Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 541 Infected by Level 3 Zombies

It hit the iron door on the roof and made a dull "dong-dong" sound. With a bang, the iron door was pushed open by the crowded zombies. The zombies at the front were pushed to the ground by the zombies behind. The zombies stepped on the zombies' bodies and rushed towards Xiao Qiang. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang chuckled and took two steps back. When the zombies chased him, he ran two steps and jumped down from the roof. He was already in the air. Use the skills.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 161/1000."

The zombies who had just rushed to the roof of the building saw Xiao Qiang jumping off the roof, and flew towards Xiao Qiang one by one. A large number of zombies rushed to the roof of the building, and followed Xiao Qiang from the building. Ding Ding jumped down and flew in the air, those sharp claws still waving towards Xiao Qiang's figure. But after flying into the air, the zombies were surprised to find that Xiao Qiang's figure suddenly disappeared. And these zombies fell to the ground. If jumping from the second floor just now did not cause any danger to these zombies, then falling from the sixth floor would be enough to beat these zombies to bloody pieces. Suddenly, the shopping mall was like dumplings, and the zombies kept falling from the roof.

Originally, the zombies running in front wanted to stop when they saw Xiao Qiang missing, but the zombies crowded up from the corridor kept pushing, pushing the zombies in front of them down from the roof of the building. The zombies instantly hit the zombies downstairs. Soon, the smell of the zombies' minced meat and blood spread, and the zombies' blood flowed on the ground and became contaminated.

At this time, Xiao Qiang's figure instantly appeared in front of the Level 3 infected zombie he was targeting, holding in his hand the dagger he had thrown earlier.

The Level 3 infected zombie in front of him was tall and thin. At first glance, he didn’t look any different from the other zombies. If Xiaolang hadn’t discovered this place, Xiao Qiang really wouldn’t have noticed it. It turned out to be a zombie infected with level 3.

After arriving in front of the zombie, the other palm turned slightly, and a Thousand Chance Umbrella appeared in his hand. When the button was touched, the Thousand Planes Umbrella transformed into a knife form, and the knife struck towards the head of the Level 3 infected zombie. Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiang suddenly appeared in front of the level 3 infected zombie. After appearing, Xiao Qiang used all his strength to strike and chop off the top of the zombie's head. But the zombie was surprisingly fast. In an instant, Xiao Qiang's eyes were dazzled, and the zombie had disappeared. Xiao Qiang slashed at the steps, causing the bricks on it to fly everywhere.

Xiao Qiang was stunned for a moment, thinking that his sword might be blocked by a zombie, but he never expected that the zombie could disappear from Xiao Qiang's eyes at such a fast speed. At this time, Xiao Qiang heard the sound of wind behind him and guessed that the one ran behind and attacked him. Therefore, Xiao Qiang did not turn around and put the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella back into the system. At the same time, an additional item appeared in his palm.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 162/1000"

Previously, Xiao Qiang threw three daggers, one of which was shot towards the roof. Xiao Qiang was preparing to use it when escaping. The other two were also shot at the Level 3 infected zombie in front of him in sequence. After using the Flying Thunder God again, Xiao Qiang disappeared again and arrived behind the level 3 infected zombie. At the same time, without making any unnecessary movements, the puppet talisman in his hand gently flipped and moved towards the level 3 infected zombie. The back position is just thrown over.

Seeing that the puppet talisman is about to reach the zombie infected with level 3, if it encounters him, then it will be a matter of probability. With Xiao Qiang's current level, if he captures a zombie infected with level 3, he will succeed. The probability is about 60%. But at this moment, a level 5 zombie next to him suddenly rushed out. The sharp claws in his hand swept towards Xiao Qiang's cheek from front to back. He just happened to touch the puppet talisman and tore the talisman paper. Come on.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, he couldn't help but gasped. He failed in one blow and wasted a high-level puppet talisman. You know, Xiao Qiang only has a total of 3 high-level puppet talismans now. When Xiao Qiang can only kill zombies, he occasionally doesn't have enough to explode a talisman. If there is one missing, there will be no talisman at all. I can't go to other places to compensate for the talisman.

However, he was annoyed, so Xiao Qiang quickly held the dagger and blocked it in front of the zombie's claws, causing it to collide with a "dang" sound. Xiao Qiang noticed that he was already surrounded by zombies at this moment, and the lowest level of the zombies closest to him were ordinary level 4 zombies. The zombies quickly attacked Xiao Qiang's direction one by one. The two level 5 zombies on the left rushed over fiercely, and the two level 4 zombies on the right came out with their sharp claws. The rest of the zombies quickly gathered around, and even the zombie wolf opened its mouth wide, with blood flowing from its mouth, jumped up, and rushed toward Xiao Qiang's head.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. Even if he rushed into the zombie group before, he had never encountered so many zombies, and they were all very powerful zombies.

"Shattered Palm!"

"Wolf Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Shattering Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 31/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 43/1000."

Instantly, Xiao Qiang reacted, first using the Shattering Palm technique to kill the two level 4 zombies on the left, and then quickly used the Wolf Fang Step technique again, found a gap in the gap between the zombies, and rushed into the group of low-level zombies behind him.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience value +300, exchange points +300, reward trap symbol (intermediate)."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience value +300, exchange points +300, reward plant feed (intermediate)."

... . . . . .

Listening to the killing prompt sound coming from the ear, the low-level zombies around have already rushed over, but compared with those high-level zombies, the pressure brought by these zombies is much smaller.

Xiao Qiang quickly pulled out the Thousand Chance Umbrella and lightly touched a button. The Thousand Chance Umbrella turned into a spear and swept around, knocking the zombies around his body to the ground. Immediately, the prompt sound for killing the zombies sounded.

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