Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 548 Capturing two zombies

"What are you happy about? You are still not honest after such a serious injury. What kind of erotic dream are you having? At this moment, a female voice suddenly came, disturbing Xiao Qiang's sweet dream.

After hearing the voice, Xiao Qiang slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a white roof, surrounded by white curtains, and he was lying on a bed, with an infusion tube connected to his hand and bandages wrapped around his body. Xiao Qiang turned slightly to the side and moved gently, and Xiao Qiang felt a little sore all over his body.

Turning his head, Xiao Qiang first saw a pair of legs, slender and straight, with a light As smooth as jade, but slightly voluptuous, the pair of black stockings on her legs made her look extremely sexy. Looking up, she was wearing a black miniskirt on her legs and a white T-shirt on her upper body.

While looking around, she saw that person turned around, and her clothes on her chest were bulging. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he felt a nameless fire rising in his lower abdomen, involving the wound in his abdomen, and Xiao Qiang was in pain again.

"Little pervert, you are still so dishonest even though you are injured. Do you want Sister Rourou to help you relieve your anger, so that this little thing won't be so dishonest. "Sister Rourou saw Xiao Qiang staring at her in a daze after waking up, smiled gently, stretched out her hand and flicked Xiao Qiang gently, and then spoke.

Xiao Qiang looked up, and a voluptuous but very beautiful face appeared in front of Xiao Qiang. It was Sister Rourou, the doctor in their Longshan base. But Sister Rourou leaned down and put her face next to Xiao Qiang, and a pleasant smell of perfume came immediately. When Xiao Qiang and his men cleaned up the zombies, they would collect all kinds of items, among which perfume was also something Sister Rourou specially reminded them to bring back. As Sister Rourou leaned down, Xiao Qiang could clearly see the deep ravine on Sister Rourou's chest. Seeing this situation, Xiao Qiang's fire became more vigorous, but Xiao Qiang still held back. After all, the wound on his lower abdomen was still a little too painful.

"Sister Rourou, is this the hospital in our base? Why am I here? "Xiao Qiang turned his head away, trying not to look at Sister Rourou, and asked.

"You are still embarrassed to say that. That night, you didn't return to the base. Everyone was a little anxious, so we discussed going to the city base to look for you together."

"At that time, in order to find you, we sent two Longshan teams. When we ran to the city, it was late, and everyone didn't dare to make too much noise to avoid disturbing the zombies. So, at first, we could only look for it on the periphery." Sister Rourou knew Xiao Qiang's injury, so she stopped teasing him. After adding a little medicine to the infusion bottle, she sat on the bed and talked to Xiao Qiang.

"Later, it was really hard to find you. Wang Peng had no choice but to expand the range of perception and forcefully use the perception ability beyond his strength. Finally, he determined your location, but Wang Peng was unconscious for a day before waking up. "

"Sister Rourou, how long have I been unconscious? "When Xiao Qiang heard that Wang Peng had been unconscious for a day because of his perception ability, he was also very moved and asked.

"You! You have been unconscious for three days. When we found you, you were covered in blood and fell to the ground unconscious. You were covered in wounds. Thanks to the medicine you took at that time, we were able to stabilize your injuries. Look at you, you had to go to the city alone to fight zombies. Fighting zombies is fighting zombies, but you ran to such a deep place and fought so many zombies, and got yourself... . . . . . . "Sister Rourou was sitting on the edge of the bed. When she talked about this, she said with some anger.

"Sister Rourou, when you found me, were there any zombies nearby? There were two zombies guarding me, and you have seen my pet, the little wolf?" Xiao Qiang interrupted Sister Rourou's words and asked.

"Where are the zombies? Haven't you killed them all? The pet wolf next to you, although covered in blood and seriously injured, was still standing by your side. It was not until we passed that the wolf breathed a sigh of relief and fell into a coma. But don't worry, I treated the wolf immediately after he came back, and he recovered faster than you, and is now playing with Xiao Shutong and the others outside. "Sister Rourou said to Xiao Qiang.

Hearing this, Xiao Qiang was also a little confused. He clearly heard the system prompt sound before he fell into a coma, and he had already used the puppet talisman to subdue the two level 3 infected zombies, but they did not see the two zombies, and there were many low-level zombies that were surrounded there before. Were all these zombies killed, and the two level 3 infected zombies were also killed? Xiao Qiang was also a little confused.

"Sister Rourou, can you tell me what happened at that time? That is the scene after you found me. "Xiao Qiang put his hands on the bed and wanted to lean on it. He asked Sister Rourou with some doubt.

"Don't move your hands. Be careful of the needle." Seeing this, Sister Rourou reminded him softly, and walked over gently to help Xiao Qiang get up, and took a pillow for Xiao Qiang to lean on.

After helping Xiao Qiang to lie on the bed, Sister Rourou sat back on the edge of the bed and continued: "Although you are so seriously injured, the people in the base admire you very much. "

"That day, we followed Wang Peng's perception and headed for the shopping mall where you were. However, the closer we got to the road where you were, the stronger the smell of blood became. After turning the corner, the smell of blood became even stronger, as if it was rushing straight into your nose. Many people couldn't help but pinch their noses. Everyone felt sticky under their feet when walking on that road. They took a flashlight and shone it on the ground. Guess what?" Sister Rourou said, still showing a little shock.

"What happened? What was the situation at that time?" Xiao Qiang was also very interested. It was rare to see Sister Rourou's shocked expression, so he asked as if he was listening to a story.

"At that time, everyone shone the flashlight on the ground and found that the sticky thing was actually blood. The blood flowing from the zombies stained the entire road, and there were even some small streams of blood flowing."

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