Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 56 Crazy Leveling

At night, Longshan base, inside the villa.

A few people were sitting on the sofa chatting, not feeling sleepy at all. Aunt Wang also took tea leaves found from the village and made a cup of tea for everyone.

"Brother Qiang, more than 10 people came to the base today. What are your plans for the future?" Wang Peng said.

"I plan to..." Xiao Qiang just started to speak.

"Ahem!" Lin Bingyan coughed lightly and glanced at Xiao Qiang.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Xiao Qiang changed his words.

"With so many people coming, we can open up a piece of land."

"At this stage, we still need to go into the village to search for supplies, and at the same time, we need to prevent zombies from advancing."

"There are also some logistics and the like, storing fuel for the generator and so on."

. . . .

Everyone put forward their own suggestions, and finally looked at Xiao Qiang, waiting for Xiao Qiang to make the final arrangements.

"In this way, Xiao Chong, you will lead people to be responsible for the arrangements of the entire villa. Li Wei will be responsible for leading people to maintain logistics. The rest of us are still responsible for going out to search for supplies and rescue survivors. Our current task is still mainly farming. , collect supplies, strengthen our strength, and make long-term plans." Xiao Qiang looked at a few people and said.

Everyone said a few more words and then dispersed to sleep, leaving Xiao Qiang alone on duty on the first floor.

"Okay Xiao Cong, let's announce the reward for successful mission!" After the others dispersed, Xiao Qiang lay on the sofa and closed his eyes and said.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission of searching Kangzhuang Village. As a reward, the crescent moon bow (intermediate level), basic fighting skills, and 10 grenades. 500 experience points and 1,000 redemption points."

"Learn the basic fighting skills." Xiao Qiang said.

A piece of fighting skills was introduced into Xiao Qiang's mind and continued to take shape. Xiao Qiang, who has learned basic fighting skills, is enough to defeat two grown men even before he becomes stronger.

More importantly, after learning fighting skills, Xiao Qiang can become more comprehensive and can use the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella more easily.

Looking at the other rewards, the crescent bow (intermediate) - made of fine steel, can be used for long-range shooting and melee combat.

This crescent moon bow was just a gift to Wang Peng. After so long, as an important long-range attacker of Xiao Qiang's team, Wang Peng's weapons have not been upgraded. Not only that, you can also get the crossbow back, and you will have a long-range weapon. Although it is not as good as long guns and short cannons, it is still better than nothing.

With the grenade, Xiao Qiang's confidence in going to Liutong County has been greatly increased. After killing zombies during this period, and raising his level, it will not be impossible to go to Xuzhou City.

When he thought of his parents, Xiao Qiang felt a little sad, but he was too weak to dare to leave at will.

According to Xiao Cong, the only way to become stronger is by constantly killing zombies. Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang had an idea in his mind.

For two consecutive weeks, Xiao Qiang did not let anyone else go out. Everyone in the base has continued to expand the cultivated land, planted more food, built defenses, and connected the entire hotel to the villa. Xiao Qiang, on the other hand, went deep into Kangzhuang Village alone, killing zombies, gaining experience, and returning home at night.

With a "whoosh" sound, a crossbow arrow shot through the head of a zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

The Thousand Chance Umbrella flashed with light, and the sharp red gold dagger at the front directly cut the zombie's throat, and the zombie fell straight to the ground.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +50, exchange points +70."

The "Wandering Dragon Body Technique" figure moved behind the zombie, and the zombie turned around. The "Hundred Eight Thunder" struck the zombie with a palm, knocking off half of the zombie's hand. The figure did not stop, and the "raid" appeared again in an instant. Behind the zombie, without waiting for the zombie to react, he held the bone spur dagger with both hands and inserted it directly into the back of the head.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience +300, exchange points +500."

"Ding, congratulations to the host Baiba Lei's proficiency +1. The current level is entry-level, and the proficiency is 7/100."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining +1 proficiency in Youlong Shenfa. The current level is entry-level, and the proficiency is 10/100."

"Ding, congratulations on the host's raid proficiency +1. The current level is entry-level, and the proficiency is 4/100."

For two weeks, Xiao Qiang has been doing this every day, going into the village alone to fight zombies, and his experience and skill proficiency have improved a lot.

On this day, Xiao Qiang went to Kangzhuang Village alone as usual after breakfast. The whole village was filled with the rotting smell of corpses. However, Xiao Qiang had adapted a lot. By the evening, Xiao Qiang could only I could see a few zombies here and there in the village, so I simply sat on the steps and summoned Xiao Cong.

"Xiao Cong, please help me check my experience points and redemption points."

"Okay, Master Host, the current strength is Strong Level 5, the experience value is 4476/5000; the redemption points are 7966." Xiao Cong said.

It seems that it will be upgraded soon, but there are no zombies in the village at the moment. It seems that we need to change the place to clean up the zombies and search for supplies. Thinking like this, Xiao Qiang got up and headed back to the villa.

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