Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 540 The End of the World Superstar

However, after Xiao Qiang jumped out of the window, he did not fall into the pile of zombies. Instead, he turned around in the air, stretched out his hands to hold the eaves of the commercial building, and used his arms to climb up along the eaves. The zombies would not learn to be like Xiao Qiang. After rushing out of the window one by one, they all fell down with a "crash", and immediately overwhelmed a large number of zombies below. Those zombies who had stopped their bodies after not seeing Xiao Qiang's figure, also fell down under the strong push of the zombies behind.

Xiao Qiang looked down at the scene below, saw the messy zombies, smiled lightly, and climbed to the top of the building.

Standing on the roof, Xiao Qiang looked up at the road, only to see that the entire road was full of zombies, without a trace of space, and on the two roads, there were zombies rushing towards this side. That scene was like a superstar holding a concert in the shopping mall before the end of the world. And now, Xiao Qiang is undoubtedly a superstar in the eyes of these zombies.

This scene made Xiao Qiang feel very troubled. It was a huge task to find the leader of these zombies from such a large group of zombies. Maybe before Xiao Qiang found the leader, the low-level zombies below would have rushed over.

As Xiao Qiang was looking back and forth, he saw the little wolf suddenly jumped out of the system and climbed to the eaves of the house. The claws on his feet came out and grabbed the concrete floor, leaving a trail. The soft hair on his body stood up high, and his eyes were fixed on the corner at the end of the road. Even his eyeballs were a little red, as if he had seen prey, and as if he was facing a great enemy. His tail kept shaking, ready to rush down from the upstairs at any time and charge over there.

Xiao Qiang didn't understand why Xiaolang suddenly made such a move, and followed Xiaolang's gaze. He found that there were many zombies standing in front of a shopping mall. They didn't rush towards Xiaoqiang like other zombies. Instead, they stood in place, surrounded by some zombies on the periphery, and made "jiejie" sounds from time to time, as if they were commanding the zombies around them. After Xiao Qiang observed carefully, he understood why Xiaolang suddenly jumped out of the system. It turned out that there was a zombie beast on the ground blocked by those zombies, and relying on Xiao Qiang's extraordinary eyesight, he found that the zombie beast was actually a zombie beast transformed from a wolf. This also understood why Xiaolang suddenly jumped out of the system and looked at that place with hostility.

"Ding, 30 ordinary level 4 zombies found!"

"Ding, 10 ordinary level 5 zombies found!"

"Ding, 2 infected level 1 zombies found!"

"Ding, 2 infected level 3 zombies found!"

"Ding, 1 infected level 1 zombie beast found!"

After determining the target, Xiao Qiang started the group scan and scanned the zombies in that area. However, the scan was not important, but the result of the scan gave Xiao Qiang a big shock. Even the zombie beast has reached the level of infection level 1. No wonder the little wolf jumped out of the system and looked at that side with hostility.

Such a large number of zombies, and there are so many high-level zombies, Xiao Qiang said that he had poked the zombie nest. It seems that he really killed zombies in this urban area for days, which angered these zombies, so he sent so many powerful zombies to deal with him. This scene made even Xiao Qiang want to escape. But after thinking about the idea of ​​using puppet symbols to capture zombies, he decided to try it first. If it didn't work, he could use the Flying Thunder God technique to escape from these zombies.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang lightly touched the button, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella changed into a sniper rifle. Xiao Qiang lay on the roof neatly, "Da Da Da", and pulled the trigger continuously. He didn't use it as a sniper rifle at all, but like using a machine gun. In an instant, Xiao Qiang shot out all the bullets in the Thousand Machine Umbrella's barrel in one breath. And these bullets are not just ordinary bullets, but specially made by Yang Xue. Some black gold components are added to them, and the bullets have become sharper. As long as the aim is accurate enough, even if a level 5 zombie is hit, his defense can be broken.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience value +300, exchange points +300, reward powerful flashlight (intermediate)."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience value +300, exchange points +300, reward broadsword (intermediate)."

... . . . . .

After Xiao Qiang pulled the trigger, he quickly put the Thousand Machine Umbrella back into the system without any delay, and his right hand had already replaced with three daggers. "Swish, swish, swish", the three daggers shot towards the zombies like arrows. Among them, one dagger shot towards the roof of the second floor where the zombies were staying, and the other two daggers were shot at a level 3 infected zombie in the field in sequence. If there were other people in the field, they would find that the zombies that Xiao Qiang shot when he pulled the trigger just now were just the zombies that blocked the way for Xiao Qiang's dagger to fly. The last two level 4 zombies stood opposite the infected level 3 zombie. After killing the two level 4 zombies one by one, Xiao Qiang's dagger had already flown to the infected level 3 zombie.

"Little Wolf, come in, let's go deal with those zombies." Xiao Qiang threw the dagger and shouted to Little Wolf.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Little Wolf howled at the zombies and quickly ran into Xiao Qiang's body system. At this time, the zombies that were chasing him had already rushed to the roof.

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