Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 531: The Power of Self-Destruction

Zhang Bo has not said the words "thank you" from his mouth for who knows how long. Whether it is before the apocalypse or after the apocalypse, Zhang Bo has always faced cold treatment from others, and has never encountered such a person. Someone who deserves to say thank you to yourself.

"Brother Zhang Bo, you're welcome. Thanks to your timely action, otherwise these two awakening-level experts would have been really difficult to deal with." Xiao Qiang smiled at Zhang Bo and said.

"You call me big brother, okay. No one has been willing to call me big brother for a long time. Before the end of the world, they disliked me and were unwilling to make friends with me. After the end of the world, they thought I was a big devil, and they all avoided me. Especially in the capital. It's worth it to hear you call me big brother today." Zhang Bo laughed and patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder.

"You gave me the chance to fight just now, right? After we kill these men in black and return to the Longshan base, let's have a good fight. How about it?" Xiao Qiang also smiled and said, Said to Zhang Bo.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Bo shook his head, smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Qiang, you are different from others. You have a very special charm, but you are too soft-hearted."

"It would be great if Xiaoran and I met you earlier. In that case, I would definitely become good brothers with you. It's a pity that the two of us have encountered too much and too much pain. In this world , Xiao Ran, whom I love most, has left, and there is no point in me continuing to live in this world." Zhang Bo's expression looked a little gloomy at this point.

"But, Brother Zhang Bo, here..." Xiao Qiang seemed a little anxious after hearing Zhang Bo's words and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Xiao Qiang, I know what you want to say. But for me now, I just want to be with Xiaoran. This is what they are looking for this time, although I don't know what it is for. , but seeing that they came here specifically to look for this thing, it should be quite important, so I will leave it to you, or you can keep it for your own research." Zhang Bo interrupted Xiao Qiang. After speaking, he also took out a roll of brown paper from his arms and stuffed it into Xiao Qiang's hand.

Xiao Qiang looked down at what Zhang Bo handed him and found that the kraft paper should be the same thing as the kraft paper formula he had obtained at the Liutong County base, but it was just another part.

When they were in Liutong County, Li Feng and the others wanted to use the incomplete roll of kraft paper for human experiments. However, Xiao Qiang broke their plan and obtained part of the kraft paper fragments. Yang Xue simply After research, I found that it was a fragment of a formula, but I still don’t know what formula it is.

In addition, Xiao Qiang also has a task about collecting formulas. The successful reward of the task is the core set of the steel armor.

"Your name is Xiao Qiang, right? Liang Zi has settled this matter. Things between us are not over yet. We will definitely visit your base when we get back." At this time, the man in black who took the lead suddenly While retreating back, he threatened Xiao Qiang.

Hearing the words of the leading man in black, Xiao Qiang knew that if that man wanted to join forces with Xiao Qiang to deal with the two of them after seeing Zhang Bo wake up, he would definitely not be able to resist, so he was already preparing to escape.

In an instant, I saw the man in black with level 1 power. He took action instantly. The man in black was a wind power. Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the center of the entire venue, and some dust was gradually swept up by the strong wind. Suddenly, the entire venue was filled with panic, and the dust slowly obscured the figures of the two men in black.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Planes Umbrella tightly and saw that the two people were about to run away. When he was about to rush forward, he saw Zhang Bo on the side stretched out his hand.

He stood in front of him, and at the same time his whole aura changed, and his whole person looked different.

Smiling at Xiao Qiang, Zhang Bo relaxed and said to Xiao Qiang: "They can't run away. They killed Xiao Ran. I won't let them go. Xiao Qiang, I'm happy to meet you."

After speaking to Xiao Qiang, Zhang Bo slowly raised his hand. The stones around him shook slightly, and finally slowly floated into the air.

Zhang Bo turned around and smiled softly facing Xiao Qiang. The strong wind blew across Zhang Bo's cheek, revealing his relieved smile. Slowly walking forward, Zhang Bo's figure gradually disappeared into the dust kicked up by the strong wind.

Then, Xiao Qiang just saw Zhang Bo, who was heavily wrapped in stones, grabbing the two of them and flying into the air. The surrounding stones quickly gathered towards the three people in the air. Soon, a huge stone ball was formed in the air, and the ball was slowly expanding.

"No, Brother Zhang Bo is going to blow himself up, hurry up and retreat." Xiao Qiang saw Zhang Bo's intention and shouted loudly to the people behind him.

Xiao Qiang has learned from Xiao Cong that after upgrading to the awakening level, he can concentrate his body's energy into one location, and then produce a self-destruction with huge energy. Although this kind of self-destruction will generate energy several times the own strength, the same thing is that the user himself will be affected by the self-destruction.

In the situation just now, it was obvious that Xiao Qiang and his team had the advantage. But after Zhang Bo saw Xu Ran's death just now, he was extremely sad and no longer interested in this apocalyptic continent, so he chose to use this method to deal with the man in black.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone turned around and glanced at the huge stone ball floating in the air, and quickly ran away outside the commercial building.

With a "boom", as the stone ball expanded rapidly, a huge sound rang out. In an instant, the entire road of the shopping mall was full of falling stone powder.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 144/1000."

At the moment of the explosion, Xiao Qiang quickly used the Flying Thunder God technique, rushed to Lin Bingyan's side, and immediately hugged Lin Bingyan and Sister Rourou in his arms, pressing them under his body, and holding up the Thousand Machine Umbrella to block the heads of the three.

"Haven't you touched enough yet? Why don't you come to your sister's place tonight and let you touch enough." After a moment, Sister Rourou's teasing voice suddenly rang out and said to Xiao Qiang.

Hearing this, Xiao Qiang gently squeezed his hand and felt that the object in his hand was round and soft. Xiao Qiang quickly removed the Thousand Machine Umbrella that was blocking his body. He then realized that he had put his hand on Sister Rourou's chest in a hurry. What's more, after hearing what Sister Rourou said just now, he even touched it tentatively to feel what it felt like.


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