Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 561 Three people leveling up

In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang decided to follow the two level 3 infected zombies to the road ahead and kill the zombies.

"Bingyan, I will continue to kill zombies in the afternoon. Can you stay by the car? I'll let Xiaolang accompany you here. Lin Fei is also nearby." Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan.

"No, I want to go with you. I am also a level 8 supernatural power. I won't cause trouble for you." Lin Bingyan pouted and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, I want to go with you too. You have cleaned up some zombies here in the morning. There are not too many, but if you go deeper, there will definitely be a lot of zombies, and they may be very powerful. My mission here is to protect you. How can I let you go alone?" Lin Fei also echoed.

"Well, when the fight starts, you have to pay attention to your own safety. Try to fight outside the zombie group. I will let a zombie infected with level 3 to protect you." Xiao Qiang really couldn't refuse. After all, he had just been injured when he came to the city alone before, so the base asked them to follow.

The three of them covered their mouths, took the two zombies and the little wolf, tiptoed around the place where the two zombies fought in the morning, and moved forward another road. This is a snack road. There are several universities nearby, including Xuzhou University where Xiao Qiang is. It was very prosperous before the end of the world, and now there are not a few zombies.

Before turning to that road, the zombies howled, the noisy voices, and the sharp zombie shouts came one after another.

Turning to that road, Xiao Qiang saw a lot of zombies surging from a distance. There were also various snack stalls on the road, which had been knocked down by zombies. The iron gates of several universities nearby have been knocked open. It should be a place full of young and energetic young men and women, but now it is full of zombies. Although the iron gate of the school was knocked open, there are still many zombies in the school.

"There is no need to say more about the road ahead. We are both familiar with it. Xuzhou University is here. There is also a snack road. There are several other schools nearby. There will definitely be a lot of zombies, so we must pay attention to safety. Before going over, you two put on these two sets of protective clothing." Xiao Qiang stopped and told the two people. At the same time, he took out two sets of Qingfeng suits from the system and handed them to the two people.

"Okay, you also have to pay attention to safety. If it doesn't work, we will retreat. Don't have to fight so many zombies here."

Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang in a suit.

"Hahaha, you are really like a treasure box. You are wearing a Qingfeng suit." Lin Fei also felt the suit on his body and said to the two people.

"Okay, you two should also pay attention to safety. Then, our training will begin." Xiao Qiang gently tapped Lin Bingyan's head, who was already wearing a helmet, and said to the two.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang had already given orders to the two zombies infected at level 3. The tall and thin zombie with long nails was to protect the two, and the strong zombie was responsible for killing the zombies. Moreover, Xiao Qiang adjusted the proportion of the experience points obtained by the two zombies to get all the experience himself. After all, the most important thing now is to get more experience points for himself, so that the level of superpowers can be improved, and it is also good to be able to use fire superpowers.

The reason for this choice is that when Xiao Qiang was trying to capture the two zombies, he had seen the defensive ability of the zombie with long nails. It can quickly and timely extend its long nails and stab the target. Xiao Qiang believes that with this zombie infected at level 3, as long as the two do not go deep into the zombie group and encounter powerful zombies, safety will not be a problem. Xiao Qiang's order to the zombies with long nails was not to disturb Lin Bingyan and the others, but to kill zombies near them. If there were any zombies threatening the two of them, they would quickly go over and kill them. Moreover, Xiao Qiang had already engraved the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the two of them, so that they could fly to their side in time if they were in danger.

After telling the two of them, Xiao Qiang jumped lightly and jumped onto the roof, jumping all the way along the roof. Behind him, the little wolf was also very agile, and climbed up faster than Xiao Qiang.

Based on the principle of saving effort, Xiao Qiang also planned to go to the roof first and throw some grenades and incendiary bombs from the roof, so that some zombies could be consumed and it would be easier. And this is also a habit that Xiao Qiang has gradually developed in the process of fighting zombies in the city for so many days.

Xiao Qiang thought about using the binocular recognition scanning function to scan the zombies below to see if there are any particularly powerful zombies. If there are, he can defeat the level 3 infected zombies and then kill them himself. He can then gain experience points and exchange points according to his level. Of course, there may be reward items after killing them.

"Ding, 43,211 ordinary level 1 zombies, 37,321 ordinary level 2 zombies, 1,271 ordinary level 3 zombies, and 73 ordinary level 4 zombies were found."

After Xiao Qiang scanned the zombies in the area downstairs, he found that there were no zombies of too high a level in this area. The highest was an ordinary level 4 zombie, but there were quite a few of them. Therefore, Xiao Qiang did not transfer the strong infected level 3 zombie over, but let the infected zombie kill zombies at will.

After Xiao Qiang gave a big order to the two infected level 3 zombies, the two zombies quickly started to move. Among them, the long-nailed zombie walked forward not far and started to kill the zombies rushing over. He did not go too deep into the zombie group, and always kept a distance from Lin Bingyan and the others.

And the dark and strong zombie, after receiving Xiao Qiang's order to kill zombies at will, raised his arms high, and the muscles of his arms were like two iron lumps. He rushed into the zombie group with one arm forward. Rushing all the way, these low-level zombies could not pose any threat to him at all, and those zombies that were pushed and bumped were all over the place. This time he rushed forward and went deep into the layers of zombies, then he stopped, swung his iron arm, and began to kill the zombies. Those ordinary zombies below level 3, even if they hit this zombie, could not cause any harm to it. What's more, although this zombie looks bulky, its movements are also very sensitive.

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +2."

... . . . . .

Soon, Xiao Qiang's system heard the sound of two zombies infected with level 3 zombies being killed. After Xiao Qiang took a look at the two zombies, he set the killing prompt to report all of them in the afternoon, and began to prepare to kill these zombies on his side.

Xiao Qiang took out a lot of bombs and grenades from the system, placed them one by one, and placed them on the roof eaves. He also tied some bombs with ropes to make more powerful bombs.

"Bang bang bang", when Xiao Qiang was ready, he began to throw them at the place where there were many zombies downstairs. For a while, the downstairs was ignited by many incendiary bombs, and at the same time, the ground was also pitted by those bombs, and those zombies were also broken limbs and flew everywhere. However, it is difficult to kill zombies above level 3 with these small bombs, so there are still some zombies standing in the explosion range of the bombs.

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . . .

After hearing the explosion, the zombies also found Xiao Qiang on the roof, howling "Ah Aah", and rushed towards Xiao Qiang on the roof.

Xiao Qiang was not in a hurry upstairs. After knowing the level of the zombies downstairs, Xiao Qiang was also very relaxed. After watching the smoke from the explosion dissipate, the zombies gathered together again, and then Xiao Qiang started to throw bombs at the zombies again. In this way, Xiao Qiang also accumulated experience, and he could use bombs to kill zombies to the maximum extent.

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . .

After Xiao Qiang threw down two waves of bombs, the location downstairs where Xiao Qiang was was instantly much quieter. However, soon, more zombies surrounded him. Moreover, some zombies had already rushed to the roof with claws raised, and several crawling level 4 zombies suddenly jumped and climbed onto the outer wall of the commercial building, and quickly attacked Xiao Qiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang seemed unhurried, with a slight smile on his face. At the same time, Xiao Qiang had taken out the bone spur dagger from the system and threw it into the zombie group in the distance.

"Little Wolf, jump!" Xiao Qiang said to Little Wolf after seeing the zombies gathered around.

The zombies quickly reached Xiao Qiang's location, and Xiao Qiang jumped down from the roof with Little Wolf.

With a "bang", the zombies failed to catch Xiao Qiang and pounced in vain. However, Xiao Qiang had already set up a bomb trap here, and the zombies were immediately affected by the bomb and blown away. At the same time, the bricks on the roof were also scattered by the bomb.

"Ding, the host uses the five-fold experience value card, which lasts for 1 hour."

"Ding, the host uses the five-fold exchange point card, which lasts for 1 hour."

The two cards were also exchanged by Xiao Qiang from the Level 2 Mall. Five times is the highest multiple that can be purchased in the Level 2 Mall. One card costs 20,000 exchange points. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also has to save some time to use it, and use it when killing zombies on a large scale.

"Ding, killed 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

"Ding, killed 1 ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +10, exchange points +10."

. . . . . .

Listening to the reminder sound of the bombs killing zombies in his mind, Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique while in the air. And the little wolf, relying on the pads on his claws, landed in the zombie group.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 169/1000."

The dagger engraved with the Flying Thunder God mark thrown by Xiao Qiang accurately inserted into the head of a zombie in the zombie group. After the whole person used the Flying Thunder God technique, the zombie did not fall down. Xiao Qiang pulled out the bone spur dagger with one hand, and then leaned back to avoid the long tongue attack of a level 4 zombie. At the same time, the dagger in his hand had already slashed the heads of several zombies in succession. Pushing against the ground, Xiao Qiang jumped high and kicked a zombie hard, and the zombie hit a large group of zombies in succession. Xiao Qiang's dagger kept slashing, quickly creating a gap beside him.

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

"Ding, kill 1 ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

. . . . . .

And Xiaolang also took the opportunity to kill the zombies all the way and arrived next to Xiao Qiang.

At this time, Lin Fei and Lin Bingyan at the entrance of the road were unwilling to fall behind and launched an attack on the zombies rushing over.

"Bingyan, you should pay more attention to safety. I have to go in a little bit, otherwise why should I protect that kid? If you encounter danger, use the intercom to communicate." Lin Fei said to Lin Bingyan after seeing Xiao Qiang rushing in.

"Yeah, you should pay attention to safety too." Lin Bingyan nodded at Lin Fei and said.

"Just take the zombies here as a training for the level." Lin Bingyan thought so.

While thinking so, I saw that Lin Bingyan's body had begun to emit cold air, and a layer of ice armor began to appear on her hands. Not only that, after upgrading to the 8th level of supernatural power, Lin Bingyan's body can also be transformed into ice, so the power of the skills used is also more powerful.

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