Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 549 What Happened

"And the roads are covered with corpses of zombies. They are all piled up. Some of them are piled up, like a hill. The key is that you are so disgusting that you don't even want to mention it. "When talking about this, Sister Rourou paused for a moment, as if she recalled the scene she saw at that time.

"Ah? Me, am I okay? I didn't do anything disgusting, right?" Xiao Qiang felt uneasy after hearing Sister Rourou's words, and retracted his legs in embarrassment.

"At that time, there was not only zombie blood and zombie corpses on the ground, but the key was that after the zombies were killed, there were stumps and broken arms left by the zombies everywhere, and some bodies were cut to look disfigured. Some zombies were knocked into the wall and sunken into the wall. There were zombie organs hanging everywhere on the ground and on the wall. Many people were affected by that smell and scene. I couldn't stand such a scene and vomited it out." Sister Rourou slowly described the scene at that time.

Hearing this, Xiao Qiang was also a little stunned. He remembered that when he was surrounded by these zombies, he didn't kill too many zombies, and he didn't kill zombies in such a disgusting way. The main goal was to Use the puppet charm to capture the two infected level 3 zombies. Before I fell into coma, I vaguely remembered giving orders to the two level 3 infected zombies to protect myself. Could it be that these two level 3 infected zombies were responsible for all of this? But where did those two level 3 infected zombies go? Woolen cloth. Although he had doubts in his heart, Xiao Qiang had to wait and ask Xiao Cong later.

"I didn't expect that a very handsome person would have a hobby of killing zombies. No wonder he always likes to sneak into the city alone. I just don't know if he has such a hobby in bed." On the side, After Sister Rourou finished talking about these experiences, she whispered again.

Xiao Qiang naturally heard Miss Rourou's muttering, and couldn't help but shake his head. He obviously cherishes feathers very much, and is so unrestrained every time he is with him, so he continued to ask: "Why don't you see Bingyan and the others? , and also, has anything happened at the base in the past two days? "

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say it. Let me tell you, you can't betray that little girl Bingyan in the future. How could such a beautiful little girl fall in love with you? You brat, what's wrong with you? What kind of charm can make a beautiful girl like Lin Bingyan like you so much..." Sister Rourou turned her head to Xiao Qiang. I started to complain.

"What happened to Bingyan? Where is she now?" After hearing Sister Rourou's complaints, Xiao Qiang became a little worried about Lin Bingyan and sat up in a panic.

"Lie down! Bingyan is fine. At that time, Bingyan saw you covered in blood and lying unconscious on the ground. She was so frightened that she threw herself next to you and cried non-stop. Later, she carried you After you came back, I was responsible for treating you. This little girl stayed here for three days and three nights, refusing to go back to rest no matter how much I tried to persuade you. Later, after seeing that your condition was stable this morning, I forced you to let her go. She goes back to her room to rest." Seeing Xiao Qiang's actions, Sister Rourou pushed Xiao Qiang to lie down on the bed and said.

"No, then I have to go and see her quickly. I can't let her worry anymore. I have to tell her that I'm fine." Xiao Qiang looked a little worried, reaching out to take off the needle in his hand, and said Sister Rourou said.

"Okay, I know you care about her. She hasn't had much rest these days. Now let her rest a little longer. I have sent Miaomiao Shou over. When she wakes up, I will tell her the news and ask her to come and see you. . Also, your injuries haven’t healed yet. If you hadn’t taken a high-grade hemostatic pill in time, even if we could find you at that time, we might not be able to treat you. If you still have your As for the pills, take one yourself and get better soon. You are not allowed to go anywhere these days. We will not allow you to go out until I tell you that there is nothing wrong with you. Otherwise, I will take away your clothes. Cut it off for you." Sister Rourou stood up and walked out while shaking the scalpel in her hand.

Wearing black stockings and a miniskirt, such a charming and beautiful doctor threatened Xiao Qiang with a sharp scalpel in her hand. When Xiao Qiang saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a cold wind blowing below him. He couldn't help but shiver, and he hurriedly pulled the quilt up tightly.

"Sister Rourou, what are you doing? I'm a little hungry. Can you give me some food first?" Xiao Qiang asked when he saw Sister Rourou walking outside.

"Of course I'm going to treat patients. Otherwise, what else can I do? Do you think everyone is as free as you, just being a hands-off shopkeeper and running around the city to enjoy yourself. I'm busy every day, okay? There are still people outside. There are a lot of patients waiting. If you want to eat, it will be noon soon. Bear with me for now. You have been in a coma for three days anyway, so it won’t be long. When the meal is ready, someone will bring it to you. "Yes." Sister Rourou said without looking back when she heard Xiao Qiang's question.

Soon, Xiao Qiang was the only one left in the room again. Feeling that his whole body was still a little sore, Xiao Qiang took out an intermediate hemostatic agent from his system and took it into his mouth. Only then did he feel his body Be more comfortable.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang was also sighing that he was really taking too much risk this time. He underestimated the strength of the infected level 3 zombies. He went so deep into the zombie group that he suffered such serious injuries. An advanced hemostatic agent helped him stabilize his injuries. Moreover, thanks to his good luck, he captured two puppet talismans, one with a 60% probability.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one during this period, Xiao Qiang also planned to enter the system and ask Xiao Cong about the situation.

"Host, welcome, welcome, congratulations to the host for waking up from a coma, and sprinkle flowers for the host." Xiao Qiang just entered the system and saw Xiao Cong wearing a beautiful pink skirt. While scattering petals, he said to Xiao Qiang happily.

Xiao Qiang suddenly felt a little flattered. In the past, he took the initiative to ask Xiao Cong. Now that he had just entered the system, Xiao Cong came to welcome him in a gorgeous dress. This treatment made Xiao Qiang a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Cong, what's going on? Why is it so enthusiastic and grand today?" Xiao Qiang scratched his head embarrassedly and asked Xiao Cong.

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