Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 534 Intelligence Team

As he was talking, Xiao Qiang suddenly thought of something, grabbed Wang Liang again and said, "Brother Liang, Brother Liang, what did you just say?"

Seeing Xiao Qiang asking him urgently, Wang Liang was stunned for a moment, grinning and thinking back: "Me, I said that if I mutate, I will definitely have a good competition with Lin Fei. Look, Who exercises better.

"No, not this sentence, but the previous sentence. What are you talking about?" After hearing Wang Liang's words, Xiao Qiang shook his head and continued to ask.

"The previous sentence, let me think about it. I said that in addition to Li Zhong from Company M, we have another organization like the Men in Black. I don’t know when Li Zhong will make things difficult for us, and I don’t know when those Men in Black will When will the base where we are located launch an attack on our base? This is it." Wang Liang was also a little confused by Xiao Qiang's actions. He raised his head and tried to think about what he said, and then became confused. Looked at Xiao Qiang.

At this moment, Wang Peng, Han Feng and others heard what happened on Xiao Qiang's side and walked over to Xiao Qiang. They didn't understand what was going on with Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang saw that because he suddenly thought of an idea, his voice was too loud and disturbed other people. He looked at the people around him apologetically.

"I just suddenly had an idea. Let's go to the side to discuss and see how this idea can be implemented." Xiao Qiang said to the core members of his base.

As they spoke, several people walked over to a nearby stone table and sat down at it.

"What Brother Liang said just now suddenly reminded me that for such a long time, the information in our base has been very closed. Now, in addition to getting some information from the machine of the Doomsday Alliance, there is also some information from Shen San , We have no independent way of obtaining information from the outside. If we have a conflict with Company M and they close all these information channels, we will have no channels to obtain information." Xiao Qiang sat. Beside the stone table, he said to several people.

"Yes, just like the men in black organization this time, we only know that they are members of a base in the upper-level city. They are very powerful. Even which base they are from, the overall strength of the base We don’t even know what kind of attack they will have or when they will launch an attack on us." After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Wang Liang pondered for a moment and then said.

"Yes, it has been nearly five months since the end of the world, and the snobbery in each city has basically taken shape. If all humans worked together to fight zombies, there would be no need to establish any intelligence network. But now, let alone the top The three forces, even this level 4 city, are divided into many large and small bases. Who can guarantee what they think? Alas, if everyone can still be in the same situation as before the apocalypse, what will happen next? Under the leadership of the legion, they work together and work hard in one place, so what do the zombies have to fear? But now, let alone other forces, even the legion's methods are somewhat incomprehensible. "Han Feng also said immediately, perhaps remembering the practices of these bases in the apocalypse. The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and he punched the stone table hard.

"Brother Han, don't be discouraged or angry. This is the purpose of establishing Longshan Base. It is to provide shelter for more survivors and unite more people to deal with zombies. However, the strength of our base is still too high now. Weak, in order to cope with the current situation, we must establish our own intelligence network." Xiao Qiang gently patted Han Feng and said comfortingly, and put forward his own opinions.

"If you want to establish an intelligence network, you can set up a team, but if you want to find out information, the members of the team must be strong enough and smart enough. After all, if you want to find out information, this work still has a certain degree of danger. Yes, so you must choose carefully when choosing someone." Wang Peng looked at everyone and said while thinking.

"Since we are going to set up an intelligence team, why not we also set up an assassination team, composed of more powerful personnel, to perform some special tasks, just like what is mentioned in some books." At this time, Wang Peng's deputy, Liu Jie, who had bone powers, also came over and suggested to several people.

Soon, after seeing a few people discussing things, more and more people gathered around. The Longshan base is like this. Except for some special things, Xiao Qiang is open and transparent about almost everything. Everyone can come and put forward their opinions and participate in meetings. But regarding the establishment of an intelligence network, Xiao Qiang felt that the less people knew about it, the better. After all, intelligence work is also a relatively important job. If it is leaked at will, it will be very dangerous for this intelligence team that has not yet been established.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang also quickly winked at Wang Liang and gestured to him. After the apocalypse broke out, the two of them were together, and there was no need to say that they had a tacit understanding. Seeing Xiao Qiang After raising his head and taking a look at himself, he understood what Xiao Qiang meant.

"Haha, just chatting. Liu Jie, you have read too many novels before. What assassination team? This is the end of the world. There are so many zombies that we can't finish killing. How can we have time to hunt? Okay, everyone, go exercise quickly. Let's be lazy. We will drink soy milk for breakfast. Everyone, work hard to exercise. You can drink more in a while." Wang Liang stood up, stretched out his hand and touched Liu Jie's head. After laughing and dispersing the people around, he spoke to the crowd around him.

After seeing that only a few people he trusted were left in the center of the field, Xiao Qiang continued to look at the crowd and said, "Xiao Jie is right. In addition to establishing an intelligence team, we can also establish a powerful assassination team. In this way, if the two teams are sent out, they can help each other and complement each other to better complete these tasks. Moreover, it is also a very important thing to establish these two teams, so they must be established as soon as possible."

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