Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 550: Enough Experience Points

"I am always enthusiastic. I am congratulating the host for escaping death. This time, in order to improve his strength and capture zombies, the host broke into nearly 300,000 zombies alone, killing low-level zombies and high-level zombies. With the strength of a level 9 strong man, he fought two level 3 infected zombies alone despite being seriously injured, and finally successfully captured them. This time, the host is indeed worthy of praise. Xiao Cong gave a thumbs up and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

All along, Xiao Cong felt that Xiao Qiang did not make good use of the system when he had it, and did not exercise well. Instead, he wasted time on some trivial matters in the base. But this time, Xiao Qiang rushed into the zombie group to fight the zombies, and after thinking of his partners, he relied on his strong willpower and attacked the zombies despite being seriously injured. The scene also deeply moved Xiao Cong.

"Hehe, it's all my fault for being too arrogant. By the way, where did the two infected level 3 zombies go? They were besieged and killed by the low-level zombies because they were protecting me. These are the two I captured with great difficulty. Will they be killed soon? "Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"Of course not, they are infected level 3 zombies. Do you think that you, who took so long to upgrade to the strong level 9, can't kill these two infected level 3 zombies even if there are twice as many low-level zombies as you, let alone so few zombies. "Xiao Cong couldn't help but complain to Xiao Qiang again.

"Those two infected level 3 zombies have been following your orders and protecting you by your side. When Lin Bingyan and the others came, they didn't know who was from your base and were about to fight. I was worried that there would be unnecessary fights between them. The most important thing is that I was worried that these two zombies would kill your group of partners who you thought were very strong, so I took the initiative to take them back into the system. You can order them out of the system at any time. Of course, I have already deducted the 40,000 points that should be spent. "Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang proudly.

"Although 40,000 points of exchange points were deducted, I still want to thank you. My partner can't beat these two zombies now, but they are very powerful. I believe in them very much." Xiao Qiang was about to be moved when he heard Xiao Cong say that he would help to recover the system, and then he couldn't help but smile and said when he heard Xiao Cong say that the exchange points were deducted.

"Humph, only 40,000 points were deducted. This lady is already very good. Do you know how much you have gained after escaping from death this time? What's the matter, do you want to see your gains this time? You were in a coma for three days, and Xiao Cong waited for you for three days. "Xiao Cong resumed his previous attitude towards Xiao Qiang and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, now that you say that, I am really looking forward to it. Then help me see the gains this time. "Xiao Qiang was still used to Xiao Cong's current attitude towards him, and asked with a smile.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using an advanced puppet talisman to capture an infected level 3 zombie. You can give orders to zombies, and the zombies will act according to the orders given by the host. "

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using an advanced puppet talisman to capture an infected level 3 zombie. You can give orders to zombies, and the zombies will act according to the orders given by the host. "

"Ding, the two infected level 3 zombies killed a total of 167,320 zombies during the host's coma, and gained 335,420 experience points, which were divided into 147,720 for the host. The host has met the conditions for upgrading to a higher level of superpowers. "

"Xiao Cong, wait a minute, I have some doubts here. What is this experience value? I remember that I still had more than 140,000 experience points to make up for 1 million experience points. How can these two zombies infected at level 3 also gain experience points by killing other zombies?" Xiao Qiang was confused when he heard this, but he was still very surprised and asked.

"I guessed that the host would ask questions. Then I will give the host a detailed introduction to this kind of puppet and tell you the rules of the puppet." Xiao Cong deliberately paused when he said this, and waited for Xiao Qiang to ask questions, and then said.

"First of all, the zombies captured by the host through the use of puppet symbols, no matter how high their level is, are 100% loyal to the host and will never betray the host. The host can rest assured about this. Moreover, they will absolutely obey your orders. Even if you ask them to commit suicide, they will commit suicide. "

"Secondly, if the host's puppet kills zombies, it will also generate experience points. Of course, the amount of experience points generated is determined by their strength. There are three distribution plans for this kind of experience points, which the host can choose by himself. The default is 1:1, and the host gets all the experience points and the puppet gets experience points. The puppet also has its own experience points required for upgrading. After meeting the upgrade conditions, it can also be upgraded. This time, after two infected level 3 zombies killed zombies and raised the host's experience points to the maximum, it was Xiao Cong who helped the host adjust the plan, so that the host did not waste experience points. "

"Thank you, Xiao Cong, Xiao Cong really helped a lot." Xiao Qiang hurriedly took the opportunity to thank Xiao Cong.

"Yeah." Xiao Cong heard Xiao Qiang's words, walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, and responded nonchalantly. It felt like doing something insignificant.

"Finally, I need to emphasize to the host that if the puppet zombie kills the zombie, there is no exchange point, and no extra items can be obtained, only experience points, and the experience points are matched according to the strength of the zombie, not according to the strength of the host, so please use it at your discretion. Of course, the host can take the puppet zombie back to the system at any time, 20,000 exchange points each time."

At this time, after hearing what Xiao Cong said, Xiao Qiang had already begun to think secretly about how to use these two level 3 infected zombies to maximize his own benefits and gain more experience points.

"Hey, then, when I encounter a powerful zombie, I can let the two level 3 infected zombies take action first, and when the enemy is only left with one breath, I will take action. In this way, I can get more experience points and get extra reward items." Xiao Qiang suddenly slapped his thigh and spoke after thinking of an idea.

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