Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 543: Infected Level 1 Zombie Beast

Some dirty blood still flowed out of his mouth, and he was about to bite the little wolf on the head. At this time, the little wolf stood up, slightly arched his back, and stared at the zombie wolf in front of him, and his entire eyeball gradually turned red from the outside to the inside. What Xiao Qiang didn't notice was that the momentum of the little wolf's whole body seemed to have changed. His nails became even darker, and they became a little longer and thicker. His tail gently slapped the ground, which could break the concrete roof. There was a low panting sound in his nose and voice.

Looking at the zombie wolf that had rushed over, the little wolf not only did not dodge, but instead stared at the zombie tightly, as if he was still ready to attack the zombie wolf that was rushing over.

"The fourth door - open!"

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 164/1000."

When the little wolf was about to attack the zombie beast, he felt a familiar figure appeared beside him, with a familiar smell on his body. The little wolf was relieved immediately, but there was still a line of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth from the force he had just used, and his whole body was relaxed.

It was Xiao Qiang who flew to the little wolf. Just now, he saw that after the zombie infected at level 3 made a sharp cry, the zombie beast no longer cared about attacking the little wolf. After seeing that the little wolf was seriously injured, Xiao Qiang opened the fourth door, slashed twice in a row, and with a powerful blow, he forced back the two zombies infected at level 1 in front of him. At the same time, he used the Flying Thunder God technique and arrived in front of the little wolf.

"Take these two pills, and I'll help you teach this zombie wolf a lesson." When Xiao Qiang flashed to the side of the little wolf, he held an antidote and a hemostatic agent in his hand, threw them into the air to the little wolf behind him, and said.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the little wolf jumped up lightly, swallowed the two pills, and walked alone to the corner behind Xiao Qiang, but he seemed a little disappointed.

"Biao Lianhua!"

Facing the zombie beast that had already pounced, Xiao Qiang did not hesitate. While opening the fourth door, he used the Biao Lianhua trick. Facing so many high-level zombies, Xiao Qiang was based on the strategy of killing one by one. The whole person took off into the air and rushed forward from under the body of the zombie beast that jumped high. When he flew to the bottom of the zombie beast's body, Xiao Qiang kicked up and used the Biao Lianhua technique. He kicked the zombie beast's belly with one foot, and kicked the zombie beast's body high into the air with a strong kick. At the same time, the whole body of the man followed the body of the zombie beast and flew upwards.

With a "bang", a moment later, Xiao Qiang and the zombie beast fell heavily on the roof, smashing a big hole on the roof, and even the steel bars inside were exposed. However, Xiao Qiang stepped on the head of the zombie beast with one foot, and the zombie beast had been killed by Xiao Qiang. With a light kick backwards, Xiao Qiang kicked the corpse of the zombie beast to the side of the little wolf.

"Ding, kill the infected level 1 zombie beast, experience value +3000, exchange point +3000, reward wind turbine (advanced)."

"Although he is a wolf, he has been bitten and turned into a zombie. It is normal that your pressure has no effect on him. But you are also very powerful. Even if he becomes a zombie, you can still suppress him to a certain extent. Look at these people who have become zombies, and they don't recognize anyone at all." Xiao Qiang kicked the zombie beast to the side of the little wolf and said to the little wolf.

Just now, Xiao Qiang and the little wolf have been together for nearly a month, so he naturally noticed his lonely look just now. After a little thought, he figured out why the little wolf was unhappy. He must feel that he is the wolf king, but this wolf dares to attack him, and his strength is not as good as this zombie wolf, and he can't provide Xiao Qiang with some help.

After opening the fourth door, Xiao Qiang attacked the high-level zombies that had already rushed up, and chopped them up one by one.

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +300, exchange point +300, reward Black Wind Cleaver (intermediate)."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +300, exchange point +300, reward walkie-talkie (intermediate)."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 5 zombie, experience value +1000, exchange point +1000, reward feed (intermediate)."

... . . . . .

The killing prompts kept ringing, but the most killed were still level 4 zombies, and Xiao Qiang was also attacked by many zombies. His shirt was torn and there were bloodstains all over his body.

"Ding, host takes triple violent pills, time limit is ten minutes."

After Xiao Qiang felt that the time for opening his fourth door had arrived, he did not open the fourth door again immediately, because Xiao Qiang could only barely open the fourth door twice at most without feeling tired, so Xiao Qiang also wanted to save some time while there was still one more time.

After failing to open the fourth door, Xiao Qiang had a harder time facing such high-level zombies. He had just blocked the attack of two level 5 zombies, but was slapped on the back by a level 1 infected zombie. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang's body was hard and thick enough, and only a scratch appeared. However, Xiao Qiang was hit by the powerful force of the level 1 infected zombie, and his whole body rolled forward and fell to the feet of the zombie group.

Xiao Qiang hurriedly turned the Thousand Machine Umbrella in front of him continuously to resist the attack of those zombies, while thinking about countermeasures. Suddenly, the two infected zombies knocked the zombies away. One of them, the nails on his hand were like daggers, and they broke away from the zombie's hand and shot at Xiao Qiang who was lying on the ground. Another zombie raised an extremely huge stone and smashed it on Xiao Qiang's head.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 165/1000."

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