Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 553 Level 2 Mall

As Xiao Qiang spoke, he felt his body slowly getting hotter. A warm current was constantly flowing along his meridians and slowly impacting the acupuncture points all over his body. Finally, his whole body felt very comfortable and warm, just like a warm light shining on his body in winter. This comfortable feeling made Xiao Qiang yawn unconsciously and feel sleepy.

"That's all the rewards from the host. Does the host have anything else to do? If not, Xiao Cong will take a nap." Xiao Cong also yawned, patted his mouth gently, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Then help me check my current attributes. I haven't looked at my attributes for a long time. I don't know what changes there are." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong.

Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 7000 Physical Strength: 7000

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 43/1000), Thunder Claw (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 61/1000), Flying Thunder God (Entry Level: Proficiency 168/1000), Shattering Palm (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 32/100), Mad Dragon Sword Technique (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 32/100), Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (Entry Level: Proficiency 44/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates Open (Table Lotus)

Mall Permission: Level 2 (Can purchase intermediate items) Open lottery permission level 2 (73/3000)

Comprehensive evaluation: Superpower level 1. Experience value: 0/500000 Exchange points 800320.

Owns a bone spur dagger, a plum peak dagger, a snowflake dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), and a high-tech nano armor (advanced).

Battle pet: Howling Moon Wolf (juvenile) Comparable to the strength of a strong man at level 8

Puppet: Infected level 3 zombie 1: Experience value: 93950/5000000, infected level 3 zombie 2: Experience value 93750/5000000.

After Xiao Cong displayed Xiao Qiang's personal attributes on the panel, he went to rest and sleep in his little pink pajamas. Although Xiao Qiang was a little warmed by the warm current of the fire power and wanted to sleep, he was still attracted by his attribute panel and wanted to check it carefully to see what changes he had made.

First of all, Xiao Qiang noticed that his level had changed from a strong man at level 9 to a superpower level 1, and the experience value for upgrading to a superpower level 2 was 500,000. However, after Xiao Qiang upgraded, he was still very confident that he could quickly complete the upgrade with this experience.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang also noticed that after his attribute panel, there were descriptions of the little wolf and two infected level 3 zombies. What surprised Xiao Qiang was that the little wolf had actually upgraded again, and now it was a pet comparable to the strength of a strong man at level 8. After a brief recollection, Xiao Qiang guessed that the little wolf probably took the black gold of the infected level 1 zombie beast, as well as the black gold of many high-level zombies at that time, plus the growth in the past few days, it was upgraded to the strong man level 8. Next to the description of the little wolf was the description of the two infected level 3 zombies. Because they were infected level 3 zombies, the experience points they needed to upgrade also reached 5 million. Next to them were some experience points they gained from killing zombies last time.

"It seems that there will be another reason to increase the intensity of killing zombies in the future. If these two zombies want to upgrade, the experience points required are also huge. But with the help of these two zombies, killing zombies will become much faster." Xiao Qiang thought while looking at the description of the zombies.

This time, what interested Xiao Qiang about his attributes was that, as Xiao Qiang entered the supernatural level, the mall authority had been upgraded from level 1 to level 2. This meant that Xiao Qiang could enter the level 2 mall and spend exchange points to buy some intermediate items for use. Moreover, due to the killing of zombies this week, Xiao Qiang's exchange points had reached 800,000 points. He also wanted to use these exchange points to buy some things, and promised Wang Peng and others to prepare some equipment for their team.

Xiao Qiang quickly opened the level 2 mall, and suddenly a dazzling array of goods appeared in front of Xiao Qiang. Of course, there were still those items in the level 1 mall, which were convenient for Xiao Qiang to buy.

He chose to click on the column of intermediate items, and the entire panel was the same as the intermediate lottery. The shelves showed a golden light and were filled with rows of goods. Xiao Qiang noticed that all the goods were divided into four categories, namely equipment, medicine, and daily necessities. Below these three categories of items, the redemption points for each type of item are clearly listed.

The first thing Xiao Qiang checked was the equipment column. Swords, guns, swords, sticks, various defensive clothing, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, tanks, etc., were all available for sale after the Level 2 mall was opened. Xiao Qiang noticed that if he wanted to buy his bone spur dagger, he would need to spend 10,000 points of exchange, and a complete set of Qingfeng armor would cost 20,000 points. A mid-level sniper rifle with enhanced power would cost 10,000 points of exchange. The difference between this sniper rifle and the ordinary one is that the firing rate has become faster. Even ordinary bullets can cause some damage to mutants above level 9. Looking at the colorful equipment, Xiao Qiang felt that his eyes were a little dazzled, but the exchange points to be spent were also somewhat surprising. Xiao Qiang was originally going to collect a set of equipment for the two special operations teams. After seeing the exchange points to be spent, he felt that his 800,000 points of exchange points were still not enough. At the same time, he also lamented that it would cost a lot to raise a troop.

Finally, Xiao Qiang thought again and again and decided to exchange 60 pieces of Qingfeng armor, spending a total of 300,000 exchange points. He also lowered the level and exchanged 60 daggers that were slightly inferior to the bone spur dagger, spending a total of 60,000 exchange points. These alone cost Xiao Qiang 360,000 exchange points. For the remaining guns, Xiao Qiang could only let them use ordinary items.

Then, Xiao Qiang clicked on the items of medicines, and various names that Xiao Qiang was familiar with, such as hemostatic agents, antidotes, body-building pills, facial enhancement pills, etc., appeared in front of Xiao Qiang. There were also lightning charms, flame tongue charms, intermediate puppet charms, etc., and there were some exchange points marked under these items. Xiao Qiang noticed that those items that temporarily increased the user's strength once and for all cost less exchange points, such as double violent pills, speed enhancement charms, etc., each of which cost 2,000 exchange points. For example, those that permanently increased the user's strength cost more exchange points, and the minimum was 10,000 exchange points, and they could only be used once and could not be reused.

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