Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 536 These two people went too far

"Not only them, but several of my vice-captains were selected by Wu Ze. Those vice-captains were cultivated and discovered by me with great difficulty, and they were just taken away by Wu Ze." Wu Shan said with a big smile. He shouted loudly at Xiao Qiang.

"There are also people in our black gold exchange who were also pulled into his team. The key is that the two of them actually said that the selected people have to go through assessment and screening. They are not sure yet from me. People who live far away can join the group. My two people are so good, I’m not willing to give them if they don’t want them.” Han Feng also stood up and started complaining to Xiao Qiang.

. . . . . .

After seeing Xiao Qiang walking downstairs, everyone stood up one after another. Before Xiao Qiang could say anything, they started making noises at Xiao Qiang's words. Listening to what they said, Xiao Qiang also understood what they wanted to express. He must have formed two teams today, and then gave Wang Peng and Wu Ze the priority to select team members. They picked people from all over the base, and also picked people from these Longshan teams and other places, and then annoyed the members of other groups.

Listening to everyone's complaints, Xiao Qiang felt his head buzzing. He turned to look at Wang Peng and Wu Ze next to him. The two seemed very indifferent, looking at the scene with smiles. Among the people.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that after these two people had what they said, they had left the problem of convincing everyone to themselves.

"Sister Rourou, why did you come with them? Did they choose someone from your medical team?" Xiao Qiang asked in surprise when he saw Sister Rourou.

At this time, Sister Rourou was sitting alone on the sofa, wearing a black coat on her upper body and a white T-shirt underneath, which highlighted her plump figure. The lower body is wearing a black miniskirt. This time her legs are not wrapped in stockings, but her white and tight thighs are exposed. People can't help but want to take their eyes away after just one look. Although Sister Rourou did not gather around Xiao Qiang as soon as she saw him like the others, she was obviously sitting with them. At this moment, he was sitting alone on the sofa, looking at Xiao Qiang who asked him with a smile.

"Why do you think I'm here? It's not like you gave them two instructions to pick people at will. Wu Ze actually went to my medical team to pick people and picked several girls from me. , and said that for some investigation work, it would be more convenient for the girl." Sister Rourou also stood up, walked to Xiao Qiang's side, supported Xiao Qiang, and leaned on Xiao Qiang.

Smelling the fragrance of Sister Rourou, Xiao Qiang quickly distanced himself from Sister Rourou. Then, some questioning eyes looked at Wu Ze and the other two, but they didn't expect that the people they selected were all in Sister Rourou's medical team. However, the two of them waved their hands, indicating that you let us choose at will. If they have any objections, it is up to you to convince them.

After Xiao Qiang saw the two people's reactions, he swallowed his saliva, smiled helplessly at the people around him and said, "That's it. I discussed it with them this morning and felt that there is a lack of quality in our base. An organization like an intelligence organization. Just imagine, if we don’t have our own intelligence organization, we don’t even know who our enemies are, or what’s happening in other bases, and every time we want to know something. , that is, some information can only be revealed through machines like the Doomsday Alliance and Shen San.”

"Now, our enemies are not only Li Zhong from Company M, but also the men in black we met in the city. If they fight with Company M, they will interrupt all this information. , we don’t know the information from the outside. Moreover, when the men in black will attack us, it will be more reliable only if we form an intelligence organization. In this case, it will be more reliable to form our own intelligence system. It’s very necessary.”

"Of course, everyone knows that I won't tell you how dangerous intelligence work is, and the personnel must be strong. Therefore, in addition to the intelligence team, we also formed an assassination team after discussing with everyone. Therefore, I allowed the two of them to choose people from the base at will, including from everyone’s team.”

Xiao Qiang looked around the crowd, stood in the center of the field, and spoke impassionedly to the crowd. While talking, Xiao Qiang pointed at the instruments of the Doomsday Alliance and followed several people.

"Brother Qiang, I was also present during the meeting. We don't have much objection to the selection of people among us, even if the two of them even selected our vice-captain." Jiang Kai heard Xiao Qiang's words After the words, he was the first to speak.

"Furthermore, we also know that if we can join the intelligence team and the assassination team, the various benefits will be better than those in the Longshan team. Of course we will not block their future." Han Feng was also nervous. Then he said.

"But, when these two people went to pick people, they actually said that our capable assistants might not necessarily be selected into their teams. They also said that they just thought our people were relatively suitable. Whether they could be selected or not would depend on their training and examinations. Moreover, they only selected 30 people from each group. They were all our capable assistants. How come they failed in their team?" Sister Rourou was quite excited when she spoke. Her chest kept swinging up and down with her body. While speaking, she glared at Wang Peng and Wu Ze next to her.

Xiao Qiang did not expect that after the two people picked so many people, they still had to go through layers of selection. The key was that they said so when they picked other people's people.

When he turned his head and looked at the two people, they still looked very innocent. They spread their hands to Xiao Qiang to express their helplessness, as if to say that it was you who asked us to form the team anyway, and now it was up to you to convince them.

"Well, as the saying goes, professional matters should be left to professionals. I believe that they must have their reasons for doing so."

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