Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 532 Another part of the recipe

Immediately, Xiao Qiang stood up suddenly, as if he had been electrocuted, and his face instantly turned red, all the way to his neck.

Sister Rourou, who was pinched by Xiao Qiang, saw Xiao Qiang's embarrassment, looked at Xiao Qiang with a charming look, and smiled gently. Then, she gently patted the stone chips on her body.

"Sister Rourou, what happened to Bingyan? Why did she faint?" Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan lying on the ground, hurriedly supported Lin Bingyan, and asked Sister Rourou anxiously.

"It's okay, I just helped her check, and you looked flustered. You've been fighting for so long, and you've been hit by a palm, you're overworked, and the energy wave generated by the self-explosion just now, you'll wake up after a rest." Sister Rourou pulled her black stockings outward, then quickly bounced back, shaking up a layer of stone dust, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Oh, then I'm relieved. Fortunately, I brought you here today, Sister Rourou. Bingyan, please take care of me. I'll go see how the others are doing." Xiao Qiang nodded, turned his head to the center of the field, and spoke.

Then, Xiao Qiang saw that the huge energy generated by Zhang Bo's self-explosion shattered all the glass on the entire road nearby, and even some houses were shaken a little crooked. The entire road was covered with a thick layer of stone chips. The people he brought here were showing their heads from the thick dust one by one, all of them were covered in dust, and were patting the dust on their bodies.

"Brother Qiang, everyone is fine. The two men in black should have been killed with Zhang Bo's self-explosion." Seeing this, everyone ran towards Xiao Qiang. When Wang Peng exploded, he controlled the aircraft to jump high, so he looked the cleanest among the people in the field.

"Puff, the self-detonation power of this awakening-level strongman is really huge, and you can see it by looking at this road."

"Alas, but it's a pity for Zhang Bo and the other two poor people. They have suffered all kinds of unfair suffering."

"We are all lucky. In the end times, we have met so many like-minded people and have such a warm base."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang listened to everyone gathering together, patting the dust on his body and chatting. Feeling the item in his hand, Xiao Qiang looked down and found that it was the kraft paper formula that Zhang Bo had just handed to him. The whole person unconsciously fell into deep thought.

Just now, Xu Ran looked at Zhang Bo with tears in his eyes and full of pity in his eyes. He wrote the word "home" in Zhang Bo's palm.

Perhaps, those two years a long time ago were the happiest time for the two of them. The two of them went out in the morning and were busy with their own things. Although the work was very tiring, they were concerned about each other in their hearts. Even if they were tired and hard, their hearts were full of love, knowing how to think about each other, and working together for their small home.

Returning home at night was the happiest time of the day for the two of them. In the small house of several square meters, under the dim light, the two of them had firewood, rice, oil and salt. The food might be very poor, but they could feel warm. Accumulating bit by bit, they worked slowly for the two of them to have their own small home in this city of reinforced concrete.

"Maybe, if they hadn't met that hateful boss, hadn't been looked down upon by everyone after the end of the world, and hadn't been thrown off the car by those who had helped them on a daily basis. They were just an ordinary pair of happy lovers. I'm afraid there would be one less pair of big demons in this end of the world." Xiao Qiang raised his head and looked at the stone chips flying in the air, thinking softly.

"Let's bury them here." Xiao Qiang came out of his contemplation and said to everyone.

After a while, several people simply buried the two and went back to Longshan Base together.

Suddenly, after everyone in Longshan Base left the commercial building and went to Longshan Base, under the dust, a man in black slowly raised his head from the dust. It was the man in black who was stunned by Xu Ran's sonic attack. He looked around and saw that there was no one, so he hurried to the upper city.

After everyone returned to the base, Xiao Qiang thought again and again, and after discussing with everyone, he decided to set up a complaint or confession department, which would be temporarily led by Lin Bingyan. At the same time, he once again told all the people in the base that they must unite and be friendly to everyone.

After the fight with Zhang Bo, Longshan Base seemed to be back on track.

However, Xiao Qiang felt that everyone was different. After experiencing the fight in the city, everyone seemed to feel that their strength was still a little weaker than that of other bases, so everyone became more diligent in training.

After everyone became more diligent in training, Yang Xue's laboratory became a popular place. Because not only was the mutant training room under the management of Yang Xue, but even the black gold refining device was used by Yang Xue. The black gold pills refined by it could greatly improve the training speed of mutants.

However, fortunately, in addition to the daily supplies for their cultivation, Longshan Base also has a complete reward and punishment system. Although everyone is enthusiastic, there is no quarrel.

As for Xiao Qiang, the most important thing recently is to upgrade to the superpower level as soon as possible, and then prepare for the sweep and collection of supplies led by M Company two weeks later.

For this reason, after discussing with everyone, Xiao Qiang decided to go to the city alone to kill zombies. Others continued to clean up the zombies in Liutong County according to the original plan, and made arrangements for the survivors who came to seek refuge in the end of the world.

Of course, Xiao Qiang still couldn't understand the content of the parchment formula obtained from Zhang Bo. After returning to the base, he handed it to Yang Xue.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this part of the parchment formula, Yang Xue seemed very happy. That cold face smiled rarely and kept talking to Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang felt that Yang Xue was about to kiss him. ^ l

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