Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 538 How many people should be included?

In fact, building houses in the apocalypse is not as convenient as before the apocalypse. Although Xiao Qiang has exchanged a lot of building materials from the system, only a small number of people in the base have built houses before, and this has been accelerated after the construction equipment that Xiao Qiang specially found.

"Yeah." After hearing Wang Liang's words, Xiao Qiang also pondered for a moment and then said: "The matter of accommodating personnel must not be stopped. We originally established the Longshan base, thinking that everyone can have a place to stay in the apocalypse. Moreover, the information has been released. If we regret it now, it will inevitably affect the credibility of our base and its reputation in everyone's mind."

"Why don't we simply build some iron houses and let the new people settle in those houses first." Wang Liang suggested again.

"No, it's already very bad to let everyone live in the canteen, and it's even worse if they live in a tin house. Moreover, building a tin house also requires materials and manpower. Now, there are few people in our base who are proficient in building houses. If we allocate some people, it will be a waste of our base's personnel." Xiao Qiang thought about it and rejected Wang Liang's proposal.

"Then what should we do?" After hearing this, Wang Liang scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"So, when the people from the Black Wind Base joined in, I already had this idea. Although there are not enough houses in our Longshan base, there is Kangzhuang Village opposite the base, where there are ready-made houses. In the past, there were few people in the base and we couldn't allocate people to go there. Now that our base has a lot of people, we can completely incorporate Kangzhuang Village into our Longshan base. There is only one road between there and our Longshan base. As long as we do a good job of protecting it." Xiao Qiang slapped his forehead and said to several people.

"So, expand the patrol team and select 300 smart and capable people from them again, with the same treatment as the original patrol team members. Mix with the original patrol team members, and transfer half of them to guard Kangzhuang Village. In addition, call on the base personnel who are temporarily unemployed to go to Kangzhuang Village tomorrow to clean up Kangzhuang Village and take simple protection. The first thing is to burn all the corpses of the zombies. By the way, when you go there, you must ask Liu Jie to arrange for the patrol team members to search the village again to prevent the remaining zombies in the village." Xiao Qiang thought about it and added.

Wang Liang slapped his thigh excitedly when he heard Xiao Qiang's words, and said: "Yes, how could I forget this. We can also connect Kangzhuang Village with the base. Anyway, it is close. As long as we take good protection, we can live in Kangzhuang Village. In this way, not only will our new personnel have a place to live, but our base will also be larger."

Soon, Xiao Qiang and Wang Liang and others briefly discussed the details and finalized the matter. Finally, of course, the matter was left to Wang Liang and Han Feng to handle.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the others were fine. The newcomers were full of confidence in Xiao Qiang, especially knowing that he was unwilling to give up recruiting more people and thinking about their comfort, they had already decided to stay in this base.

On the second day, early in the morning, everyone in the base had already started to get busy. Liu Jie and Wu Shan selected new people from the newcomers again, added them to the patrol team, and led some patrol team members to search for zombies in Kangzhuang Village again. Wang Peng and Wu Ze led more than 100 people they selected to the mountains behind for secret training and assessment. Others followed the plan and continued to do their work step by step.

As for Xiao Qiang, he got up early as usual, exercised, and led Xiaolang to the urban base. In addition to accumulating experience quickly, Xiao Qiang also has 3 advanced puppet talismans in his hand. Xiao Qiang also wants to go to the city to find suitable zombies to use.

Nowadays, although Xiao Qiang is still at the level of a strong man at level 9, his real strength can defeat a strong man at level 2 awakening after using the four doors to open. If he fights against a strong man at level 3 awakening, Xiao Qiang also has the strength to fight. And if he faces a zombie infected at level 1, it is not difficult for Xiao Qiang to deal with it. Therefore, Xiao Qiang's advanced puppet card does not want to be used to deal with zombies infected below level 1. At least he has to infect zombies at level 2, or even more powerful zombies. In this way, he will encounter a powerful opponent, and his trump card will be a few more points.

Of course, Xiao Qiang also learned from the system that the higher the level of zombies he encounters, the lower the probability of Xiao Qiang being able to capture zombies if he uses the puppet talisman. Not only that, the probability is also related to one's own level. If one encounters a zombie of a lower level than oneself, then there is a 100% chance that it will become one's puppet. However, Xiao Qiang still wanted to use such a precious high-level puppet talisman on some powerful zombies.

Soon, Xiao Qiang led the little wolf to the city. After Xiao Qiang's killing these days, there were no large-scale zombies at the entrance of this road. There were only a few zombies wandering nearby. Therefore, Xiao Qiang took the little wolf to turn a few more roads before hearing the large-scale zombie howling.

Since the little wolf was forced to use wolf voice to fight against Xu Ran's sound wave attack, the little wolf seemed to have discovered the power of his wolf howl. So after encountering the zombies, the little wolf "slipped" and climbed from the car window to the roof.


The little wolf stepped on the roof with his paws, raised his proud head, his eyes slightly red, stared at the zombies running over in front of him after hearing the noise, and roared out a long howl.

It seemed to be under the pressure of the little wolf, the Howling Moon Wolf, or the attack caused by the little wolf's long howl.

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