Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 559 Lin Bingyan's past

After thinking about it, Xiao Qiang felt that just like Lin Bingyan and the others, they could only use their powers after reaching the third level of superpowers. It is estimated that the first two levels were just an adaptation of the body to the fire superpowers. Later, Xiao Qiang, who was confused, asked Xiao Cong, and the answer he got was that Xiao Cong didn't explain it clearly, but it was roughly the same.

"Ding Dong, what do you think? Do you think this one is okay?" While Xiao Qiang was thinking, he saw Lin Bingyan had changed her clothes and walked out of the fitting room.

Xiao Qiang looked up and saw Lin Bingyan wearing a white dress, clean and elegant, generous, as if she was a lotus out of the water, delicate and charming, coupled with Lin Bingyan's beautiful and pretty face, adding to her charm. Lin Bingyan's long hair fell softly and naturally on her shoulders. She walked towards Xiao Qiang. Looking at Lin Bingyan's slightly shy face, Xiao Qiang was stunned.

"Bing, Bingyan, you are so beautiful!" Xiao Qiang felt nervous all over, and even his speech became a little stuttering. He stared at Lin Bingyan and couldn't move his eyes away, and said.

"Hehe, look at your silly look, your saliva is almost flowing out." Lin Bingyan smiled softly, walked in front of Xiao Qiang, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Bingyan, it's mainly because you are so beautiful in a skirt. The whole person is very beautiful." Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly and turned his eyes away from Lin Bingyan.

"Why? Then am I not beautiful when I wear sweatpants and jeans?" Lin Bingyan pretended to be tortured and looked at Xiao Qiang happily.

"No, no, Bingyan is beautiful in anything. When she wears a skirt, she is a different kind of beauty." Xiao Qiang heard Lin Bingyan's question and waved his hands at Bingyan repeatedly, and said quickly.

"Hahaha, let's go pick out a piece of clothing for you. You've been wearing this sportswear all day, and it's torn. Let's pick out a suit for you." Seeing Xiao Qiang's nervous look, Lin Bingyan couldn't help but laugh softly, and then she pulled Xiao Qiang and walked towards the men's clothing area without saying anything.

20 minutes later, Xiao Qiang was wearing a light blue shirt and black suit pants, standing in front of the mirror. Next to him was Lin Bingyan, who was wearing a long skirt, and was gesturing to Xiao Qiang which tie to wear.

"Bingyan, I've never worn a suit before. It feels so awkward to put it on. It doesn't feel comfortable at all. It's more comfortable to wear sportswear." Xiao Qiang said reluctantly while cooperating with Lin Bingyan's movements.

"Come on, turn it this way, or this brown one. It looks good in a suit, much better than you in a sportswear." Lin Bingyan tied the tie, helped Xiao Qiang tidy up his clothes, and persuaded him.

"Haha, dressed like this, it feels like we are getting married." Xiao Qiang looked at the two people standing side by side in the mirror, and said to Lin Bingyan with a smile.

"When we get married in the future, we must hold a lively wedding. At that time, let Wang Peng and others come. There will be a three-day banquet. Bingyan, what do you think?" Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan while imagining.

"Okay, let's take a photo together." Lin Bingyan looked thoughtful, staring at the two people in the mirror, and was a little stunned. After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, there were still tears in the corners of her eyes. She turned around and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang was also a little confused when he saw Lin Bingyan's look, but he didn't think much about it. He thought it was a girl's sensitivity to weddings, so he turned around and adjusted his clothes.

"Dingdang, I want to marry you too, but I'm afraid that if I marry you, my family will bring you more dangers. Xiao Qiang, I like you very much." Lin Bingyan turned around and walked towards the phone while secretly wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She was thinking in her heart.

Lin Bingyan's family is already a top family in the second-level coastal city. Her grandfather is a senior official in the legion. Although he is not the top figure, he is definitely a senior figure in the entire legion. His father and mother run a trading company, which is also very large. Therefore, compared with Li Feng, Lin Bingyan is a real rich second generation. Of course, these are the situations before the end of the world.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Lin Bingyan's father entered Lin Bingyan's house, looked at Lin Bingyan lying on the desk to consolidate her knowledge, gently put a cup of coffee on the desk, then, hesitant to speak, sat on Lin Bingyan's bed, wanted to speak, but looking at Lin Bingyan's appearance, he decided to wait until she finished the paper at hand.

"Dad, just say whatever you want to say, the exam will be in a few days, I still have to hurry up and do a few more sets of test papers to consolidate." Lin Bingyan, who noticed her father coming in, stopped writing, gently raised her head, but did not turn around to face her father, and spoke.

"Bingyan, with your grades, there is no problem at all in getting admitted to Andu University. As long as you can perform normally, you can go to Andu University. Once there, the Andu Ye family, Mr. Ye, should also take the exam this year. After college, he will also go to Andu University. The Ye family has mentioned to me and your grandfather many times that they want to marry our family. Moreover, the Ye family boy also likes you this time. The two of you will go to Andu University, and you can still develop a relationship while in school. When you graduate, how about you two get married?" Lin Bingyan's father thought for a moment, then slowly faced Lin. Bingyan said it.

"Ye family, Ye Dong? Is he the Ye family master who is famous for being idle and bullying others in Andu? With his grades, he would probably pass the exam for even a third-rate university, let alone Andu University. No." After hearing her father's words, Lin Bingyan unconsciously clenched the black pen in her hand tightly, her cold eyes flashed, and her tone was full of sarcasm, and she spoke.

Andu is the only first-level city in the country. It covers a vast area, surpassing 6 Xuzhou cities. It has a developed economy, 20 times more than Xuzhou City, and Andu University is the largest in the country. A good university. The Ye family is the top family among the first-level cities in the country. Ye Dong's grandfather holds a top position in the army. His father's business also owns many companies, trade, manufacturing, real estate, and many other businesses. He is involved in hunting and his family fortune is very rich. The mother is a high-ranking official in Andu City, and it is not an exaggeration to call the entire family a giant in the country. As the only son in the family, Ye Dong was doted on by several people, so he was idle and uneducated. Whenever he got into trouble, these people in the family would handle it for him.

"If he takes the exam, he will definitely not be admitted to Andu University, but you know more or less about their family's situation. With their family's strength and their family's relationship, if he wants to enter Andu It is not difficult to go to university. If you can take root in Andu, you will be considered one of the top families in the country. Therefore, if you are admitted to Andu University, you can get to know Mr. Ye first at university. Just in case you like it..." Hearing the unkindness in Lin Bingyan's tone, Lin Bingyan's father also increased his tone and spoke to Lin Bingyan.

"Hmph, are you saying that if we met in college, we would have fallen in love with him? Dad, you know better than me how the reputation of Young Master Ye has spread among the families in the country in recent years. Daily life I won’t mention the small quarrels, but there are a lot of big things. When he was 14 years old, he drove a sports car and raced on the road, and ended up in a car accident. He was fine, but he harmed others. In the end, he was injured. He relied on his family to come forward. When he was 16 years old, he went to a girl, which was in the news. In the end, it was not because of his grandfather's connections in the army that the matter was ignored by the society at the age of 19. A group of idle people in the class violently beat up their classmates, eventually causing fractures. The person who was beaten actually chose not to prosecute him when he was about to go to court to sue him. Moreover, at that time, no media reported this incident at all. . . . " Lin Bingyan turned to her father, her face slightly flushed with excitement.

"That's enough. When did you learn to contradict your father? When did you learn to communicate with your father in such a sarcastic tone? Have you read all the books in your childhood in vain?" Lin Bingyan's father, in addition to Lin Bingyan's grandfather, is They have always been the most dignified in their family, and they always speak their mind. When they heard that Lin Bingyan, who had been very obedient since she was a child, actually contradicted her today, she immediately became angry and yelled at Lin Bingyan angrily, But perhaps because he felt that it was difficult for him to convince himself of Ye Dong's character, he stopped talking.

Lin Bingyan may only know the story of these things, but Lin Bingyan's father knows the inside story of these things. That time when she was driving a sports car, she finally relied on her mother's connections to find someone to take the blame and make things right. The incident of raping a young girl alarmed the media and caused quite a fuss. It was fermented on the Internet for many days. In the end, relying on his grandfather's relationship, he paid the amount of compensation while threatening the girl's parents to exert pressure. , and at the same time bribed a professional team to clarify the matter online. In the end, even Ye Dong's parents' background was hidden, and the girl also changed her story and suppressed the matter. After this time, the Ye family also learned to be much smarter. Not only did they deal well with many media, they even used threats and inducements, and even set up a media company of their own. Therefore, the subsequent fight was not reported by the media at all. In the end, Ye Dong's mother found a group of gangsters who took money in one hand and a stick in the other to threaten the person being beaten, and also hired a professional team of lawyers to come and persuade them. The Ye family has a great business. Even though the family has a lot of background and assets, the man is still no match for the Ye family, so he did not sue.

Ye Dong originally fell in love with Lin Bingyan after he fell in love with her at a party by chance, but Lin Bingyan ignored her at all. Ye Dong took advantage of his family connections to raise this matter with the Lin family many times. However, Lin Bingyan's father knew Ye Dong's reputation and was unwilling to marry his daughter to such a person. However, recently the family needed the Ye family's help, so Lin Bingyan's father once again proposed to Lin Bingyan Get the information out.

After hearing her father's words, Lin Bingyan didn't say anything, she just turned her head away and stopped looking in her father's direction.

"Bingyan, people will change. The Ye family boy came to our home many times and his attitude was very sincere. He really likes you. Moreover, marrying with the Ye family will also be good for our family. There are many benefits. You are already the oldest child, and you are the only daughter of our Lin family. It is time to think about our family." Lin Bingyan's father suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke to Lin Bingyan in a slower tone. persuaded.

"Dad, you don't believe that a person like Ye Dong can really like someone. How could such a person change? After all, you didn't betray me for the sake of your family's business. Give it to the Ye family?" Lin Bingyan turned her head, looked directly at Lin Bingyan's father, and said.

With a "pop" sound, Lin Bingyan's father, who had never hit Lin Bingyan since she was a child, gave Lin Bingyan a slap and said at the same time: "Damn, you are learning more and more without rules. It was your mother who gave you You’re spoiled, is this how you talk to me now?”

After being slapped by her father, tears shone in the corners of Lin Bingyan's eyes, but she bit her lip stubbornly and tried not to let the tears fall.

"Old Lin, look at you, why are you so angry? Come out and let your daughter study hard so that she can get into college." The door was opened, and a beautiful figure, slightly plump, walked into the room. It was Lin Bingyan's mother who dragged Lin Bingyan's father out of the house and spoke.

After watching her father and mother walk out of the house, Lin Bingyan couldn't bear it anymore. She lay on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and started crying. Growing up, although his father was full of majesty, he loved Lin Bingyan very much, not to mention beating her. However, since Ye Dong happened, his father was not in a good mood every time he talked about it. , and even hit her today.

Lin Bingyan couldn't understand whether her family's property and businesses were really more important than her own happiness.

At night, Lin Bingyan fell asleep softly after lying on the bed tired from crying. The door was suddenly opened, and a graceful figure flashed in.

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