Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 535 Two Groups

"Just the selection of the leaders of these two groups..." When talking about the selection of the team leaders, Xiao Qiang was a little embarrassed. Looking around, there were still too few people in Longshan Base who could make him trust and had strength.

"Let's do this. Wang Peng will be the leader of the assassination team. Liu Jie has been with Wang Peng for a while. Liu Jie will be in charge of the patrol team. Brother Han Feng should also pay more attention to the patrol team. Wu Ze will be the leader of the intelligence team. Wu Shan will be in charge of the training team first, and let him choose a deputy leader. Wu Ze happened to be a special reconnaissance soldier in the army before, and now he can do some of his old business." Xiao Qiang thought about it and decided to speak.

These meetings in Longshan Base have gradually developed a habit. In the stage of discussing things, everyone can speak freely. But when it comes to making a decision, it is Xiao Qiang who makes the decision and speaks. If you have any questions or good suggestions, you can also raise them after Xiao Qiang makes the decision. Of course, this management method was also told to Xiao Qiang by Lin Bingyan.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Wang Peng immediately frowned and said to Xiao Qiang: "Brother Qiang, it's okay for me to manage the patrol team, but if I am responsible for the entire assassination team, how can I take on such an important task? What if I make mistakes at that time?"

"It's okay, I believe you can definitely do it well. Your perception ability and your accurate shooting skills are both very good abilities, and you are a careful person. I feel relieved to leave this matter to you. In addition, you can choose members of the two groups at will from the Longshan base, or from other Longshan teams, and you can also use some medicines and weapons first. I have only one request, to establish the two groups for me with quality in the shortest time." Xiao Qiang smiled at Wang Peng and said.

"Okay, no problem." This time, seeing Xiao Qiang's firm tone, Wang Peng did not refuse any more, and stood up with Wu Ze and spoke together.

After breakfast, the people in the base were busy with their own things. Longshan Team 1 continued to be responsible for the task of clearing zombies in Liutong County, while Longshan Team 2 had a special task today. There is a small base in the nearby Jili County. Two days ago, they discussed with Longshan Base and joined Longshan Base. Longshan Team 2 went there today to assist and protect them in their relocation to Longshan Base. Xiao Qiang naturally would not handle these things personally, and Wang Liang was responsible for negotiating and arranging them.

Wang Peng and Wu Ze did not even have time to eat breakfast, and went into the house to study the operation mode and selection criteria of the two groups. Others were also busy with their own things. Han Feng managed the Black Gold Exchange, Lin Bingyan was still practicing, and Yang Xue was busy doing product research and development in the laboratory. . . . . . .

After Xiao Qiang said hello to everyone, he took Xiaolang and found another off-road vehicle to go to the city to practice, trying to accumulate enough experience points as soon as possible and upgrade to the supernatural level.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience points +300, exchange points +300, reward plant growth feed (intermediate)."

. . . . . .

Now that Xiao Qiang kills level 4 zombies, the extra black gold he gets is no longer collected from the zombies by spending exchange points. Instead, he keeps Xiaolang by his side. If he kills zombies above level 4, Xiaolang will rush up and find the black gold on the zombies' bodies and swallow them.

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 37/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 150/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 21/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 21/1000."

. . .

Soon, a day of continuous killing by Xiao Qiang and Xiao Lang had reached the evening. The two men also rushed out of the blood pile, their clothes were torn, and their bodies were covered in blood.

When charging in the urban area, Xiao Qiang himself did not dare to go too deep, but just circled around to kill the zombies outside the entire urban area. Even so, due to the large number of zombies in the urban area, there are still many powerful zombies outside the urban area. During the fight, Xiao Qiang was surrounded by a group of zombies led by several level five zombies. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang's current strength was strong enough. After opening the four doors twice, he rushed out of the encirclement of the zombies with the little wolf, but he was scratched by a zombie's claws.

In 1 day, Xiao Qiang also gained more than 80,000 experience points and exchange points. The total experience value has risen to more than 800,000. With more than 100,000 experience points, he can upgrade to the superpower level. When he thought of the various magical superpowers, Xiao Qiang had great expectations.

He took Xiaolang back to the base. Because of the experience last time, everyone saw that Xiao Qiang behaved relatively normally, so they were not surprised by his bloody appearance. They just urged him to take a shower and change clothes.

While taking a shower, Xiao Qiang noticed that since a small base had just come to the base today, the base was also very lively as a whole. Not far away, people could hear people moving things and talking and laughing.

It was just that Xiao Qiang had just finished taking a shower and walked towards the living room of the villa. He saw that there were already many people sitting in the living room. Wang Liang, Jiang Kai, Qiao Tong, Han Feng, and others were sitting in one place. Everyone looked angry and sat on the sofa with a dissatisfied look on their faces. Wang Peng and Wu Ze sat opposite to the others, looking at them helplessly, waiting for Xiao Qiang to finish his shower.

"Brother Qiang, Wang Peng is too outrageous. He went to my Longshan 1st team today and took away several elites from me, and also took away my deputy captain." Before Xiao Qiang walked down the stairs, Jiang Kai saw Xiao Qiang and took the lead to speak to him.

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