Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 54 Binocular Recognition

Not long after, several people drove back to the villa and parked the car outside the villa.

Everyone came up and unloaded the supplies. Lin Bingyan also told everyone about the situation in the village.

After finishing all this, Wang Liang specially called everyone to gather in the villa yard and let Xiao Qiang say a few words to everyone.

Somewhat embarrassed, Xiao Qiang stood in front of everyone and said: "Everyone, this is the doomsday base we have established here. You are welcome to join us today. There is a hotel next to it. The things inside are quite complete. You can stay there at night."

Xiao Qiang was a little nervous, swallowed deeply and said: "The end of the world came suddenly, and zombies were rampant. Everyone was lucky enough to survive and gather here again. We should unite and help each other, so that we humans have hope. Here, I also promise everyone that I will set an example and rush to the first place when encountering danger. I believe that one day, we will return to our human homeland again."

"Okay, Xiao Qiang, I support you." Zhang Jin said loudly after hearing Xiao Qiang finish speaking.

"Okay, I support you too. Your name is Xiao Qiang, right? Okay, brother, I'm here with you too." Hu San also shouted in a loud voice.

"Okay, we support you too."

In fact, they didn't believe that Xiao Qiang had the ability to save the world, but when they were in someone else's territory, they were infected by Xiao Qiang's words. In fact, Xiao Qiang's words had a kind of infectious power, the kind of power that could give people hope.

"Yeah, thank you for your trust. If you want to eat in the future, you can come here to eat together. Of course, if you want to work, you can work together." Xiao Qiang added.

Zhang Jin, who was listening to Xiao Qiang talking, had a strange respect in his eyes. Xiao Qiang used to be introverted and wanted to hide when he saw people, but now he can talk freely and even drive everyone's emotions. Maybe it's right to follow Xiao Qiang.

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, everyone reached a consensus for the time being.

At lunch, Aunt Wang deliberately steamed a lot of buns, so she couldn't cook, but fortunately she brought a lot of things from the supermarket. After going through hardships, everyone was not picky and helped to light a fire. They were busy and the meal was not slow.

When there were more people, it was naturally lively. While everyone was eating and chatting, Xiao Qiang also used the binocular recognition function to scan everyone one by one. Among the more than ten people who came, all were ordinary people, and there were no mutants. It seemed that there were still a few people who could change under the white light.

After looking at the newcomers, Xiao Qiang looked at the people in his villa before.

Lin Bingyan, superpower level 2; Wang Peng, superpower level 3; Li Chong, strong level 3.

Except for these three people, the rest of Yang Xue and others were ordinary people.

According to Xiao Qiang's understanding, Lin Bingyan has a strange ability to ice, let's call it ice system;

Wang Peng can sense the surrounding things, and has a super high talent for shooting. Of course, it is limited to cold weapons. Guns and the like are simply a mess;

According to Xiao Cong, Li Chong directly opens the third door at the strong level, and the training speed is extremely fast. Now he has reached level 3, but because of the emphasis on strength, he can be comparable to Xiao Qiang in arm wrestling.

At this time, Xiao Shutong tugged at Xiao Qiang's sleeve, handed a bottle of milk to Xiao Qiang, and said crisply: "Uncle, help me unscrew the bottle cap."

Xiao Qiang was turning on the double-eye recognition function. He was originally checking other people. At this moment, he heard Xiao Shutong calling him and looked down subconsciously.

"Ding, undetectable."

Hearing the prompt sound, Xiao Qiang frowned a little, thinking that the detection was wrong, and used it again on Xiao Shutong.

"Ding, undetectable."

Xiao Qiang was a little shocked. He didn't expect that Xiao Shutong couldn't even recognize himself, but it seemed that even Xiao Shutong himself didn't know.

"Uncle, why are you staring at me? Open it for me, I want to drink milk." Xiao Shutong saw Xiao Qiang was a little dazed, so he asked.

"Oh, come on, I'll open it for you." Xiao Qiang said as he opened the bottle cap and handed it to Xiao Shutong, and touched Xiao Shutong's head.

After lunch, several people drove to the hotel with the newcomers.

In the hotel, there were still corpses left from the last fight. Several people endured the unpleasant smell, piled up the corpses, poured gasoline on them, and burned them together.

It took another afternoon to clean up the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. Xiao Qiang and his men also took the lead and worked hard.

Fortunately, the hotel and the villa are all connected by electricity and water. With the work done by Xiao Qiang before, these are much easier.

After all this, everyone chose their rooms and went back to the villa for dinner.

Because there were so many people, two fires were lit at this moment. Fortunately, the villa yard was not small, and even with so many people joining, it still seemed spacious.

Everyone drank rice porridge while using a frying pan to heat the vacuum food brought back from the supermarket. Everyone was talking and laughing, and it was so lively. At first glance, no one would believe that it was the end of the world, but it was a good dinner party.

After dinner, everyone packed up and returned to the hotel. Xiao Qiang was worried, so he took the two miners' helmets to them and sent them over himself. Lin Bingyan also went with him.

When he arrived at the hotel, Xiao Qiang gave another reminder. In summary, it was to save electricity, lock the door, arrange shifts at night, etc.

The two came out of the hotel and chose to walk back because the distance was not far.

The moonlight was bright, and the road was bright. Two long shadows were scattered on the road and walked side by side.

"You are quite responsible. You are so hands-on on your first day as a leader." On the way, Lin Bingyan faced Xiao Qiang, turned her back and walked forward, teasing Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and said, "What kind of leader is this? It's rare that everyone trusts me so much. I am also afraid that I will disappoint everyone. Bingyan, do you think I did a good job today?"

"Okay? It's really great. If you do this every day, these trivial matters alone will make you exhausted, not to mention fighting zombies and saving humans." Lin Bingyan stopped and smiled at Xiao Qiang.

"What should I do? I am always afraid that I am not doing well enough." Xiao Qiang continued.

"My father taught me before that if you are a leader, you must give up some power to the people around you. You just need to grasp the general direction. In this way, the people around you can also have some sense of accomplishment, and you can also relax a little." Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang while thinking.

"I've learned a lot. I hope Teacher Lin will give me more guidance in the future." Xiao Qiang bowed to Lin Bingyan in a serious manner and teased.

"Ha, you dare to laugh at me, I'll hit you." Lin Bingyan said, clenched her fists and hit Xiao Qiang.

"I don't dare, Teacher Lin." Xiao Qiang said as he ran forward with a smile.

The moonlight was bright, and the road seemed even brighter. Two figures, one in front and one behind, walked towards the villa with laughter.

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