Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 562 Lin Fei's Double Sword Style

"Ice and Snow Thorn!"

Lin Bingyan slammed her hands toward the ground, and instantly, a large layer of ice began to spread out from Lin Bingyan's direction toward the zombies in front. And these layers of ice also avoided the location of Lin Fei and the level 3 zombie with long fingernail infection. This is why Lin Bingyan has used this technique more accurately these days.

The ice quickly spread forward and reached the feet of the zombies. Then, on top of the ice, many sharp ice spikes quickly stretched out, becoming more dense than when Lin Bingyan used them before.

"Swish, swish, swish", those ice spikes instantly stuck on the legs of the zombies, and some zombies slipped. After those zombies fell, they hit the ice spikes again. The blood shed by the zombies was also stained on the ice.

After killing a large number of zombies, Lin Bingyan changed her gestures, and the ice spikes disappeared instantly. A large number of zombies fell on the ground, and soon, zombies continued to rush up. When she felt that the zombies were almost charging forward, Lin Bingyan used her skills again, and many more ice spikes were born on the ice. This time, the ice spikes became longer. After passing through the bodies of the zombies on the ground, they pierced the zombies running on the ice.

"Ice spike!"

Not only that, Lin Bingyan also moved her hands forward, forming a circular layer of ice on her hands. Afterwards, Lin Bingyan adjusted the direction of her gesture, aimed at the heads of the zombies, and used the ice stab technique.

"Swish, swish, swish", countless small ice spikes, although short, but very sharp, flew out from Lin Bingyan's hands and shot towards the zombies in front of her, killing a large number of zombies again. .

After Lin Bingyan used advanced skills, she killed nearly 5,000 zombies at once. Of course, one of them was injured by Xiao Qiang's bomb and was attacked by two ice spikes. A level 4 zombie.

After using Lin Bingyan's "Ice and Snow Thorn" to practice, Lin Bingyan was sweating profusely and panting from exhaustion. After all, this advanced technique also consumes a lot of energy, so she planned to take a rest.

"Ice wall!"

Lin Bingyan used her skills to form a huge ice wall made of ice on the road in front of her, which could block the zombies rushing towards her.

After setting up the ice wall, Lin Bingyan felt relieved and sat aside to take a rest. Moreover, with Lin Fei and a zombie infected level 3 in front of her, Lin Bingyan could rest assured and sat aside to rest. While looking towards the field.

Lin Fei, on the other hand, after giving instructions to Lin Bingyan, moved a few steps towards the road next to him, watching the zombies rushing in front of him and preparing to attack. Unlike Xiao Qiang, Lin Fei planned to kill these zombies from above the ground.

After standing on the spot, Lin Fei took off his coat aside. Although it was already autumn, Lin Fei was still wearing a short-sleeved shirt, revealing his solid muscles, and the muscles in his arms were also bulging.

The two swords were slowly drawn out and aimed at the zombie group in front.

Lin Fei took a deep breath and already made the sword gestures, preparing to use his skills to clear the way for the zombies in front of him.

"Double sword style!"

Lin Fei roared loudly, slashed hard at the group of zombies in front of him, and used his own technique.

The two winds of swords carrying power slashed into the zombies in an instant. After the strong wind passed by, the entire bodies of the zombies affected by the winds of swords were blown into the air, and there were still wounds on their bodies caused by being slashed by the swords. The scars come. After the sword wind passed by, a passage was instantly formed in front of Lin Fei, which was more than 50 meters long.

It's just an intermediate skill. With Lin Fei's continuous practice, just the sword wind passing through the zombies can actually form such energy. This is enough to show how hard Lin Fei practices in daily life. .

The technique is after it is used. Lin Fei no longer stayed where he was, and his whole figure rose up. Following the passage cut with the knife, he instantly rushed into the zombie group, as fast as a speeding train, which made him Lin Bingyan, who was watching from behind, only saw a circle of shadows rushing past, and couldn't help but admire Lin Fei's speed.

While charging forward, the double knives in Lin Fei's hands were constantly turning, cutting down the zombies on both sides. After rushing into the zombies, Lin Fei also stopped not far away from Xiao Qiang, leaving enough space for Xiao Qiang to deal with the zombies. However, at this distance, if Xiao Qiang was in danger, Lin Fei would also Able to rush over quickly.

After rushing into the group of zombies, Lin Fei did not use his skills. Instead, he kept swinging his swords and slashed at the zombies with great speed and power. At the same time, Lin Fei also Continuously rehearse the steps as if it were a daily practice.

Even so, if Lin Fei didn't use the double-sword style technique and relied on his fast and sharp sword skills, those low-level zombies could not get close to Lin Fei, and many zombie corpses quickly piled up on the ground.

Then, two power-shaped level 4 zombies and a long-tailed level 3 zombie rushed over, surrounded Lin Fei in the center of the field, and launched an attack on Lin Fei. Lin Fei cheered up and fought with three zombies. Of course, there were low-level zombies nearby who were also attacking Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was already retreating to the wall while blocking the attacks of the three zombies.

With two "dang, clang" sounds, Lin Fei raised his swords to block the arms of the two level 4 zombies. The tail of the long-tailed zombie had already swept towards Lin Fei's legs. "Kicking" several times in succession, Lin Fei stepped on the wall, blocking the zombies while avoiding the attack of the tail.

At the same time, Lin Fei used both arms to push the two level 4 zombies away. Although Lin Fei has just reached level 9, due to his hard training, in terms of strength, he can compete with even those who have awakened to level 1.

After pushing the two power zombies away, Lin Fei did a backflip. After landing firmly, the two knives in his hands slashed hard and accurately on the zombie's tail. The powerful force smashed the zombie's tail. Cut off.

Then, Lin Fei rushed in front of the level 3 zombie in an instant. When he rushed past, the knife in his hand flashed, and the level 3 zombie had been killed by Lin Fei.

"Double sword style!"

Without hesitation, Xiao Qiang rushed forward towards the two powerful level 4 zombies, using his own technique.

In an instant, Lin Fei passed by the two level 4 zombies. The two zombies, who were still charging forward, suddenly stopped, but their bodies had been scratched by Lin Fei's knife, and their entire bodies were broken.

And Lin Fei, after killing these two level 4 zombies, continued to kill the zombies.

After exercising hard for a long time, Lin Fei's physical strength was already very strong. Even if Xiao Qiang and Lin Fei spent such a long time, they dare not say that they can beat Lin Fei. Xiao Qiang and the others also made fun of Lin Fei's physical endurance many times, as if he had endless physical strength. Therefore, after continuously using the dual-sword style technique, Lin Fei was able to rush into the zombie group and kill the zombies with full energy.

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 170/1000."

Xiao Qiang on the other side did not dare to waste it after using 5 times the number of cards. After seeing the little wolf reaching his side, he put the dagger into the system and used the Thunder Claw.

The five fingers contained the power of thunder. After upgrading, when Xiao Qiang waved his claws out, he could still hear the sound made when the five fingers were drawn out. Moreover, the power has become stronger.

After stretching out a claw, Xiao Qiang quickly grabbed a zombie, broke its neck, and threw the zombie away.

He rushed into the zombie group again. After using the Thunder Claw, Lin Fei's five fingers became very powerful. He could leave deep claw marks on these zombies.

The advantage of the Thunder Claw is that it can be used even without weapons, and it is very powerful, making it easy to move quickly at the same time. However, the attack range is short, and the duration of one use is not long.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +10, and the redemption point is +10."

"Ding, if the host kills an ordinary level 4 zombie, the experience value will be +500, and the redemption point will be +500."

"Ding, the host kills ordinary level 2 zombies, the experience value is +10, and the redemption points are +10."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang noticed that after he upgraded to power level 1, he killed an ordinary level 4 zombie again, and the experience value was only 500 points with the bonus of 5 times the experience value card. In other words, the experience points gained by killing ordinary level 4 zombies have become less, and there are no additional rewards.

Taking advantage of the time when using the 5x card, Xiao Qiang also planned to seize the time to kill more zombies.

"A hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix!"

"Wolf Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 45/1000."

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 44/1000."

While Xiao Qiang was using his skills, he was also using the Wolf Fang Step to coordinate his movements, constantly weaving in and out among the zombies to kill them. There were also many zombie corpses lying on the ground. Xiaolang followed Xiao Qiang not far away. As long as Xiao Qiang killed the level 4 zombies, he would follow and swallow the black gold.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 3 zombie, the experience value is +10, and the redemption point is +10."

"Ding, if the host kills an ordinary level 4 zombie, the experience value will be +500, and the redemption point will be +500."

"Ding, the host kills ordinary level 2 zombies, the experience value is +10, and the redemption points are +10."

. . . . . .

Soon, an hour passed. After Xiao Qiang discovered that the experience points for killing zombies had decreased, he also planned to take some time and spend redemption points to purchase two cards from the system mall. After all, the efficiency of killing zombies using these 5x cards still needs to be improved a lot.

"Swish, swish, swish," Xiao Qiang used the Thousand Chance Umbrella (sword form) to kill the zombies in front of him, while using the wolf step to retreat back. After arriving at the wall, Xiao Qiang looked back slightly and found that he had arrived next to the school. After quickly killing the two zombies in front of him, Xiao Qiang jumped up and easily climbed up the wall. Then, he exerted all his strength with his legs, his whole body jumped suddenly, and he had already reached the roof of the library.

Looking at the road below where many zombies were killed by him, but there were still zombies surrounding him, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but let out a long breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and planned to sit down and rest.

"It's really worthy of being a snack road in several universities. There are so many zombies that it feels like there are endless zombies. I killed a large number of zombies, but there are still zombies surrounding me. But it's good, just take advantage of the opportunity now that there are more zombies, accumulate some experience points." Xiao Qiang sat on the roof of the library, sitting and resting, thinking in his heart.

It's been almost 5 months since the apocalypse broke out, and the whole university has been messed up by zombies. The electric door at the door was almost broken apart, and the playground was stained with zombies' blood. The whole campus was already covered with dust, and obvious spider webs could be seen in the corners. The whole campus was filled with the terrifying howling of zombies. Young zombies were walking slowly around the campus. Occasionally, when they heard a noise, they would startle the zombies and run quickly over there.

Xiao Qiang was lying on the roof, entered the system, opened the Level 2 Mall, looked at the more than 100,000 exchange points he had just obtained, and without hesitation, spent 40,000 exchange points to buy a 5x experience value card and a 5x exchange point card. Although the exchange points spent were also a lot, Xiao Qiang felt that it was worth it. Moreover, according to this progress, in another two hours, even without relying on the experience points of the infected Level 3 zombies, he would be able to upgrade to the Level 2 of the superpower. No wonder Xiao Cong said that after he upgraded to the superpower level, he really realized the benefits of the system. It turned out that there were so many benefits to opening the Level 2 Mall.

"Awoo!" At this moment, the little wolf downstairs suddenly let out a wolf howl, and the wolf howl forced the low-level zombies around him to stop. However, a zombie nearly 2 meters tall walked out from the zombie group, followed by a spotted tiger, which had also turned into a zombie beast and walked towards the little wolf.

The little wolf seemed to feel the power of the two zombies on the opposite side, and no longer cared about the low-level zombies next to it. With his eyes wide open, he opened his big mouth, revealing his fangs, and his claws kept scratching the ground, leaving deep marks on the concrete floor.

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