Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 560: Anduye Family

He also held a towel soaked in ice water and a bowl of hot millet porridge.

Gently turning Lin Bingyan's figure over, Lin Bingyan's mother gently applied the towel in her hand to the spot where Lin Bingyan's face had been slapped.

"It's me. Hurry up and put some ice on your little face, otherwise it will be swollen tomorrow and you won't be pretty by then. I drank the bowl of porridge after a while. After crying for so long, I must be hungry. Hurry up. Eat a little." Lin Bingyan's mother said while helping Lin Bingyan put ice on her face.

"Bingyan, if you really don't want to date Ye Dong from the Ye family, then you will barely do well in the college entrance examination. If you apply for a university then, choose a place further away to go to university. Lin Bingyan, who was lying on the bed, whispered what her mother had secretly said to Lin Bingyan. Lin Bingyan was also thinking about it at the moment.

I have worked hard for such a long time and studied so hard just to be admitted to Andu University. But now, being admitted to Andu University means entering the snobbish circle of the Ye family, and may have to follow Ye Dong. Falling in love is what Lin Bingyan doesn't want to do the most. After much consideration, Lin Bingyan decided to follow her mother's advice, deliberately fail the exam, and then find a place farther away to go to college.

"Have you told Yan'er?" After Lin Bingyan's mother returned to the bedroom, Lin Bingyan's father inside asked while smoking a suffocating cigarette.

"As I said, you were too harsh, and Yan'er is still blaming you while crying." Lin Bingyan's mother glanced at him, walked to her side, and said angrily.

"It can only be like this. The Ye family is too snobbish, and there is a high-ranking official in the army. He is higher than his father in the army. Now, someone has been sent to infiltrate into our Lin family. If we don't I'm afraid it would be difficult to cope with the show, and the Ye family's mutants are too powerful," Lin Bingyan's father sighed and said.

"Then if you do this, can you hide the past? Even if Yan'er can't get into Andu University, won't the Ye family arrange for someone to let Yan'er get into it?" Lin Bingyan's mother still looked worried. He looked at Lin Bingyan's father and asked.

"We have to do a complete show. When we do the show, the informants of the Ye family will naturally report it. In this way, we will have a reason to delay. As for the specific method, naturally it depends on the old man. Chief Lei, the largest in the legion, although he trusts the Ye family very much, he is very upright. As long as his father reveals Yan'er's affairs, I believe that the Ye family will no longer be able to force Yan'er to go to Andu. "Lin Bingyan's father took out another cigarette, and while preparing to take out a lighter, he spoke to Lin Bingyan's mother.

"Smoke a few less. If this is the case, although the Ye family can't say anything on the surface, they will definitely continue to make small moves. Moreover, what will happen when Bingyan graduates?" Lin Bing Yan's mother reached out to fan the smoke around her and spoke to Lin Bingyan's father.

"Yes, although they can't say anything about this matter on the face of it, there must be a lot of small tricks. A batch of my imported seafood has been detained by the customs in the past two days, saying that it is to inspect arms, and other items have been detained There's nothing wrong with it, but this seafood must be ruined if it's detained in such a hot day. An acquaintance at the customs told me that it was someone from the Ye family who instigated it. The Ye family is very powerful and they can't offend them. Start. This is just the beginning, the company's losses are already inevitable. This is not a big worry, anyway, I have made a lot of dowry for Yan'er over the years. What I am worried about is my father's situation in the army. He is already one level higher than his father in the army, and he has won the trust of Mr. Lei. Let’s first let Yan’er spend the past four years of college happily. He will think of something after she graduates. Putting the cigarette back into the cigarette case, he spoke with a hint of sadness.

"We only have this precious daughter, so what if the entire trading company is annexed by the Ye family, as long as Yan'er can be happy. Unfortunately, my father has worked hard for the legion all his life and has never sought personal gain. He can be in charge of the Binhai Legion. My father's dream. If the Ye family gets involved this time, without the Ye family's support, Binhai City's corps management authority will probably fall to the Ye family." Lin Bingyan's mother was also a little depressed. He lowered his head and said.

Upon seeing this, Lin Bingyan's father gently hugged Lin Bingyan's mother into his arms and said, "Fortunately, the old man loves Yan'er more than the two of us. This time, the solution is that father I thought of it. I believe that for Yan'er's sake, even if he is not the supervisor of the Binhai Regiment, his father will be happy if he can see Yan'er happy. But if his father knows about Yan'er's slap, he will wait until he sees her. When you are a father, you will definitely have to be taught a lesson by your father.”

"Yeah!" Lin Bingyan's mother leaned into his arms and nodded gently.

So, during the college entrance examination, Lin Bingyan, who had the ability to be admitted to Andu University, was seriously "underperforming". When applying for admission, she chose Xuzhou University, which was far away from Binhai and Andu City, to study here. For this reason, Lin Bingyan's father was furious after knowing her test results. He slammed the table and threw the bench at Lin Bingyan. The housekeeper of the Lin family next to him reported the situation to the Ye family after seeing this.

Lin Bingyan naturally didn't know the truth, so she was very stubborn and came to Xuzhou University to start her college life. After Lin Bingyan went to college, the Ye family didn't do anything big, but the business of the Lin family trading company became very bad, and Lin Bingyan's mother also solemnly told her not to fall in love during college, just study hard.

Although Lin Bingyan didn't understand what her mother meant, she still did it. It was only when she was in her sophomore year that she noticed Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang didn't have any outstanding appearance, but he was very attractive to Lin Bingyan and gave her a very warm feeling. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, they actually built a base together. After knowing each other for a long time, Lin Bingyan fell in love with Xiao Qiang, so the two of them got along with each other later.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, Lin Bingyan was not worried about the safety of the Lin family. It was under a special situation that Lin Bingyan knew that there were mutants in the Lin family, and their strength was not low, and the Ye family was even more powerful. Now that she heard Xiao Qiang talking about the proposal, Lin Bingyan was very worried. Since the Ye family had mutants before, they must know some inside information in the apocalypse. People from the Ye family might come to find them. Therefore, Lin Bingyan was also afraid that the powerful people of the Ye family would hurt Xiao Qiang, so she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

With a "click", Lin Bingyan took a photo of the two people with her mobile phone. Xiao Qiang was wearing a formal suit, while Lin Bingyan was wearing a white long dress. They were both talented and beautiful. Xiao Qiang gently placed his arm on Lin Bingyan's waist. Lin Bingyan looked shy and tilted her head slightly to Xiao Qiang's side.

"Take these two clothes back to the base and wear them when you get married." After taking the photo, Xiao Qiang suddenly came up with the idea of ​​taking the two clothes back to the base.

"Yeah, okay!" Lin Bingyan heard what Xiao Qiang said. This was the first time Xiao Qiang asked to take something back after entering the shopping mall. Lin Bingyan was also very moved. Although she was still a little worried, she still folded the two clothes gently and packed them up according to what Xiao Qiang said.

At noon, after Lin Fei learned the location of the two through the intercom, he ran to the shopping mall to find them. After a morning of training, Lin Fei was already sweating profusely, and even his clothes were soaked with sweat. I don't know what kind of hard training Lin Fei went through this morning.

The three of them gathered together at noon. Because he followed Lin Bingyan, Xiao Qiang didn't plan to eat instant noodles. He took out the alcohol stove and spent some exchange points from the system to exchange some vegetables, beef rolls, and some dipping sauces. The three of them sat on the ground and ate hot pot in this huge mall. Maybe it's been a long time since they had hot pot, or maybe the three of them were very tired in the morning. Of course, Xiao Qiang was too tired because he was shopping in the mall, so the three of them ate hot pot heartily.

"Huh, Doraemon, no wonder you have to come to the base alone every day, it turns out you come here to eat hot pot." Lin Bingyan said while stuffing a piece of mutton into her mouth with a big mouthful.

"No, no, I'm following you two today, so I said I'd eat something good, so I ate hot pot. When I came here alone to train in the city, I only ate instant noodles. Isn't that right, Little Wolf?" Xiao Qiang waved his hands repeatedly, feeding Little Wolf some while speaking to the two of them.

After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Little Wolf nodded at the two of them, and blinked at them, as if to prove what Xiao Qiang said to them.

"Okay, okay, hahaha, I'm just kidding you, even Little Wolf came out to prove it to you. Come here, eat something too." Seeing Xiao Qiang's embarrassed look, Lin Bingyan laughed, picked up another piece of meat for Xiao Qiang, and spoke.

"That's right, thanks to following you today, you can still make such delicious hot pot for us. You are really amazing. You can make hot pot under such conditions." Lin Fei also ate meat with big mouthfuls, his mouth full of oil. It was rare for him to say a few more words, and he even praised Xiao Qiang.

"I can't say you are amazing. You can only make hot pot for a few of us. If you really let me make hot pot for everyone in the base, it will really not be enough. I don't know when everyone in our base will be able to eat hot pot." Most of Xiao Qiang's exchange points were used to collect equipment for the 60 people, so there were not many exchange points now, and he thought about it.

"You have done very well now, Xiao Qiang, and Zhang Jin and Chen Yuan's planting and breeding farm is now doing very well. I heard that the scale has expanded several times, and ah, the two of them have been to the farm many times. Wang Liang is asking for manpower. According to Chen Yuan, by the time of the Chinese New Year, the meat in our base will be able to meet our daily supply. By then, everyone in our base will be able to eat meat produced by ourselves. Now." Lin Bingyan placed meat in Xiao Qiang's bowl while describing the breeding situation to Xiao Qiang.

"You eat too, you see you have lost a lot of weight these days. Why are the two of them so powerful? It turns out that our plantation and breeding farm is already so large, why don't I know anything?" Xiao Qiang did the same. He picked up a piece of mutton from the pot and put it into Lin Bingyan's bowl.

Lin Fei, who was sitting opposite the two of them and was feasting, curled his lips unconsciously, feeling that the meat in his mouth was no longer fragrant. He said to the two of them: "That's enough for you two. If you eat here, just Stop showing off."

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the two of them also looked at each other and smiled.

"Of course you don't know. You go to the city to exercise every day and become a hands-off shopkeeper. Wang Liang is responsible for these things. If they want someone, they will naturally go to Wang Liang. However, after that, So if we can develop so fast, we still have to rely on your seeds and feed." Lin Bingyan laughed and said to Xiao Qiang.

At the same time, Xiao Qiang is already considering whether to spend redemption points to redeem some seed feed from the level 2 mall.

The three of them had a comfortable meal of delicious hot pot in a pleasant atmosphere of conversation.

Taking advantage of a break at noon, Xiao Qiang also planned to take a look at how much experience points the two infected level 3 zombies in the morning had earned for him.

"Ding, the host's two puppets were infected with level 3 zombies. A total of 100,531 zombies were killed and 201,062 experience points were gained."

"Haha, they are indeed infected level 3 zombies. They killed more than 100,000 zombies in one morning. This is because they were ordered to only kill them on this road. If I kill them with them in the afternoon , it seems that they will be able to upgrade to level 2 today. However, it seems that they did not encounter too powerful zombies in the morning. Of course, compared to the two of them, the experience value is the lowest 2 points. But, in this case, it is still very powerful. After walking around the mall for a whole morning, I can still get more than 200,000 experience points." Xiao Qiang was also very satisfied after hearing the system prompts.

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