Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 551 Zombies gain experience

"Ah? The master host is cheating. He only knows how to exploit loopholes in the system, not to mention improving his own strength. When Xiao Cong heard Xiao Qiang's words, he gave Xiao Qiang a big eye roll and pouted.

"Hey, what I call the rules of reasonable use is also a way to become stronger. So, Xiao Cong, please go on and tell me what rewards there are." Xiao Qiang smiled at Xiao Cong honestly and continued. .

"Ding, due to the perseverance and fearlessness shown by the host in this fight, the host's brave heart can be upgraded and become the brave heart of perseverance, with a special reward of the Mad Dragon Blade of the Mad Dragon Sword Technique. Is the host now? Check out the introduction to the Kuang Long Yida technique."

"Check and check, of course I have to check. I didn't expect that I can get rewards for this. This is really an unexpected gain." Xiao Qiang didn't expect that the Heart of the Brave can be upgraded. He was excited when he heard about the reward items and wanted to see them. introduce.

"The Crazy Dragon Sword Technique: Crazy Dragon Sword - a move derived from the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique to defeat the enemy in one move. After more training and use, you can exert a hundred times your power."

"Of course, the host's current strength will definitely not be able to exert a hundred times the strength, just more than 20 times. Moreover, with the host's current strength, it can only be used once a week. As for the power, it is only more powerful than you Now that the fourth gate is opened, it will be much better to use Chubiao Lianhua." After the system displayed the technique, Xiao Cong proudly added to Xiao Qiang.

"Wow, it's so powerful. It's even more powerful than Biao Lianhua. This is my strongest move at the moment. In this case, I have to practice it hard." After hearing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise. 's admiration.

"He who has eaten and slept for three days, please ask me to come and see how he is doing? He is the one who made us Bingyan so sad. Look at me if I don't take care of him." At this moment, Li Wei's loud voice suddenly The voice reached Xiao Qiang's ears.

"Xiao Cong, I'm going to eat first. They've come to deliver food to me. They'll come again in the afternoon." After Xiao Qiang heard Li Wei's shout, he hurriedly said to Xiao Cong.

"Yeah." After seeing Xiao Cong nodding gently, Xiao Qiang withdrew from the system.

"Hey, women can go in, but men can go out. You have forgotten the rules of this medical clinic. Men are not allowed to stay here except for medical treatment. Please go out quickly. "At this time, Sister Rourou's voice sounded again, and she was obviously chasing Wang Liang and the other boys out.

"Sister Rourou, just let us in. Aren't you worried about Xiao Qiang? Come and see him, and you won't let him out, so we can only come here to see him. We promise, we will never go anywhere else. Stay, just go in and take a look at him." Wang Liang stood outside the door and begged Sister Rourou for mercy.

After Xiao Qiang heard their conversation, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, and said: "Sister Rourou, just let them in. I promise, I will definitely listen to you this time. I will wait until you say that I have recovered." Get out of here."

"Okay, since you are so well-behaved and obedient, let them go in and check on you." Sister Rourou let Wang Liang and the others in after hearing what Xiao Qiang said.

"You don't eat at noon, why do you all come here?" Xiao Qiang looked at the people who filled the small room after coming in, and asked.

"I heard that you woke up, so I came over to check on you at noon. How are you? Are your injuries feeling better?" Wang Peng squeezed to the front and heard Xiao Qiang's question. After that, he replied.

"Much better, Wang Peng. I heard that you fainted because of your forced use of perception that day. Thank you very much." Xiao Qiang sat on the bed, looked at Wang Peng and thought about it, and gently punched Wang Peng's chest. He expressed gratitude to Wang Peng.

When Wang Peng heard Xiao Qiang's words, he waved his hands quickly. When he was about to answer, Li Wei came over and shouted at Xiao Qiang: "What? Does it mean that Wang Peng alone deserves to be thanked? We don't deserve your gratitude." Sir, are you grateful? It was in vain that I brought you a meal. And we, Bingyan, have shed so many tears and guarded you for so long, huh."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, thank you, and thank you all very much. Everyone has worked hard during this period." Xiao Qiang heard Xiaowei's words and quickly begged for mercy and said.

"They are all begging for mercy. It seems that they are in good health. You can kill tens of thousands of zombies in the city alone. You are really powerful." Wang Liang sat beside Xiao Qiang's bed, thinking that those zombies were Xiao Qiang. Killed, he opened his mouth and said.

Xiao Qiang didn't know how to explain to everyone that he subdued two infection-level zombies and ordered them to kill them all. Moreover, after careful calculation, even if the puppet was killed by oneself, it was counted as being killed by oneself, so he didn't say much more.

"Oh, it's not worth mentioning. Didn't I suffer such a serious injury? By the way, how is the situation at our base these days? How is the development of everywhere?" Xiao Qiang laughed, He explained this matter and asked Wang Liang.

"In the past few days, many people have joined our base one after another. They are all from Xuzhou City, including the hunter team. Now we are the only base left in the entire Luzhou City. Our base It has become a base that can represent Luzhou City," Wang Liang said proudly after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

"Yes, we must properly arrange for these people who come to seek refuge. Food, clothing, housing, transportation, and every aspect must be taken care of. We must not let the new comrades feel favored." Xiao Qiang instructed Wang Liang.

Wang Liang nodded, and Han Feng said again: "In the past few days, everyone has worked overtime to clean up all the zombie bodies in Kangzhuang Village and set them on fire. Recently, we are building a fence to protect Kangzhuang Village from the outside, and we are preparing to build an underground passage to connect Kangzhuang Village with Longshan Base. Everyone knows that they are looking for a place to live for themselves, and they are full of energy. In two weeks, the first batch of people will be able to live in Kangzhuang Village." Han Feng was also a little excited and said to Xiao Qiang.

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