Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 537: House Construction

"Because intelligence work is relatively dangerous, the person they want to select must be someone who can be trained by them and be qualified for this job. Moreover, if he is not selected, it does not mean that he will never be selected. The people you selected are not good enough, but they may not be suitable for this kind of intelligence work. After all, they have already proven themselves with you." Xiao Qiang smiled awkwardly and looked at the people around him. Everyone opened their mouths to explain.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone's mood relaxed slightly. Originally, they came here not because they thought it was bad to establish an intelligence team and an assassination team, nor did they support the establishment of these two teams at the base. I just feel that the people who work very well under me have to go through assessments before joining them, because I am afraid that my people will be wronged and I feel sorry for my people.

"Furthermore, although the treatment and various benefits of the intelligence team and the assassination team are much better than those of other teams, as long as everyone works hard and contributes to the base, everyone will also have a lot of good benefits. More The important thing is that as our base gradually grows, I believe that more and more good things will be distributed to everyone, and everyone will be able to live more comfortably in this apocalyptic world. Finally, regarding the establishment of two groups. Everyone should try to keep the situation as confidential as possible, and the fewer people know about it, the better," Xiao Qiang added.

"Okay!" After everyone came here and heard the answer they wanted to hear, they all responded in unison and went about their business.

Wang Peng and Wu Ze ran faster. After seeing that Xiao Qiang came out to explain clearly to everyone, they hurried back to the room and continued to study the training plan carefully prepared by the two.

After seeing that everyone was finally convinced, Xiao Qiang also took a long breath and secretly lamented that it was still difficult to be a leader.

"Not bad, not bad. He looks more and more like a manager." At this moment, a soft lady's voice came down from the corridor.

Xiao Qiang looked up and saw that Lin Bingyan had just come down from upstairs after taking a shower. Today, Lin Bingyan did not go out with the team to kill zombies. Instead, she used the mutant training room to practice crazily. . Lin Bingyan, who had just taken a shower at this time, still looked a little wet. Her hair was naturally scattered on her shoulders. She was wearing a pink pajamas and a cute pink hairpin on her head.

"That's not because of Madam's guidance and education." Upon seeing this, Xiao Qiang also smiled at Lin Bingyan and said.

"Hey, how are you? Did you get hurt when you went out today?" Lin Bingyan asked caringly.

"It's okay, you're fine. How about you? I heard that you practiced in the practice room for a full day today? Are you tired?" Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan walking beside him. , took Lin Bingyan's hand and said softly.

"Fortunately, after these few fights, I also deeply felt my own lack of strength. If you hadn't given me a lot of pills and techniques recently, I might not be able to reach Super Power 6 now. So, in order to be able to fight alongside you in the future, I decided to train hard recently." Lin Bingyan raised her head and looked at Xiao Qiang with eyes like stars.

"You!" Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan's appearance, stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Bingyan's cheek gently. Looking at the warm jade lips, he couldn't help but lean forward to kiss her.

"Ahem, I really can't bear to disturb you two. However, today we have vacuum-packed meat to eat. Jiang Kai and his team found food that had been stored in a food processing factory. After taking a look, the food is still OK. Food. Moreover, a small base has joined us today, so we invite you two to make a grand appearance and join us for dinner." At this moment, Li Wei was leaning on the door frame with a smile on her face. Looking at the two of them, they said jokingly.

"Xiaowei, I'm going to beat you." When Lin Bingyan saw this, her face turned red with embarrassment. She pretended to be angry and chased Li Wei, and the two of them ran towards the canteen.

Xiao Qiang stayed where he was, licking his lips helplessly, shaking his head, and chased after him.

At dinner, since Jiang Kai and the others went to Liutong County to clean up zombies today, they found a food processing factory with a lot of vacuum-packed meat products. Therefore, in addition to the daily rice porridge and stir-fry dishes, everyone had dinner. They were all given some meat products, so everyone seemed very happy.

During the meal, there was no shortage of people at Longshan Base to stir up the atmosphere. Brother Ding and the others asked Xiao Qiang to say a few words to welcome the new members, but Xiao Qiang could only say a few words to everyone in the center with a red face. When everyone gathered around to eat, Jiang Kai and the others talked about some things they encountered when they went out, and Han Feng and the others also talked about some things that happened in the black gold exchange. The rest of the people in the base also gathered together, talking and laughing, making the base a lively scene.

"Brother Qiang, the number of people in our base has reached more than 15,000 now. Many people in Luzhou City have come to join our base because of the reputation. Now our houses are not enough. If more people come, , the two floors of the cafeteria are no longer enough. Judging from the current situation, there are still hundreds of people coming every day. Should we first consider announcing that no one will be admitted for the time being on the Doomsday Alliance instrument? "While eating, Wang Liang came over and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, the cafeteria has been feeling a bit crowded recently, and it's autumn now. In winter, it would be a bit inappropriate for everyone to crowd in the cafeteria." After hearing what Wang Liang said, Han Feng put down his bowl and chopsticks and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

After hearing the conversation between the two, everyone was also quite concerned about such a question. They all turned their heads and looked in the direction of the three people.

"How is our house being built? Can it be used now, or can part of it be used?" Xiao Qiang asked after hearing the two people's questions.

"The speed of house construction has greatly accelerated now, but now it has only been built a lot. The houses have not been decorated yet, and some simple furniture has not been placed. If the first batch of houses want to be used, they have to wait until winter." Wang Liang has been in charge of the house trimming work at the base. After hearing Xiao Qiang's question, he answered truthfully.

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