Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 555 Bingyan is so nice

"Ding Dong, be good, it's okay, it's okay, we're back at the base, don't be afraid, you must be scared when you're surrounded by so many zombies, you've suffered. You've been so seriously injured, it must be painful." Lin Bingyan gently comforted Xiao Qiang.

Obviously, Lin Bingyan was also shocked by the zombies on the ground that night and the injuries on Xiao Qiang's body. She looked a little scared. The worry about Xiao Qiang's injuries in recent days also made Lin Bingyan look a little thin and haggard. However, she is still so good, so kind to care about Xiao Qiang and comfort him gently.

"Bingyan, you are so good!" Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan, gently stretched out his hand, wiped the tears on Lin Bingyan's face, and said to Lin Bingyan emotionally.

Maybe it's really like what Sister Rourou said, how could a stinky boy like him be liked by such a kind and beautiful Lin Bingyan. Xiao Qiang also felt very happy, and meeting Lin Bingyan really made Xiao Qiang feel warm.

"It's all my fault. I was too weak to help you. You had to go to the city alone to kill zombies for the base, and you were surrounded by so many zombies and were seriously injured. If I were stronger, I could help you share some of the burden, at least I could fight with you." As she spoke, Lin Bingyan suddenly burst into tears, venting all her worries over the past few days.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang was panicked and seemed a little at a loss for a moment. He didn't know what to do. He could only hold Lin Bingyan in his arms and constantly comfort her to ease her emotions.

"Okay, you little brat, you just recovered from your illness and you're thinking about bullying Bingyan, right? Do you know how worried Bingyan was about you when you were unconscious? I said I'd give you two some private space and not disturb you two, but in just a short while, you made Bingyan cry. I'll cut you a few times with a knife." Xiao Qiang didn't know how to comfort Lin Bingyan, and suddenly Sister Rourou's voice came from outside, and then Sister Rourou rushed over with a scalpel.

Since Sister Rourou and Lin Bingyan fought against the black-clothed man together last time, she has had a good relationship with Lin Bingyan. This time, Xiao Qiang's injury made Sister Rourou see the affectionate side of this beautiful girl, so she liked Lin Bingyan even more. At this moment, she heard Lin Bingyan crying and rushed into the house.

"Sister Rourou, please don't. It's not Xiao Qiang who bullied me. I was just too happy that Xiao Qiang woke up. It wasn't him who did it." After hearing what Sister Rourou said, Lin Bingyan quickly raised her head and said to Xiao Qiang while wiping her tears.

"Puff", Sister Rourou couldn't help laughing when she heard what Lin Bingyan said. She put down her hand holding the scalpel and looked at Lin Bingyan and said, "You're crying for joy. You're such a big girl, and your pretty face is all broken by tears. I told you, this brat is in good health. He won't be hurt by such a small injury. You two can still have several children by then."

Hearing what Sister Rourou said, Lin Bingyan couldn't help laughing softly, wiping her tears while lowering her head with a little shyness.

"Sister Rourou, put down the scalpel in your hand quickly, it's too scary. You take out the scalpel and fight with her when you don't agree with her. I feel sorry for Bingyan, how could I bully her?" Xiao Qiang said quickly after hearing what Sister Rourou said.

"Hmph, it's good that you didn't bully her. Just take it as a warning to tell you not to bully our Bingyan in the future, otherwise you will be in trouble." Sister Rourou snorted lightly, pouted at Xiao Qiang, and shook the scalpel in her hand.

"Okay, I won't disturb you two talking here. I'm going to eat first. I've been busy all afternoon, but I'm too tired. You have to give me a raise later. Also, I'll bring you food after dinner. After dinner, Xiao Qiang will be infused, so he can sleep." Sister Rourou said to the two while walking outside, taking off her coat, revealing her plump figure.

"When did you get so close to Sister Rourou? You even call her Bingyan." After seeing Sister Rourou go out, Xiao Qiang took a tissue and carefully helped Lin Bingyan wipe her tears, and asked her teasingly.

"Why, is it okay for me to have a good relationship with Sister Rourou? I have a good relationship with everyone in the base. Hehe." Lin Bingyan looked up, pouted, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, our Bingyan is the best. However, it is indeed my fault to make you worry this time. You have lost a lot of weight. You should eat more later." Xiao Qiang sat up, stretched out his hand and hooked Lin Bingyan's nose, and said.

"By the way, Doraemon, can't you know the level of others? Come and see what my level is?" Lin Bingyan showed a happy expression waiting for praise, blinking her big eyes and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Ding, a superpower level 8 strongman was found!"

"Wow, Bingyan, you are already a level 8 superpower. If I stay in bed for a few more days, you will catch up with me. Tell me quickly, how did you upgrade so quickly?" After hearing Lin Bingyan's words, Xiao Qiang guessed that Lin Bingyan might have upgraded, but after getting the exact answer, he was still a little surprised.

"This week, I basically practiced in your mutant training room, trying to improve my strength, and with the help of your pills and black gold, I was promoted." Lin Bingyan took Xiao Qiang's hand and said to him obediently.

"Ah, then you must have been very hard during this period. What are you doing? Why are you working so hard to upgrade recently? Are you very tired?" After hearing Lin Bingyan's words, Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan with a loving face.

"You must be very tired. Your mutant training room is a place for intensive training of mutants. I feel sorry for you when I see you injured. I want to work hard to improve my level so that I can fight the zombies with you. I can't let you go alone." Lin Bingyan told Xiao Qiang her thoughts truthfully.

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