Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 554: Gathering Equipment

Among these items, the cheapest ones are the hemostatic agent and the arrow charm, each of which costs 1,000 redemption points. Through this injury, Xiao Qiang also noticed that the therapeutic effect of hemostatic agent is related to your injury. If you are injured by a strong person who is much higher than your level, the therapeutic effect will also be reduced. After thinking about it, Xiao Qiang bought 60 hemostatic agents, 60 arrow charms, and 60 sprinting pills. He also spent 180,000 redemption points. If it is given to the members of the special team, it will also be able to help. They clicked.

After coming out of the column of pharmaceutical items, Xiao Qiang entered the column of daily items. He planned to use his limited exchange points to strengthen some equipment and items for the members of the two special groups. , helped them very well. After all, Xiao Qiang feels that intelligence work is very important, but it is very dangerous to implement it.

After entering the daily item column, the first thing Xiao Qiang saw was various generators, including the gasoline generators used in their base, as well as wind and solar generators. Moreover, this kind of mid-level item has a special transformation effect. Okay, it can generate some electricity very well. When Xiao Qiang saw this, he also planned to wait for Kangzhuang Village to be completed and get a batch of wind and solar generators there to save the base's gasoline.

Later, Xiao Qiang also noticed that there were many daily necessities, such as portable water bags, capsule tents, aircraft, apocalyptic navigation watches, etc. However, there were also many redemption points for these expenses, and Xiao Qiang could not use them for the time being, but there was one This item caught Xiao Qiang's attention very much. It is an in-ear type long-distance intercom. The intercom is small and exquisite. If you put it into your ear, you will not be able to see that you are wearing earplugs from the outside. It is very easy to hide, and there is no distance limit. In this case It is very suitable for members of two groups, and the only exchange point that needs to be spent is 3,000 points. Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth and bought 60 of them, spending another 180,000 exchange points on Xiao Qiang.

After buying all these, Xiao Qiang saw that he still had tens of thousands of redemption points left, and immediately decided to buy only this much for them, and let Wang Peng go to the arsenal to pick out the remaining equipment for use. , added to them.

In fact, in the apocalypse, it is already very powerful to have such equipment. Just like the hemostatic agent, Zhang Bo, who was a strong man with level 3 awakening at that time, did not have such effective medicine, and he had to rush to Longshan. Only one can be found in the base. At this time, Xiao Qiang actually gave one to the members of the two groups, a total of 60 people. If everyone in the other bases knew about it, they would probably be very upset. Of jealousy.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang felt another stronger warm current hitting his acupuncture points, while still warming his meridians. It felt like a layer of protection was added to his meridians. membrane. Xiao Qiang yawned again. The warm feeling made Xiao Qiang feel strongly sleepy. However, he was attracted by the colorful items in the level 2 mall, so he still endured it and continued browsing.

"Jiang Kai is about to reach the 8th level of his power. A marrow cleansing pill might help him break through the level."

"Although Bingyan is at the superpower level and doesn't need any weapons, she still needs a set of Breeze Armor to enhance her protection."

"Wang Peng still needs a few more arrows. As the leader of the assassination team, the arrows cannot be too shabby. This flame tongue arrow is good, and this ice arrow is too expensive, so forget it. First."

"For Lin Fei, give him some special sets of gravity fitness equipment, so that he won't have to lift a lot of barbells in one fell swoop and show off in front of those girls."

"Last time everyone was attacked by sound waves and needed a lot of earplugs. This three-dimensional surround all-round earmuffs feel pretty good and the price is not expensive. You can buy some."

"Also this time, a new group of people have come into the base. There are also a lot of mutants among them, and some of them are pretty good. Give them an upgrade card to help them for a while."

"By the way, I can't forget myself. I have already taken these pills. If I take them again, they will have no effect. I can take some more of these pills that I haven't taken before to enhance my physical fitness."

. . . . . .

In this way, Xiao Qiang seemed to have entered a commercial building, thinking about the allocation of personnel in the base while purchasing the items inside. Of course, he also did not forget to calculate his own exchange points. Slowly, the warm current hit Xiao Qiang's body in an endless stream, and waves of sleepiness made Xiao Qiang slowly fall asleep.

Xiao Qiang, who was lying on the bed and asleep, didn't notice that after the warm current slowly nourished the inside of his body, it slowly overflowed to the surface of the body, forming a protective film on the surface. With a "surge", the flame slowly covered the whole body, and after reaching the position where the infusion needle was inserted in the arm, it actually peeled off the needle that pierced the arm from the body. Then, the flame film slowly disappeared and entered Xiao Qiang's body.

"You brat, you are so dishonest when sleeping." Sister Rourou, who had finished her work for a while, was about to come over to take a look at Xiao Qiang, but she saw Xiao Qiang kicking the quilt to the ground, and she was also angry.

Walking to Xiao Qiang's bed, Sister Rourou gently picked up the quilt from the ground and covered Xiao Qiang again. But she saw that the infusion needle was dropped by Xiao Qiang and fell to the side. Seeing this, Sister Rourou couldn't help but shook her head gently.

"Ah! Why is it so hot?" When Sister Rourou picked up the needle, a burning sensation came to Sister Rourou's hand, causing Sister Rourou to throw the needle aside unconsciously and muttered softly.

After sleeping for a whole afternoon, Xiao Qiang only felt a little hungry, and then he slowly opened his eyes, but saw a fair and beautiful face appearing beside his bed, with a beautiful figure and tall body. At this moment, the youthful and beautiful face looked a little haggard. Staring at the pair of bloodshot eyes, looking at him with concern.

"Bingyan, I miss you so much. I had a very long dream, and I dreamed of you in the dream. Why did you lose weight? It's all my fault. I promised not to worry you, but I made you worry again." Xiao Qiang opened his eyes and saw Lin Bingyan sitting by the bed guarding him. He hugged her in his arms and said.

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