Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 57 Visitors to the Villa

After two weeks of going into the village to kill zombies, Xiao Qiang got up early every morning. On this day, thinking that the zombies in the village had been almost cleared, Xiao Qiang also slept in for a rare time.

Xiao Qiang, who was sleeping soundly, heard a voice in the yard outside. Looking down from the window, he saw more than 20 people occupying the yard, one side was Wang Liang and a few people, and the other side was about 20 people, both men and women, all unfamiliar faces.

Xiao Qiang put on his clothes and went downstairs. Wang Liang came over and told Xiao Qiang what happened.

It turned out that these people were all villagers from the nearby Lin'an Village. After the zombie outbreak, these people survived. There were originally more than 50 people. Seeing that there was no water and food, and the zombies in the village were rampant. So they ran out of the village, and after fighting all the way, only these people were left, thanks to the two leaders. Last night, I saw the light from afar in the villa, and everyone rushed over early in the morning.

Xiao Qiang walked in front of these people. There were two leaders. One of them was a man in his 30s, tall and thin, with a slicked back hair, gentle and fair-skinned, wearing a pair of wide-rimmed glasses. His name was Li Ke.

The other one was about 20 years old, chubby, with a slightly darker face. His name was Wang Lei.

The clothes of these dozen people were stained with blood and tattered. Their faces were tired, and it seemed that they had experienced a bloody battle. Xiao Qiang opened his eyes to recognize and scanned the dozen people.

"Ding, a level 3 superpower human was found." Xiao Qiang scanned Li Ke, and his mind prompted that he didn't expect that the gentle Li Ke had reached the level of level 3 superpower.

"Ding, a strong level 3 human was found." This was the information of the man named Wang Lei.

"Ding, a level 1 superpower human was found." This was the information of a little boy.

The rest of the people were ordinary people. In this way, it was no wonder that they were able to run out of Lin'an Village with two level 3 strong men. However, what surprised Xiao Qiang was that the little boy was also a superpower, but his level was too low and he could not show his ability.

"This is the decision-maker of our base, his name is Xiao Qiang." Wang Liang said to everyone.

"Hello, Xiao Qiang, I brought these dozen people from our village to seek refuge, and I hope you can take me in." Although Li Ke's words were sincere, his face was full of unconvinced expressions.

"Of course, after suffering such a disaster, everyone has the responsibility to help each other. Let Wang Liang take you to familiarize yourself with the rest of the things. By the way, you must be hungry after running around for so long, and you can talk while eating." Xiao Qiang didn't care, and at the same time, he remembered Lin Bingyan's words that he had to let go of some things, and said to these people.

After a while, Li Wei and Aunt Wang picked some food from the kitchen and took it out to share with everyone. It seemed that these people were indeed hungry. When they saw the food, they wanted to go forward to eat.

At this time, Li Ke looked back at everyone, and everyone stopped. Xiao Qiang saw it in his eyes. He didn't expect Li Ke to have quite prestige among these people.

"Thank you for your hospitality. We are indeed too tired. Thank you very much." Li Ke said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang did not speak, but nodded, but he felt that Li Ke seemed to have some opinions about him.

While everyone was eating, Wang Liang said: "This is Captain Li Chong, who is responsible for the safety of the base and is very capable;

This is Captain Li Wei, who is responsible for the logistics of the base."

It turned out that Wang Liang and others had discussed that as the number of people in the base increased, they had been committed to hoping that the base could have order and rules and regulations, so they also added the word "captain" when introducing them.

"And the one just now is the decision maker of our entire base, and is also the captain who goes out to search for supplies for the time being. By the way, the zombies in Kangzhuang Village opposite the base were cleaned up by him." Wang Liang intended to establish prestige for Xiao Qiang among these newcomers, and he also said at this moment.

Hearing this, Li Ke looked at Xiao Qiang with some disbelief. After all, there are many zombies in the village, and there are many powerful zombies.

"I'll take you to the hotel in a while, and you'll stay there temporarily. You won't have to work today, and you can have a good rest for a day." Wang Liang also told everyone about these matters one by one.

"And, don't be in a hurry, eat slowly." Aunt Wang told a little boy while taking out a lot of food from the kitchen.

"What's your name? How old are you?" Li Wei touched the little boy's head and asked him softly.

"My name is Liu Jie, I'm 13 years old this year, thank you big sister." The little boy named Liu Jie said sensibly.

Hearing the voice, Li Ke turned his head, looked at Li Wei warily, and turned his head away. Xiao Qiang saw it in his eyes, and it seemed that this Li might have a reason to establish prestige.

"By the way, if possible, tell me about the situation in Lin'an Village." Xiao Qiang handed over a bottle of water, smiled at Li Ke, and said.

Li Ke took the water, but did not unscrew it. He put it aside and looked at Xiao Qiang and said, "Thank you! Lin'an Village is now full of zombies, and the permanent population in the village is at least 4,000."

"Are there any survivors there? And does your village have any supplies, especially fresh vegetables and fruits?" Xiao Qiang simply sat down next to the squatting Li Ke and continued to ask.

"Although I don't know how you cleaned up Kangzhuang Village, it is a pipe dream to want to go to Lin'an Village with these guns in your hands. As for vegetables, there is a greenhouse field in the village, and there are many vegetables there." Li Ke glanced at the rifle behind Wang Liang and said to Xiao Qiang.

Li Ke didn't know that Xiao Qiang and his friends also had special abilities, and thought that they only found such a place with the help of their guns and good luck.

Xiao Qiang didn't make much excuses, and continued to ask: "Do you know where that greenhouse is, and how big it is? What's the situation of zombies in your village?"

"You don't really want to go there for a few vegetables, do you? You guys are not good enough to go there." Li Ke was a little impatient, and at the same time, he didn't want these people to waste their lives for some vegetables.

"Not only for vegetables, I also plan to clear all the zombies in Lin'an Village, because it will eventually belong to our human home." Xiao Qiang didn't care. Others didn't know his system, so they would naturally think he was talking nonsense.

"To be honest, two cars came to the village 4 or 5 days ago, saying that there was a base in the city, and they were armed with live ammunition and even used rocket launchers. As a result, there were too many zombies and they surrounded them all. That's not all. Three particularly powerful zombies appeared and none of the people in their two cars escaped." Li Ke recalled, still with lingering fear.

Xiao Qiang remembered that Uncle Cui also said that people had come to Kangzhuang Village and his parents were taken away. Now he didn't know how they were doing. Now people from Lin'an Village have also come to rescue. Could it be that Xuzhou City has been stabilized and search and rescue has begun?

"Are they military people?"

"They don't look like they are from the military. They are wearing black clothes, and the leader is also very strong and uses a long knife. Even so, they couldn't hold on under the siege of the three zombies. So, I advise you not to think about Lin'an Village." Li Ke continued.

It seems that the leader is also a superpower, and Li Ke can say that he is very strong, and his strength should not be lower than the third level of the strong. Even so, he couldn't resist the three powerful zombies. If he wants to enter Lin'an Village, he must be fully prepared.

Xiao Qiang thought, and continued: "You are also very strong, I wonder if you are willing to lead the way to Lin'an Village with us."

While speaking, Xiao Qiang looked directly at Li Ke and said.

Li Ke was a little surprised, but his expression immediately recovered, looking at Xiao Qiang and said: "It seems that there are such strong people among you, no wonder you dare to take the initiative to go to Lin'an Village. I do have some ability, but it's a pity that I can't take all the more than 50 people out. I can lead the way for you, but if you encounter zombies, I can't protect all of you."

Li Ke thought that there might be strong people among Xiao Qiang and his men, but he always felt that no matter how strong they were, they were at the same level as himself, and most of them relied on these guns, so he emphasized it to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, I'm glad you said that. Don't worry, we won't fight unprepared. When we get to Lin'an Village, if there's danger, I'll be the first to rush in." Xiao Qiang said to Li Ke.

"After dinner, I'll let Wang Liang take you to the hotel to rest. It's safe here, so you can rest assured. We'll discuss countermeasures in the evening, and we'll go into the village in a few days." Xiao Qiang stood up and said to Li Ke.

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