Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 55: Ice Power

Under the moonlight, the breeze blew, and the sound of insects could be heard from time to time. Two figures walked side by side. They were Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan.

When the two were walking back to the villa, Xiao Qiang stopped and looked at Lin Bingyan and said, "Bingyan, how is your ability now, that is, your ice ability."

"Yes, look." Lin Bingyan said as she raised her right hand.

Under the moonlight, Lin Bingyan's raised right hand was covered with a layer of moisture, and slowly a thin layer of ice rose on her hand, like a glove attached to Lin Bingyan's hand.

"Awesome!" Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He had seen Lin Bingyan's ability before when he was trapped in a clothing store last time. At that time, he could only form an ice layer with the help of the wet water droplets on the window. Now he can rely on himself to attach to his body.

Xiao Qiang stretched out his fingers and gently knocked on Lin Bingyan's hand, making a crisp "dingling" sound. The place where his fingers touched felt a little cold, and at the same time, there was a piercing chill.

"Bingyan, do you feel cold?" Xiao Qiang asked, retracting his hand.

"No, I feel no different from usual." Lin Bingyan retracted her hand, and the ice glove on her hand slowly formed a circle of mist and dissipated.

"Then how thick can your ice layer be now? And how hard is it?..." Xiao Qiang asked in a row while marveling at the magic of the superpowers.

"Let's go, let's talk while walking, I'll tell you everything you want to know, but if we don't go back, they will worry about us." Lin Bingyan bent her body slightly and approached Xiao Qiang and said.

"Yeah, let's go!" Xiao Qiang scratched his head and said.

"As for the thickness of the ice layer, I can only make it as thick as this glove, which can cover my whole body. But I have tried to freeze a bathtub of water. As for the hardness, you can try it." On the way back, Lin Bingyan told Xiao Qiang while freezing her right hand again, forming a layer of gloves, which was a few points thicker than before.

Lin Bingyan's right hand was a palm, and a layer of mist rose around her palm. A stronger chill came. It was already May, but Xiao Qiang couldn't help but shiver.

"Okay, then I'm here. Don't worry, I'll hit it gently." Xiao Qiang said as he clenched his fist to test the ice layer.

Standing still, Xiao Qiang clenched his right fist and used 10% of his strength to hit Lin Bingyan's raised right hand.

"Bang" made a slight sound, and the chill from his arm made Xiao Qiang feel very uncomfortable. Xiao Qiang hurriedly retracted his right hand. But not only did the ice layer not break, but even Lin Bingyan did not retreat a bit. You know, with Xiao Qiang's current strength, even 10% of his strength is close to 150 pounds.

"It's so hard, do you feel it?" Xiao Qiang asked, looking at Lin Bingyan who had no reaction.

There was no feeling, only the hand could feel a little bit of strength. "Lin Bingyan responded.

Then, Xiao Qiang used 30%, 40%, and finally 50% of his strength, and the ice on Lin Bingyan's hand broke. The power from her hand made her body retreat two steps and fall backwards.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang hurriedly took two steps forward, stepped out with his left leg, and put his hands around Lin Bingyan's waist.

The whole posture was like holding Lin Bingyan in his arms. Xiao Qiang helped her up. The ambiguous posture made Lin Bingyan blush a little. Xiao Qiang scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, I accidentally used a little more strength. Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine, but yours is so big." Lin Bingyan blushed and said with her head down.

"Hehe. "Xiao Qiang smiled awkwardly.

Back in the villa, the lights were still on in the lobby on the first floor, and Wang Liang and others were sitting on the sofa chatting.

Seeing the two of them coming in, Li Wei looked at them with a smirk and said directly: "I thought you two were not going to come back, and I was ready to go out to look for you."

"No, we helped them settle down in the hotel, and we have been busy until now." Lin Bingyan walked to Li Wei, with some shyness on her face.

"What are you talking about so lively?" Xiao Qiang walked to Wang Peng and sat down and said.

"Sister Yang Xue is asking Brother Xiao Chong what weapon he wants to use, and she is going to make one for him." Xiao Shutong said while sitting in Yang Xue's arms.

"Someone is reluctant, there is no way, I can only do it for him." Yang Xue glanced at Xiao Qiang and said.

Xiao Qiang naturally knew that Yang Xue was talking about him, but he pretended not to hear it, looked at Li Chong and asked: "What weapon do you like? ”

Li Chong gestured in the air and said: "Axe, preferably double axes, heavier ones, so that you can use more strength."

"Oh oh."

Xiao Qiang nodded, turned to Wang Peng and asked: "How is your perception ability now?"

Wang Peng pushed his glasses and answered: "It is indeed much stronger than at the beginning. Now the range has been expanded to 20 meters, and the accuracy has also improved a lot."

"Let me try." Wang Liang became interested and ran behind Wang Peng.

"Close your eyes, I will hit you with my left and right hands behind you, see if you can block it."

After speaking, Wang Liang chopped down with his palm, and tried back and forth several times, but was caught by Wang Peng's hand.

"This may also be because you heard the sound of my palm pressing down. I will hide later and see if you can find it directly." Wang Liang continued to test.

"Let me help you cover your eyes." Li Wei said as she walked in front of Wang Peng and covered his eyes with her hand.

Wang Liang tried to lighten his steps and found a bedroom on the first floor.

Seeing that Wang Liang was well hidden, Li Wei let go of her hands and said, "Okay, go find him."

Everyone saw Wang Peng walking straight to the bedroom, and then the two of them walked out together.

Wang Liang praised as he walked, "Wang Peng is amazing, he is like a half-immortal."

Everyone laughed, and Xiao Qiang felt deeply comforted in his heart.

After seeing the abilities of Lin Bingyan and Wang Peng tonight, his confidence also increased greatly, and the helpers around him became more and more reliable.

At the same time, he thought in his heart that he had worked hard to kill zombies and finally just reached the level 5 of the strong. These people, after being illuminated by the white light, have easily become stronger.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task of searching Kangzhuang Village, and reward items..." At this time, Xiao Cong's voice sounded in his mind.

The task is finally completed!

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