Double sword style!"

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 143/1000."

When Xiao Qiang saw Lin Fei roaring angrily, he used the double-sword technique. It seemed that he was going to have a head-to-head fight with the man in black who had awakened to level 1. After seeing this, Xiao Qiang quickly used the Flying Thunder God technique. When Lin Fei was charging forward, Xiao Qiang had already appeared beside Lin Fei, pulled out the Thousand Planes Umbrella, and followed Lin Fei. Rushed forward. The man in black who had awakened to Level 1 was also in a mood to fight. He had been fighting Lin Fei's moves just now and didn't even hear the warning from the man in black.

At this time, after seeing Xiao Qiang suddenly appearing next to Lin Fei, the man in black who had awakened to level 1 was obviously stunned for a moment, but there was no more time to react. The two of them had already rushed over. In front of the man in black, the man raised his black gold sword to block Lin Fei's double-sword attack. The three people quickly passed each other in an instant. After they passed each other, the man in black was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked at his right cuff. His entire arm was cut off. As for Xiao Qiang in the distance, a drop of blood was slipping from the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in knife form).

"Ah~" The man in black let out a painful cry, turned around and looked at Xiao Qiang and Lin Fei, the anger in his eyes seemed to be burning, and he was about to charge over with the black gold sword.

When Xiao Qiang was about to give him a fatal blow with Lin Fei, the man in black and the awakened level 1 strongman who was fighting Han Feng both rushed over and launched a attack on Xiao Qiang. attack.

"That man is missing an arm. With Lin Fei's strength and taking double the violent pill, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with him." Xiao Qiang glanced at the man, thinking like this, and concentrated on fighting with him. Two awakened level warriors started fighting.

Originally, after Xiao Qiang opened the fourth gate and took the Violent Pill, it was a bit stressful to deal with a strong person who had awakened level 2. Now he added a strong person who had awakened level 1. After Xiao Qiang dealt with him, it became even more difficult. If it weren't for the flexibility of the upgraded Wolf Fang Step technique, Xiao Qiang would have been scarred by these two men.

"Zhang Bo! Wake up, raise your head quickly, and look around you. Everyone is fighting these people because of you. Many people are injured."

"Let me tell you, there are still many good people in this world, but what happened to you is like this. The enemy who killed her is right in front of you now. Don't lie there like a coward."

While Xiao Qiang was fighting, he was forced to retreat continuously by the two men. The whole fight was extremely thrilling, but Xiao Qiang was still slowly forced to retreat to Zhang Bo's side. Unable to avoid it, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella with one hand and blocked the leader's attack. Facing the attack of another awakening-level strongman, Xiao Qiang had no way to avoid it and could only raise his hand to block it. .

With a "swipe", the sharp blade swiped across Xiao Qiang's arm, leaving a deep gash on Xiao Qiang's arm and blood flowing out. Bits and pieces of blood spread out and landed on the cheek of Zhang Bo next to him.

"Zhang Bo, wake up. Xu Ran sacrificed her life for you. Does she want to see you depressed like this?" Xiao Qiang used the Thousand Machine Umbrella to block the attack and tilted his head slightly.

This time, after Zhang Bo heard Xiao Qiang's words, he slowly raised his head, glanced at the surroundings blankly, and his expression was slowly brought back to reality from the great sadness.

Around him, Han Feng was shaken to the corner by the awakened Level 1 powerhouse. There was still some wet blood on his chest, and he was obviously seriously injured. Lin Fei had just killed the strong man who had awakened to level 1. He was covered in blood and had wounds all over his upper body. In the distance, Lin Bingyan and Sister Rourou were still sitting on the ground, breathing heavily. It looked like they had spent too much energy. In front of the building, Wang Peng and three other people were struggling to besiege two level 9 men in black. The three of them were more or less stained. Beside him, Xiao Qiang was already in danger by two awakened level experts, holding the Thousand Planes Umbrella and struggling to resist.

Upon seeing this, Han Feng waved his hand, and a rain of stones gathered and fired fiercely at the two awakening-level experts who were besieging Xiao Qiang. The two people quickly retreated back, using their respective weapons to resist while retreating.

At this time, Han Feng's empty arm was slowly gathered by stones, forming a new arm made of stones. A stone spear also appeared in Han Feng's stone arm. Han Feng threw it hard, and the stone spear immediately penetrated the body of one of the level 9 experts who was still fighting Wang Peng. .

The strength of the awakened level 3 strong man is indeed very powerful. He drove away two awakened level strong men with one move, and killed a strong level 9 human with one move, even though the strong person with level 9 strength was killed. Human beings have been seriously injured.

After killing a level 9 human, the remaining level 9 supernatural being was surrounded by Wang Peng and the other two. He was immediately full of loopholes. After Jiang Kai used the "earth binding" technique to entangle his body tightly, he was slapped down by Qiao Tong. Finally, Wang Peng shot three arrows and killed him.

At this time, after Zhang Bo stood up and made continuous attacks, the only two awakening-level strongmen in the center of the field were left with two strong men of the awakening level opposite Xiao Qiang. Of course, Xiao Qiang's side was also full of wounded soldiers, especially Lin Fei, who was the most seriously injured. But after this fight, the fact that Lin Fei, a level 8 strongman, challenged the awakening level 1 alone would surely be widely spread, and he would become the second strongest person in Longshan Base.

Sister Rourou and Lin Bingyan hurriedly shuttled among several people to help them bandage and treat them.

Of course, if Zhang Bo had not acted in time, Xiao Qiang would probably be injured. At that time, there would be no one in Longshan Base who could stop these two.

"Xiao Qiang, thank you." Zhang Bo turned his head and said to Xiao Qiang.

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