Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 544: Throwing Attack

With a "bang", the huge stone fell down, but Xiao Qiang was nowhere to be seen. A big hole was smashed on the ground on the roof, and the whole building was shaken. Then, those sharp nails like daggers inserted into the stone, easily penetrated the stone, and the whole huge stone was broken.

And Xiao Qiang used Flying Thunder God again to appear beside the little wolf. While panting heavily, Xiao Qiang squatted down gently, looking at the little wolf who had just swallowed the black gold from the zombie beast into his stomach, and reached out to touch the fur of the little wolf.

"Huh, I can't beat so many high-level zombies. But I have thought of a good idea. Follow me. If we are lucky, we may get two more helpers. At that time, we can deal with these zombies." Although Xiao Qiang was covered with wounds and felt pain all over his body, he was panting heavily and was obviously very tired, but his tone seemed very relaxed.

After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, the little wolf stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. At the same time, he put his head close to Xiao Qiang and rubbed it gently on Xiao Qiang's trouser legs. Then, with a light jump, he entered Xiao Qiang's body system.

"Ding, host uses 5 times violent pill, time limit is ten minutes!"

"Ding, host uses speed enhancement pill, time limit is ten minutes!"

"Ding, host uses strength enhancement pill, time limit is ten minutes!"

"Ding, host uses lightning talisman!"

"Ding, host uses fire tongue talisman!"

"Ding, host uses arrow feather talisman!"

"Ding, host uses trap talisman!"

"The fourth door - open!"

"Smashing palm!"

"Ding, host uses the smashing palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 32/1000."

Xiao Qiang looked at the endless zombies on the road, and looked at the high-level zombies in front of him. There were two infected level 3 zombies at the bottom of the building staring at him. Xiao Qiang knew that even if he wanted to escape now, it would be difficult, not to mention whether he could rush out of these high-level zombies in front of him. Even if he rushed out and ran downstairs, there would be endless low-level zombies attacking.

Not to mention that there were two level 3 infected zombies downstairs. Xiao Qiang had just seen the speed of one of them. If he didn't open the fourth door, he couldn't keep up with the speed of that zombie. Therefore, Xiao Qiang decided to give it a try. While these high-level zombies were upstairs, he ran downstairs to see if he could use the puppet talisman to subdue the two level 3 infected zombies. Therefore, he used all the stocks in his hands and threw them at the high-level zombies in front of him, hoping to kill some zombies and stop this zombie.

For a while, Xiao Qiang's broken palm hit the zombies first, and a wave of air instantly overturned the two ordinary level 4 zombies running in front. Immediately afterwards, flames, lightning, and a large number of arrows "crackled" and hit the zombies behind. However, these talismans are only intermediate talismans with limited power, so the lethality is also limited. Therefore, although the scene is lively, except for the two level 4 zombies killed by the broken palm, these talismans failed to kill some zombies. However, it greatly delayed the zombies' pursuit.

Especially after the zombies chased to the place where Xiao Qiang was originally standing, Xiao Qiang had set up a high-level trap talisman there, and the zombies rushing over instantly fell into the sand cave. Immediately afterwards, some sharp spikes appeared in the sand cave and pierced the bodies of the zombies fiercely. Those zombies fell into the trap and struggled constantly, but these zombies fell deeper and deeper. The high-level trap talisman used by Xiao Qiang killed a lot of zombies.

At this time, Xiao Qiang opened the fourth door in succession and took the elixir, and his physical fitness was instantly strengthened a lot. He rushed out from the roof, the whole person shot up, and rushed to the location of the two infected level 3 zombies. Because, when he faced the tall and thin zombie just now, Xiao Qiang knew the speed of that zombie, so he also rushed towards the zombie next to him.

The zombie next to him was dark and strong. Although he had become a zombie, his muscles were dark, but the lines were obvious, especially his two fists, which looked like two iron lumps.

Xiao Qiang used all his strength to become much faster, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the two zombies. The whole person was raised from top to bottom, with the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) in his hand raised above his head. The veins on Xiao Qiang's arms bulged high, and his eyes were slightly red because of the effort. The sunlight reflected on the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and a white light flashed. The Thousand Machine Umbrella drew a perfect arc in the air and slashed towards the top of the zombie's head.

The slash was swift, and Xiao Qiang was at full speed again, unexpectedly arriving in front of the zombie. Unexpectedly, although this zombie turned slowly, the tall and thin zombie next to it reacted quickly and stretched out its claws towards Xiao Qiang from a distance of several meters. The nails on his hands were like five sharp swords, extending quickly towards this side, blocking Xiao Qiang and the other zombie.

With a "dang" sound, Xiao Qiang slashed the five long nails with a knife. With the swift knife technique and sharp blade, the five nails were cut off in one stroke, and he continued to slash at the zombies below. The zombie had already reacted, raised his arm like an iron tower, and blocked Xiao Qiang's attack.

Just now, the five long nails blocked part of Xiao Qiang's attack. Now when Xiao Qiang slashed the arm of the iron tower-like zombie with a knife, he only relied on the sharpness of the Thousand Machine Umbrella to draw a long bloody path on his arm. Xiao Qiang was also bounced away by the huge rebound force, and he took several steps back before he stabilized his body.

Among the zombies infected at level 3, the strong ones can be on par with the strong ones at level 6 of human awakening, and the weak ones can also fight with the strong ones at level 5 of human awakening. If Xiao Qiang didn't have so many skills and a weapon like the Thousand Chance Umbrella, it would be impossible for him to fight against a zombie infected at level 3, and the two zombies would have been entangled for such a long time.

After being bounced away by the zombies, Xiao Qiang fell into a group of low-level zombies. The zombies around him immediately surrounded him and bit him. Xiao Qiang quickly cheered up, waving the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, slashing and killing the low-level zombies around him.

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