Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 546 Strong Willpower

"Awoo!" At this moment, a wolf howled in front of Xiao Qiang. The sound was long and loud, and it was even clearer and brighter than the howl of the little wolf that Xiao Qiang had heard before, and it was even more exciting.

Xiao Qiang turned his head unconsciously and looked at the little wolf standing in front of him, facing the endless zombies, with a firm look in his eyes, protecting himself in front of him, and let out a long howl. After hearing the howl of the little wolf, the zombies were forced to stop for a while under the pressure of the little wolf, until the infected zombie with level 3 made a "hehe" sound again, and then the zombies attacked this side again.

Looking at the little wolf's body full of scars, stained with blood, his favorite fur on his body was also torn by the zombies, revealing large pieces of skin.

"Even Little Wolf knows to do his best to protect me in times of crisis, but am I just lying here pretending to be dead?" Xiao Qiang was moved and thought to himself as he looked at Little Wolf.

"I also have people to protect, so I can't die here, Lin Bingyan, Wang Peng, Wang Liang, my parents, Li Wei, cute little Shu Tong... They are all waiting for me to go back to the base. They are all my partners, and I promised to protect them." Xiao Qiang thought as he slowly stood up with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"Thank you, Little Wolf! We still have to go back to the base. Follow me and kill these hateful zombies. We won't be defeated here. I still have a bunch of friends to protect." Xiao Qiang walked slowly to Little Wolf's side, stretched out his hand and touched Little Wolf's head, and said to Little Wolf.

"Hmm? How is it possible? He was injured so badly, but he was still able to stand up, and he felt even more energetic. Was it because he was moved by the little wolf, or was it because his partner had such great energy in his heart? However, with his current physical condition, what can he do against so many zombies, even with the puppet talisman?" At this moment, Xiao Cong was most familiar with Xiao Qiang's physical condition. After two full-strength attacks from the infected level 3 zombies, even an awakened level 4 strongman would be killed by the zombies. Xiao Qiang was already very weak, but he didn't expect that he could stand up by willpower and charge towards the zombies, which surprised Xiao Cong.

"The fourth door - open!"

While Xiao Cong was thinking this in his heart, Xiao Qiang had already opened the fourth door again. This was the third time Xiao Qiang had opened the fourth door today. After using it, he would enter a weak state. At that time, even a low-level zombie could easily deal with Xiao Qiang.

After taking out three daggers from the system, Xiao Qiang had already thought of a strategy. His physical strength and physical weakness were not enough to support Xiao Qiang to slowly consume these two infected zombies. Moreover, Xiao Qiang found that the high-level zombies on the roof had slowly broken through the trap and were ready to support Muxia. Therefore, Xiao Qiang planned to decide the outcome with one move. If he was lucky, as long as he could capture a level 3 infected zombie, the crisis would be greatly alleviated.

"Swish swish swish" three times in a row, the three daggers were shot in order in front of the two infected level 3 zombies. Xiaolang also struggled to rush into the low-level zombie group and fought with those low-level zombies.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 166/1000."

Xiao Qiang felt that his muscles were torn as if they were being burned by a fire, and he was sore all over when he moved slightly. The powerful blows from the two level 3 infected zombies made Xiao Qiang's body very overwhelmed. However, since Xiao Qiang had decided to fight with these zombies, he had to grit his teeth and endure the pain to charge forward.

In an instant, Xiao Qiang arrived in front of the first dagger, which was thrown by Xiao Qiang in front of the big zombie. Although this big zombie was powerful and thick enough, his reaction speed was not fast. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also planned to open a breakthrough from him.

Holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella (knife form) in his hand, he was about to chop the zombie's head with a fierce knife. At this time, the tall and thin zombie next to him suddenly reacted extremely quickly, turned his head gently, and stretched out his long nails again, blocking between Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella and the zombie. However, this time, Xiao Qiang saw this and did not chop down with the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, but used the skills again.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 167/1000."

Xiao Qiang did not hesitate and fought the two zombies. After using the Flying Thunder God technique again, he arrived in front of the second dagger engraved with the Flying Thunder God mark. This dagger was thrown a little slower than the first dagger, and it just arrived in front of the tall and thin zombie. Xiao Qiang just grasped the dagger with one hand, but the zombie had already reacted. Although one hand had stretched out its nails to reach the zombie next to it, the other hand still gently stretched out its nails and stabbed Xiao Qiang in front of him.

Shocked, Xiao Qiang also understood that he was too weak now, and even if he used the Flying Thunder God technique, his speed would be much slower. However, Xiao Qiang still hurriedly grasped the dagger, held it upright in his hand, and blocked the zombie's long nails. However, now that he was weak and covered in wounds, even if Xiao Qiang's dagger accurately touched the zombie's long nails, the zombie still stabbed it hard and pierced Xiao Qiang's shoulder.

"Ah~" The intense pain made Xiao Qiang couldn't help but shout out. However, Xiao Qiang still gritted his teeth, put the dagger back into the system, opened his five fingers, and tightly grasped the zombie's long nails, making it impossible for the zombie to retract his claws. However, the edges of the zombie's nails on both sides were also very sharp. The blood from Xiao Qiang's palm being cut flowed down the nails, and a piercing pain came over him. However, Xiao Qiang still gritted his teeth tightly, and his other hand quickly slapped the zombie's body. At the same time, a puppet talisman appeared in his hand, and he slapped the zombie hard.

After slapping it, Xiao Qiang did not wait for the system's prompt sound, and his mental power was highly concentrated, and his hands kept moving.

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