Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 533 Winter Heating Equipment

Just when Xiao Qiang was planning to follow Yang Xue to take credit and show how much effort he had put into finding the formula, Yang Xue regained her cold face, said goodbye to Xiao Qiang, and hurried to study the formula.

Xiao Qiang was left standing there, complaining in his heart that Yang Xue was obsessed with this kind of scientific research, and then he hurried out.

"Ding, the task of unifying Lujiang City is completed, and the reward for success is: you can be promoted to the superpower level. I hope the host will work harder and accumulate experience to reach the superpower level."

"Ding, the host's Longshan base has reached 10,000 people, and the reward is winter heating system equipment (advanced)."

At night, just when Xiao Qiang was about to go to bed, two prompts suddenly sounded in the system. The sound of the two prompts made Xiao Qiang immediately alert.

First of all, there is a prompt that the mission is successful. Xiao Qiang also knows that after the competition with Zhang Bo, his Longshan Base is the most powerful in the entire Xuzhou City, and M Company also recognized it at the beginning, so it cooperated with Longshan Base to let them join the Doomsday Alliance.

However, the system believes that Zhang Bo's awakening level 3 strength is also very strong, enough to pose a threat to Longshan Base. Of course, in fact, Zhang Bo's strength is indeed stronger than Xiao Qiang. So the system will wait until Xiao Qiang and Zhang Bo finish the competition before giving the reward.

The reward for Xiao Qiang's base after exceeding 10,000 people is quite beyond Xiao Qiang's expectations. He didn't expect that the personnel of the base could still get some rewards after exceeding 10,000 people.

After Xiao Qiang and his team joined the Doomsday Alliance, Longshan Base became known to more survivors. In addition, Longshan Base has been cleaning up zombies in recent weeks, so it is even more famous in the vicinity. Many survivors have come to join. Of course, there are also some hunter teams and some small bases that have been infected by the atmosphere in Longshan Base and joined Longshan Base.

"Winter heating system equipment (advanced) - using solar energy for heating, it can maximize the conversion of energy and meet the heating needs."

Xiao Qiang was very happy after seeing the introduction of this equipment in the system. After all, it is already autumn and winter is coming soon. The newly built houses in Longshan Base don't know how to heat yet.

If electricity is used, there is a great demand for the base's electricity, and the base's gasoline will be consumed very happily. If radiators are used, there is no such a large boiler in the base.

Now, the system just sent this advanced heating equipment. Xiao Qiang believed that since it was a high-level item produced by the system, it would definitely be warm even if it used solar energy. Originally, Xiao Qiang was going to open the mall level 2 authority and check the system to see if there were any intermediate heating items. Now Xiao Qiang didn't have to look for them.

After getting such things, Xiao Qiang also had a good sleep.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the logistics team of the base had already gotten up early and cooked. After a while, the curling smoke had already drifted away.

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was supposed to be sleeping in, got up early, and even Xiaolang was not in the house.

After fighting with Zhang Bo, Xiao Qiang also deeply realized the importance of high level and the shortcomings of his own strength. Therefore, although he still had to go to the city to upgrade today, Xiao Qiang followed Lin Fei on the road at the main entrance of the base early in the morning to train in the iron lifting project. Xiao Qiang also put the little wolf into the mountain behind the base, allowing it to hunt and play in the mountains.

It was already autumn, and the weather was still a little cold in the morning. Lin Fei's upper body was still naked, and it was wrapped in bandages. But his body was full of sweat, and the wounds were bleeding as Lin Fei exerted force, staining the bandages on his body red. However, Lin Fei completely ignored his injuries and was holding a dumbbell weighing more than 1,000 kilograms in one hand, constantly lifting it up to do exercises. These fitness equipment were also specially exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the system. They were all specially made, otherwise, I am afraid that I can lift the dumbbells weighing more than 1,000 kilograms, but I can't hold them.

Next to him, Miaomiao also got up early, took out the bandages and red medicine from the infirmary, put them in the medicine box, and sat on the bench on the lawn beside the road, watching Lin Fei exercising in front with admiration. After Lin Fei finished exercising, she helped him re-bandage.

Xiao Qiang, of course, was not to be outdone. Although there was no little girl to cheer him on, Lin Bingyan was in turn to use the mutant training room, so he hurried to practice. Xiao Qiang had a bandage wrapped around his arm, and the wound on his arm was still left in the fight in the city. At this time, Xiao Qiang was lying on the ground with one hand, with nearly 700 pounds of weight on his back, and was doing push-ups vigorously.





Xiao Qiang was doing push-ups with weights, and counting in his mouth while panting. At this time, there were more and more people on the road. In addition to the patrol team who came to change shifts, there were also some people who came for morning exercises.

"Huh, the morning air is still fresh. There are more and more people exercising in our base now, and everyone's enthusiasm is quite high. It seems that more and more people have been infected by Lin Fei and know the importance of a good body in the end times." After Xiao Qiang finished 1,000 push-ups, he stood up, took a long breath, and spoke to Wang Liang who was walking towards him.

"Yes, everyone in the base already knows about what happened to you in the city. Now, in addition to being on guard against the people of M Company Li Zhong who may make things difficult at any time, there is another black-clad man who is unknown but very powerful and is attacking the base. Everyone in the base wants to contribute to the base. If I hadn't mutated, I would have to compete with Lin Fei. Before the end of the world, I was also very keen on exercising." Wang Liang came in front of Xiao Qiang and said to him.

"That's right, it seems we have a new enemy, and we don't know where this enemy comes from. But Brother Liang, your figure is already very good among ordinary people. When we first met, I was particularly envious of your figure." Xiao Qiang laughed, scratched his head awkwardly, and said to Wang Liang.

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