Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 557 Puppet Zombie

So as long as Lin Fei holds the steering wheel well and walks along the road, he can arrive smoothly.

Soon, the car drove into the city. The place where Xiao Qiang fainted last time, after being blown and dried by the wind for a few days, the bloody smell on the road has been much lighter. The ground was covered with zombie corpses, broken limbs, and the ground was stained red with blood, leaving dried marks. The walls of the commercial building next to it were full of scratches from long nails and various dents caused by strong impact. Because he was unconscious at the time, Xiao Qiang also saw the traces of fighting on this road for the first time. Within a few hours, two infected level 3 zombies killed more than 100,000 zombies, and this was only because Xiao Qiang let the two zombies protect themselves and did not let them go to kill, which also included many high-level zombies. Xiao Qiang couldn't wait to see how the two zombies fought and how powerful they were.

Moreover, Xiao Qiang had already asked Xiao Cong about it. After these two puppet zombies were subdued by him, they could no longer command the zombies. Otherwise, Xiao Qiang imagined that he could use these two level 3 infected zombies to command the zombie army, which would be too impressive.

"I'm going to practice by myself. If you two are in danger, remember to call me through the intercom. We are all nearby and can take care of each other." As soon as he got out of the car, Lin Fei said to Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan.

Xiao Qiang knew that Lin Fei had his own set of training methods, which was to train his physical strength to the extreme and practice his knife speed to the extreme. Just for this one action, Lin Fei could practice it for a week without getting tired. Xiao Qiang estimated that if he simply competed with Lin Fei in speed, he would be abused by Lin Fei. Not only that, but also the set of double-sword flow skills that Xiao Qiang gave him, which Lin Fei also trained hard. The double-sword flow has become Lin Fei's regular skills. When used, it is more powerful than before and the speed is much faster.

Considering that Lin Fei is so hardworking and the upgrade speed is also very fast, Xiao Qiang is also thinking about getting some more knives for Lin Fei, and by the way, getting some more skills for him to further strengthen his strength. Through recent observations, Xiao Qiang has a hunch that Lin Fei will definitely be a great help to him in the future.

"Yeah, you also have to pay attention to safety. Come to us at noon and we will have lunch together. If there is anything, tell us in time through the intercom." Xiao Qiang nodded, and then gave Lin Fei a few more words.

As he spoke, Lin Fei agreed and went to practice alone on the road next to him.

"Ding Dong, what are we going to do? It's rare for the two of us to go out. There are so many shopping malls that no one is in charge now. Why don't we go shopping in the mall? These things are free. What do you think?" After seeing Lin Fei go to the other side, Lin Bingyan also said coquettishly to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang was originally going to kill zombies, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that since he and Lin Bingyan started dating, he had not been alone with Lin Bingyan or dated. Of course, it was because there were too many zombies in the end times, and Xiao Qiang had too many things to do at the base. So after hearing Lin Bingyan's words and seeing Lin Bingyan's coquettish look, Xiao Qiang was ready to agree with Lin Bingyan and go to kill zombies in the afternoon. Anyway, he was following two infected zombies, and it would be okay to have them to gain experience.

"There are zombies everywhere here, and you still have the mood to go shopping in the mall. Aren't you afraid that the zombies will bite you?" Xiao Qiang said, and stretched out his hand to pinch Lin Bingyan's face, and said.

"Don't be afraid, don't forget that I have also fought zombies, and now I am at the level of 8 superpowers. Looking at the entire base, there are not many who can beat me. Besides, you are still with me. If there are zombies, won't you come out to protect me?" Lin Bingyan blinked her eyes and looked at Xiao Qiang expectantly.

"Okay, I can't do anything to you. But before that, there are some things you need to see first. After the arrangement is done, we can go shopping in the mall all morning." Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and gently hooked Lin Bingyan's nose, pinched Lin Bingyan's nose and said to him.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang took two steps forward and stretched out his hand. Then, he took out two zombies infected at level 3 from the system. The zombies stood beside him. One was tall and thin, with particularly prominent nails, and the other was black and strong, with particularly developed muscles. The two zombies raised their heads, looked at Xiao Qiang with white eyes, and made a "jiejie" sound, as if asking Xiao Qiang to give orders.

Lin Bingyan didn't know that these two zombies were Xiao Qiang's puppets. When she saw Xiao Qiang stretch out his hand, two zombies appeared. She was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but screamed "Ah~". She walked to Xiao Qiang's side and raised her palms. There was a hint of coldness on her hands. It seemed that Lin Bingyan treated these two infected zombies as enemies and was ready to attack at any time.

"Bingyan, don't be afraid! They are not enemies. They are the two zombies who protected me that day. They are also puppets, so don't worry." Xiao Qiang held Lin Bingyan's hand and comforted her. At the same time, he reached out and gently touched the heads of the two zombies. The two zombies just made a "jiejie" sound, but did not resist. Seeing this scene, Lin Bingyan, who was a little shocked, was relieved.

"Is this your puppet? How did you do it? You can actually capture two zombies as your puppets? You said that these zombies were killed by the two of them, so what level are they? You are too powerful." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Lin Bingyan asked in shock.

"Because I am Doraemon, these two zombies are infected with level 3 zombies, and their strength is beyond doubt. At least now I can't beat them. So, with their protection, we can go shopping here in peace." Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan.

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