Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 564 Using Advanced Lightning Talisman

Xiao Qiang gently pinched, and strong lightning began to gather around Xiao Qiang, with Xiao Qiang as the center, and quickly hit the zombies around him. At the same time, the sound of "da da da" like electric shocks continued. For a while, the zombies that rushed over were knocked to the ground by Xiao Qiang after using the advanced lightning talisman. Not only that, the lightning also spread outward and hit the zombies outside. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh at the power of this advanced lightning talisman.

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience value +500, exchange point +500."

"Ding, the host killed an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +10, exchange point +10."

. . . . . .

The prompt sound of killing zombies kept ringing, and among these prompt sounds, there was a prompt sound of killing the zombie beast. Xiao Qiang knew that the lightning symbol had already killed the infected zombie beast.

"Ding, the host killed the infected level 2 zombie beast, experience value +50,000, exchange points +50,000, and rewarded the Thousand Machine Umbrella accessory-retractable hook (advanced)."

Listening to the prompt sound ringing in his ears, Xiao Qiang nodded with satisfaction. A 2nd level infected zombie beast, with the blessing of the 5x card, actually provided him with 50,000 experience points, and most importantly, it provided him with an accessory for his Thousand Machine Umbrella. In this way, the function of his Thousand Machine Umbrella has become more diverse.

This trip to the city is really worthwhile. Not only did I test the power of this crazy dragon knife, but I also gained so much experience. With the experience of the two puppet zombies, I can also upgrade to the second level of supernatural power.

After using the advanced lightning talisman, the ground around him that had been hit by lightning was a little burnt, and the bodies of the zombies were also burnt by the lightning, emitting a burnt smell.

Soon, the zombies around stepped on the burnt zombie bodies again, surrounded Xiao Qiang, and prepared to attack Xiao Qiang again.

Although Xiao Qiang was very weak now, facing so many zombies surrounding him, Xiao Qiang did not panic, but sat on the ground and rested. Because Xiao Qiang had already seen two familiar figures rushing over.

"Swish" two knives, Lin Fei rushed over quickly, and the two knives had already knocked down the two zombies around Xiao Qiang. He did a front flip, jumped in front of Xiao Qiang, and helped Xiao Qiang up. At the same time, the strong zombie rushed over like a tank, blocking Xiao Qiang and Lin Fei, swinging his arms randomly, smashing the zombies rushing over to protect Xiao Qiang.

"Xiao Qiang, what's the situation? Did you send out that powerful knife force just now, or is there a strong enemy?" Lin Fei supported Xiao Qiang and asked Xiao Qiang.

"There is no strong enemy, but after two infected zombies appeared just now, I tried my new tricks, and then killed the two infected zombies, and my body became like this." Xiao Qiang was supported by Lin Fei and said to Lin Fei.

When Lin Fei heard Xiao Qiang's words, his eyes were full of shock. He thought that after he was promoted to the 9th level of the strong, coupled with his daily hard training, he thought that the gap with Xiao Qiang had been greatly narrowed. Unexpectedly, the powerful knife force just now was actually cut out by Xiao Qiang. Lin Fei considered that even if he used the double-blade sword technique, he would not have such a strong sword force, not to mention killing two infected zombies with one sword. Immediately, he decided to train harder.

"What a powerful sword technique, it is much more powerful than my double-blade sword technique." Lin Fei's eyes were full of surprise and his tone was full of envy.

"Lin Fei, you have trained hard enough. It is already the limit to be able to use the double-blade sword technique to such power. I also got such a skill by chance. When I get a good skill related to sword technique in the future, I will help you keep an eye out for it." Xiao Qiang also comforted Lin Fei after noticing the shock in his tone.

"Yeah, good, it's better to be like your sword technique, with enough power and such a strong sword force." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Lin Fei was also happy.

"Then let's stop here today. I am weak now and can't continue to practice here." Xiao Qiang followed Lin Fei and said.

"Okay, no problem, let's go out and look for Bingyan." Lin Fei's main purpose of coming to the city today was to protect Xiao Qiang. Killing zombies didn't give him any experience points, and Lin Fei could train anywhere. Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, he also said.

The two of them successfully returned to Lin Bingyan's side under the guidance of the level 3 infected zombies. Seeing Lin Bingyan's concerned and nervous expression, Xiao Qiang quickly explained the situation again, and the three of them followed Xiaolang back to the base.

Originally, Xiao Qiang was still considering whether to let the two level 3 infected zombies stay here to upgrade, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do so. After all, these two level 3 infected zombies are his trump cards. When they go to search the warehouse of M Company together, they may be of great use. If they encounter more powerful zombies here, then he will lose two powerful zombies. So, after the few people arrived at a safe place, Xiao Qiang also exchanged the points spent on the two zombies and put them into the system.

On the way back, Lin Fei was still responsible for driving. Xiaolang ate a belly of black gold, and his belly was swollen. He lay on the chair in the co-pilot position and lazily looked at the scenery outside the window. Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan still sat in the back seat. Xiao Qiang was weak, and Lin Bingyan took good care of Xiao Qiang and wiped the blood off his face with a handkerchief.

Listening to Lin Bingyan's concerned nagging, Xiao Qiang also planned to take advantage of the time in the car to see how much his experience value has been upgraded.

"Xiao Cong, help me see my current experience value, and how much experience value I have gained from killing two zombies infected with level 3?" Xiao Qiang lay on Lin Bingyan, feeling soft, pretending to be asleep, and entered the system.

"The host currently has a total of 413,200 experience points and 163,600 exchange points. The two infected level 3 zombies have gained a total of 143,710 experience points, which has reached the upgrade conditions. The excess experience points will not be accumulated. Will the host upgrade?" Xiao Cong's crisp voice sounded.

Xiao Qiang noticed that at this time, Xiao Cong's image in front of Xiao Qiang seemed to have changed. She used to be a little girl. But now, she has become a big girl, like a college student, with a clean and elegant appearance, and her appearance is comparable to Lin Bingyan. She wears a pair of denim shorts, revealing her slender and straight long legs, and her skin is tight and smooth. She was wearing a white T-shirt, and her chest was already showing signs of fullness. She was full of youthful vitality and a little sexy. Moreover, Xiao Cong's voice had also changed, from the previous loli voice to a crisp girl's voice.

"Excuse me, host, have you upgraded? Host, shut your drooling mouth, okay? You are so embarrassing, don't keep staring at people's legs, okay." Xiao Cong couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiao Qiang's appearance, and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Ah? Oh. That, Xiao Cong, is this your new image? Why didn't you show it earlier? This image is so good, so that we two will be like peers, and it will be so easy to communicate." Xiao Qiang heard Xiao Cong's words, and quickly moved his eyes up and spoke.

"Yes, this is what I look like when I grow up. However, this image is not switched randomly, but changes step by step as the host's level increases. At the superpower level, it is what the host sees now." Xiao Cong turned around generously, showing Xiao Qiang his image when he grew up, and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Will it change with the level? Then Xiao Cong will show the image of a queen, a mature woman, a sexy beauty, etc. Huh? Then when I upgrade to a super strong person, Xiao Cong will become an old lady." After hearing what Xiao Cong said, Xiao Qiang smiled gently and spoke to Xiao Cong.

"Master Host, can you put away your wretched smile? At your current upgrade speed, you are still thinking about becoming a super strong man. When you become a super strong man, I am afraid that the zombies in this world will become very powerful. Moreover, my image will eventually grow into reality..." Xiao Cong curled his lips and rolled his eyes lightly. Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he stopped and said.

"Moreover, my image will eventually grow into what I look like in my real life, and I will not show you the image of an old lady." Xiao Cong thought about what he was about to say, but Xiao Qiang naturally could not hear these words.

"Well, Master Host, your experience points are enough to upgrade. Do you want to upgrade? The current extra experience points will not be accumulated into future experience." Xiao Cong asked Xiao Qiang and explained.

"Alas, wouldn't those experience points be wasted? It seems that I have to upgrade quickly when I have enough experience points in the future. Upgrade, upgrade, and see what kind of rewards I will get when I upgrade to level 2 of superpower." Xiao Qiang said helplessly while complaining.

"Ding, the host has upgraded to level 2 of superpower, and the reward item is the Fire Heart Technique (Advanced)."

"Fire Heart Technique-a total of ten levels. After practicing, it can greatly enhance the power of fire-based exercises, as well as the recovery of the user's physical strength after using fire-based exercises."

"Huh? This Fire Heart Technique doesn't look like an offensive exercise. What's going on?" Xiao Qiang asked after seeing the reward items after the upgrade.

"The superpower level is different from the strong level. The skills in this superpower level do not have those proficiency restrictions. Any skill is a single skill, and its strength is only related to whether the host is proficient in it and the host's own strength. Therefore, this system rewards the host with the fire heart formula, which can be practiced for a total of ten levels. The higher the heart formula level, the more helpful it is for the host's physical recovery, and it can also enhance the power of those fire skills." Xiao Cong explained to Xiao Qiang.

"Then after I upgrade to superpower level 2, can I start using fire superpowers, like those fireballs, to attack the enemy? Why can't I feel the appearance of the fire superpower in my body now, and can use fire?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask in confusion.

"The host's ability level is still too low, and he cannot use his body to sense the changes in the fire system of his body. It's just that the fire system has become stronger. If the host wants to use the fire ability, he must at least reach the third level. So, would you like to learn the fire heart formula?" Xiao Cong transformed a chair and sat on it and said.

"Learn, although there is no way to use the fire system skills now, but this fire heart formula is still helpful for restoring physical strength. Since it is a good thing, it is natural to learn it quickly. It happens that my body is in a weak state now, so I will try this fire heart formula. The power of the Crazy Dragon Knife is very good. It is produced by the system and must be a fine product." Xiao Qiang hurriedly said to Xiao Cong.

"Ding, the host is learning to use the fire heart formula. Now the fire heart formula is in the first level."

The system prompt sounded, and Xiao Qiang's mind had his own instructions on the fire heart formula, including how to use this heart formula.

"Does the host have anything else to ask? If not, Xiao Cong has to adapt to his grown-up body and pick out some clothes." Xiao Cong stood up and looked at Xiao Qiang and asked.

"Haha, you are quite humane. You are picking out clothes. Well, by the way, help me check my personal attribute values. It's just right to see how many experience points are needed to upgrade to level 3 of superpowers." Xiao Qiang added.

"Host: Xiao Qiang Physical fitness: 7000 Physical strength: 7000

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Proficiency level: Proficiency 45/1000), Thunder Claw (Proficiency level: Proficiency 61/1000), Flying Thunder God (Entry level: Proficiency 168/1000), Shattering Palm (Proficiency level: Proficiency 33/100), Crazy Dragon Sword (Proficiency level: Proficiency 33/100), Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (Entry level: Proficiency 46/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia-Four Gates Open (Table Lotus) Fire Heart Decision

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