Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 539: The Pressure from Little Wolf

After hearing Xiaolang's roar, those ordinary zombies below level 2 actually stopped and stood in place. Only hundreds of ordinary zombies above level 3 were left. They bumped into those zombies, and then they came through the middle and rushed towards Xiao Qiang with their teeth and claws. Thanks to the zombies he had fought all day yesterday, Xiao Qiang was already somewhat accustomed to it. If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely be shocked by this scene.

"Get on, Xiaolang! Today's training is about to begin." Xiao Qiang opened the car door, got out of the car, shouted softly to Xiaolang, and rushed towards the zombies.

"Ding, the host uses the Crazy Dragon Sword Skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 30/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God Skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 156/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix Skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 43/100."

. . . . . .

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +300, exchange point +300, reward map watch (intermediate)."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +300, exchange point +300, reward defense trap (intermediate)."

. . . . . .

The morning soon ended with Xiao Qiang constantly rushing to kill zombies. During this period, Xiao Qiang took Xiaolang to clear the zombies on a branch road. There are too many zombies in the city, and even clearing the zombies on a road takes Xiao Qiang a lot of effort. Of course, Xiao Qiang's gains are not small. In addition to gaining tens of thousands of experience points and exchange points, he also killed many zombies above level 4. Shen San is right. There are many zombies in the city, and the number of ordinary zombies above level 4 is also quite a lot. Moreover, the growth rate of zombies is indeed much faster than that of humans. Therefore, the closer Xiao Qiang gets to the city center, the more he feels that the number of zombies above level 4 is increasing. Fortunately, as Xiao Qiang's strength increases, it is relatively easy for Xiao Qiang to deal with zombies above level 4. He also obtained a lot of intermediate items, and the black gold was swallowed into the stomach of the little wolf as usual. After beating the zombies, Xiao Qiang found that the little wolf had increased its strength by 1 level after a morning of swallowing, reaching the level of a strong man at level 7, and its body size had also become larger.

"Little wolf, your growth rate is really amazing. In a few months, I'm afraid your level will surpass mine." Xiao Qiang and the little wolf took advantage of the noon time to enter a shopping mall for a short rest. Xiao Qiang sat on a sofa, eating instant noodles while touching the little wolf's head and said to the little wolf.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the wolf cub, who was resting on the carpet, wagged his tail proudly and puffed out his big belly that was full of black gold, as if he was showing off to Xiao Qiang.

With a "slurp", Xiao Qiang sucked the last mouthful of noodles into his stomach, and drank a mouthful of noodle soup with satisfaction. He looked at the wolf cub and smiled and said, "You, you have already eaten hundreds of kilograms of black gold. I wonder how much more black gold you will have to eat if you upgrade. However, since you are also very powerful, I will let you eat the black gold of those zombies. You must also play well in the future and upgrade quickly."

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the wolf cub turned over, blinked at Xiao Qiang, and moved closer to Xiao Qiang, rubbing his head gently on Xiao Qiang's trouser legs.

"Let's go, we are full and drink enough, let's go outside to kill zombies." Xiao Qiang put the instant noodle bucket aside, stood up and said to the wolf cub.

But at this moment, the little wolf suddenly pricked up his ears, his whole body was straight, his nose moved slightly, and he opened his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth.

Xiao Qiang also heard the noise outside, took the Thousand Machine Umbrella, walked to the window, and looked out. It didn't matter if he looked, but he saw that the road he had just cleared was already full of zombies, one by one, with fangs exposed, looking at the room where Xiao Qiang was. Xiao Qiang hurried to the other side of the window, but saw that the other side was also full of zombies, and some of the zombies had already rushed in from the gate of the commercial building and rushed to the house where Xiao Qiang was.

Xiao Qiang pondered for a while. There were not many zombies on this road in the morning, and they had all been cleared by Xiao Qiang. Now there are so many zombies suddenly appearing. Even if they are wandering around, there won't be so many zombies. Moreover, so many zombies rushing over, but they are still able to remain quiet. No zombies howl loudly. It was not until these zombies were close that Xiao Qiang and Xiao Lang noticed the movement of the zombies. This proves that these zombies must be led by zombies above level 5, surrounding this side and rushing towards Xiao Lang and Xiao Lang. Xiao Qiang and Xiao Lang's actions must have attracted the attention of those zombies in recent days, so they led a large number of zombies to come here.

After figuring this out, Xiao Qiang stopped talking. They were in a 6-story shopping mall. Both sides of the road were now full of zombies, and some zombies had already rushed into the shopping mall. Therefore, Xiao Qiang decided to go to the roof of the shopping mall first to see the current situation, and it would be best if he could find the leading zombie who led these zombies.

Moreover, Xiao Qiang found that even though the little wolf was lying on the window and roaring at the zombies below, the zombies still ignored the pressure from the little wolf and continued to rush towards Xiao Qiang and his friends. Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang immediately understood that it must be the zombie who led them, who gave orders to these low-level zombies and had a stronger pressure, so that these low-level zombies had to rush over here even when facing the little wolf.

"Little wolf, come in!" Xiao Qiang shouted to the little wolf who was lying on the window and looking down.

Then, Xiao Qiang took two steps back. At the same time, the little wolf pounced on Xiao Qiang's body, and then turned into a streak of light and entered Xiao Qiang's body system. At this time, the footsteps of the zombies pouring into the shopping mall were getting closer and closer. Xiao Qiang took two steps forward, and with a "bang", he broke the glass of the window and jumped out of the window. The zombies who chased him saw Xiao Qiang jumping out of the window of the room, and instinctively followed Xiao Qiang and jumped out of the window one by one.

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