Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 558 Shopping in the Mall

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang pulled Lin Bingyan and took the two zombies across the road to the road next to it. After turning the corner, Xiao Qiang and the others saw many things at a glance. The zombies, after hearing Xiao Qiang's movements, howled and raised their sharp claws, and rushed towards Xiao Qiang and the others. Xiao Qiang discovered that after the two zombies infected with level 3 became puppets, they became enemies in the eyes of other zombies. They would not regard them as zombies at all, and even launched attacks on them. attack.

Xiao Qiang entered the system and adjusted the proportion of zombies killed by the two puppets so that he would gain all the experience points. After all, if the two infection-level zombies wanted to upgrade, they would need millions of experience points, and he was about to upgrade. Moreover, only when one's own strength is tyrannical can one be truly tyrannical.

After adjusting the proportion of experience points, Xiao Qiang gave instructions to the two zombies to kill them on this road and not to run too far while looking at the group of zombies rushing over. Xiao Qiang is also worried that if two infection-level zombies are allowed to chase the zombies, these two zombies will run too far. If they encounter some more powerful zombies, the puppets they managed to collect will be killed by the zombies. It’s just that the gains outweigh the losses.

After Xiao Qiang's order was given, Xiao Qiang finally saw how two zombies killed zombies. They were just two zombie-killing machines without any emotion at all. I saw the tall and thin zombie with its nails stretched out, rushing into the zombies, and the nails in its hands were scratching randomly, and the low-level zombies were cut open by the long nails. The strong zombie also used two fists to open the way. The whole body was like a small tank, rushing into the zombie group. The two fists with a thousand kilograms of power smashed the zombies' bodies hard. above.

Seeing the situation of these two zombies killing zombies, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but lamented that it was no wonder the state of the zombies on that road. It turned out that the fighting style of these two infection-level zombies was so bloody and so rough. He often fights with these zombies. When Xiao Qiang saw this scene, the scenes of zombie organs flying everywhere were all...

She couldn't help but feel a little nauseous, and Lin Bingyan on the side ran to the corner and stopped looking at this.

"Ah, Tinker Bell, what kind of puppet are you looking for? It's too disgusting. These zombies are killed by two machines. I thought you were the one who killed the zombies that day. , Fortunately it wasn't you who killed me so bloody." Lin Bingyan said when she saw Xiao Qiang coming over and patted her chest.

"Haha, although it's a bit disgusting, I can't say enough about my strength. We don't need to think too much about safety issues. We can go shopping in the mall with confidence. How about it? Which of these many malls should we visit first?" Xiao Qiang Seeing Lin Bingyan's appearance, she also laughed and asked.

"We have a whole morning to go shopping. The key is that you don't need to spend money on anything here. You can take whatever you want." Lin Bingyan winked at Xiao Qiang smartly and held Xiao Qiang's arm. He entered a nearby commercial building.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie and gain +2 experience points."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 2 zombies and gain +2 experience points."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 5 zombie and gain +2 experience points."

. . . . . .

Soon, Xiao Qiang's mind kept ringing with reminders of killing zombies. Since the experience gained is compared according to the levels of the two zombies, even if he kills a level 5 zombie, There are only 2 experience points, and no items have been dropped yet. However, the two infected level 3 zombies were killed much faster than Xiao Qiang, and in this case, Xiao Qiang himself was not in any danger, and he could still gain experience points while strolling around the mall.

It's just that when Xiao Qiang heard the sound of killing to gain experience points, he gave the system an instruction not to kill one, but to report one, and wait until noon to combine the total to report. Just give it to him, otherwise there will be a "ding-ding-ding" ringing in your head all morning.

After doing all this, Xiao Qiang followed Lin Bingyan into the commercial building and went shopping.

This is a three-story shopping mall. Although there are only three floors, it has a lot of area. The first floor sells some household appliances, the second floor sells some clothing, and the third floor is a video game mall and a place to eat. Since there was no one inside, the entire shopping mall seemed particularly empty, and since there was no electricity, the shopping mall seemed dark. Fortunately, it was a sunny day, so the items in the shopping mall could be seen clearly. The items above were also covered with dust. There were still a few scattered zombies in the mall, but Xiao Qiang quickly rushed up and killed them with thunderous means so as not to disturb Lin Bingyan's shopping in the mall. interest.

"Xiao Qiang, take two blenders back, and this mobile phone case, and this sweeping robot looks very good, and this garment steamer." As soon as she entered the shopping mall, Lin Bingyan rushed When we got to the product area, we started choosing.

"Okay, okay." Although Xiao Qiang felt that this was the end of the world, and these items may not be used, he was still very happy to comply with Lin Bingyan. After all, it was rare for the two of them to go shopping in the end of the world, and this Things cost nothing.

"Xiao Qiang, this dress is nice. I'll go in and try it on. Also, bring me this one and that pair of shoes." After shopping on the first floor, the two went up to the second floor. Regardless of the dust on the floor, Lin Bingyan was still in high spirits. She ran to the fitting room with a bunch of clothes, leaving Xiao Qiang alone outside with a bag of electrical appliances.

"Doraemon, don't peek." After entering the fitting room, Lin Bingyan opened the door, revealing a small gap, and stuck her head out to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang smiled softly, wiped the dust off the waiting chair, and sat down. Sure enough, whether it was the end of the world or not, it was very tiring to accompany his girlfriend to the mall. Xiao Qiang felt that fighting zombies was not so tiring. The key was that they had just finished shopping on the first floor, and the second floor had just begun.

Sitting on the chair, Xiao Qiang looked at his hands and began to think about his fire ability.

Xiao Qiang discovered that although he was now at level 1 superpower, except for the warm current that broke through the acupuncture points on his body when he first obtained the superpower, he seemed unable to use fire-related superpowers and could not conjure up flames, let alone use flames to attack now.

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