"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, the proficiency is +1, and the current proficiency is 32/1000.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 2 zombies, experience +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

These low-level zombies originally posed no threat to Xiao Qiang, but Xiao Qiang had been fighting with those high-level zombies for a long time, and his body was already covered with scars. If he moved, he would feel burning pain all over his body. But Xiao Qiang still gritted his teeth and persisted. Fortunately, the fourth door was now opened. Xiao Qiang's strength increased sharply. Zombies kept falling at Xiao Qiang's feet. Soon Xiao Qiang was like a bloody man. The blood on his body was his own and that of zombies. Thanks to Xiao Qiang taking the antidote, it would have been enough for Xiao Qiang to drink a pot. There was also a hillock formed by zombies well built at his feet. Those low-level zombies were still fearless and attacked Xiao Qiang tirelessly.

At this time, Xiaolang also jumped out of the system, stood beside Xiao Qiang, and launched an attack on the zombies with Xiao Qiang. One person and one wolf, surrounded by endless zombies, fought a bloody battle with the zombies. .

Suddenly, the black zombie, like a small tank, hit Xiao Qiang's direction. The zombie stretched his arms forward, and all the zombies blocking the road were knocked away by his body.

At this time, Xiaolang was the first to notice the charging zombies. After killing a low-level zombie next to him with one claw, he jumped up high and flew towards the charging zombies.

With a "bang", the little wolf was punched by the zombie's iron fist and flew out. He fell towards the shopping mall and houses on the side, knocking all the products on the shelves that were already covered with dust into pieces. fallen.

"Little Wolf!" Xiao Qiang roared when he saw this. Due to excessive blood loss, Xiao Qiang's face looked a little pale at this moment, and his voice was also a little hoarse.

"Biao Lianhua!"

Xiao Qiang took advantage of the opening of the fourth door, soared into the air, used his strongest move, flew up and kicked the zombie's iron arm. With a "boom", punches and kicks collided heavily in the air. But the iron tower zombie was kicked back repeatedly by Xiao Qiang's angry kick after opening the fourth door, and finally hit the wall of the commercial building heavily. The bricks on the wall were hit like spider webs. veins. But Xiao Qiang, after receiving a punch, was knocked into the air and flew backwards. The person was in the air, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the air. At this time, another tall and thin zombie quickly stretched out its fingernails, reaching a length of 5 meters, aiming at the air. Xiao Qiang's abdomen was stabbed violently, poking 5 holes in Xiao Qiang's abdomen. Xiao Qiang spurted out another mouthful of blood, swept the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand violently, cut off the long nails, and fell heavily outside the Little Wolf House.

Although Xiao Qiang was wearing high-grade nano-level protective armor, it was only a chest armor and did not protect his abdomen. Thanks to his improved physical fitness, his body is strong enough, otherwise these five fingers would probably tear Xiao Qiang apart.

Looking at the group of zombies that continued to approach, Xiao Qiang just felt sore all over his body. He quickly swallowed an intermediate hemostatic agent in his mouth and felt a little better.

Gritting his teeth forcefully, Xiao Qiang pulled out the long nails from his body one by one, and a lot of blood flowed out. Xiao Qiang felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and even his consciousness felt a little blurred.

"Am I going to die here? Am I a systematic person? Before I can clean up the zombies properly, there are Lin Bingyan and the others, and they at the Longshan base. If I don't protect them, , what are those men in black and the people in Company M going to do? However, I am still too weak. Before I can reach a larger city, I am surrounded by zombies. "..." Xiao Qiang lay on his back, and the scenes of Lin Bingyan and others appeared in Xiao Qiang's mind.

"Oh, as expected, even the last chance has failed. Is it really not possible? The teacher will definitely be very disappointed, but due to the rules, I cannot provide any reminder or help to the host about the fight. But he can only do it by himself." At this moment, in the system in Xiao Qiang's body, Xiao Cong thought with an extremely lonely expression.

Of course, Xiao Qiang couldn't hear what Xiao Cong was thinking.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the house, and soon after, the little wolf emerged from the pile of shelves. The originally soft fur on his body was covered with a mixture of dust and blood, because of his injuries. , even walking seemed to be limping a bit. However, Xiaolang's eyes were completely red at this moment, and his whole body carried an indescribable aura.

When he walked in front of Xiao Qiang, Xiaolang stuck out his tongue, gently licked Xiao Qiang's face, then took two steps forward and blocked Xiao Qiang's face.

Xiao Qiang, lying on the ground, felt a warm skin licking his face, which made him feel warm and comfortable. It might also be because the hemostatic agent he took had some effect. Xiao Qiang slowly opened his eyes, turned his head, and saw the puppet talisman that had been torn apart by the zombies before, scattered on the ground.

"Yes, the method of using this puppet talisman is that as long as it can be slapped on the zombies, there is a chance that they can be captured, and they don't have to be subdued or defeated. As long as one can be caught, maybe I can still fight these zombies." Seeing the puppet talisman, Xiao Qiang thought in his heart.

"It's a pity that I have used the fourth door twice in a row, and my body is full of scars. If I move, my whole body hurts and I can't muster any strength. Although I thought of fighting hard, Xiao Qiang just wanted to get up, and his whole body was in pain. I felt that I couldn't use any strength at all." Xiao Qiang lay on the ground and tried to get up, but found that his body was sore.

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