Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 565: Rapid Recovery Technique

Mall authority: level 2 (can purchase intermediate items). Open lottery authority level 2 (73/3000)

Comprehensive evaluation: Superpower Level 2. Experience value: 0/1000000 Exchange points 163600.

Owns a Bone Spur Dagger, a Meifeng Dagger, a Snowflake Dagger, a Thousand Chance Umbrella, a high-tech nano helmet (advanced), and a high-tech nano armor (advanced).

Battle pet: Xiaoyue Sirius (young), comparable to a strong person at level 8

Puppet: Infection with level 3 zombie 1: experience value: 93950/5000000, infection with level 3 zombie 2: experience value 93750/5000000. "

The system displays Xiao Qiang's attribute panel in the system.

To upgrade from level 2 to level 3, it would cost 1 million experience points, which was beyond Xiao Qiang's expectation. From this point of view, if you upgrade to the upper level, you will definitely need more experience points. Although you have two puppet zombies, it becomes easier to obtain experience points, but with so many experience points, it is still a bit difficult. . However, Xiao Qiang could only bear it. After all, this was a rule set by the system. Maybe it would become easier after using the superpower technique.

After exiting the system, Xiao Qiang put his five fingers together and started to run the fire element. He wanted to see how his physical strength would recover after running the heart.

After running for about ten minutes, Xiao Qiang was covered in sweat and opened his eyes. He couldn't help but sigh that the advanced skills produced by this system were really powerful. In just ten minutes, Xiao Qiang felt that he had recovered some physical strength, he could slowly raise his arms, and he had some strength. Even at this time, low-level zombies invaded, Xiao Qiang could not I can hold the Thousand Chance Umbrella and fight zombies. In the past, it would take at least a day for Xiao Qiang to recover his physical strength.

The three of them and Xiaolang returned to the base. It was already evening, and because it was autumn, the sky was getting a little darker. After the three returned to the base, they found that the base personnel were busy, using trucks and manual labor to transport daily necessities and materials, and members of the patrol team, carrying firearms and weapons, were doing shift changes.

After asking, Xiao Qiang and the others knew that after a day of cleaning, Kangzhuang Village was already habitable, and thousands of people came to the base to join them, so Wang Liang and the others decided after discussion to arrange a group of people first. People go to live in Kangzhuang Village. Of course, the premise is that the defense work there has been done well. There are more than 300 patrol team members who have patrolled Kangzhuang Village in advance to protect the safety there.

Everyone was busy, but no one cared about the situation of the three of them. After the three parked the vehicle, they quickly cleaned it and joined the helping team.

Xiao Qiang discovered that Wang Liang and the others had moved all the zombies in Kangzhuang Village to the fields outside, lit a fire, and burned the zombies. The roads throughout the village have also been carefully cleaned using sprinklers brought from the county, coupled with manual labor. Many people have also been sent to those houses. Careful cleaning was carried out, and the furniture stained with zombie blood was pulled out and burned together. Then, some new furniture was brought and added to these houses. Moreover, Uncle Cui and Yang Xue also transferred an intermediate generator from Longshan Base, placed it in Kangzhuang Village, and connected the circuit. However, at present, Wang Liang and the others only allow the use of street lights on the road. Other people's residences are still using candles and flashlights for the time being. Not only that, Wang Liang and the others also asked members of the Longshan team to find a large amount of alcohol and conduct a thorough cleaning of Kangzhuang Village to prevent the viruses carried by the zombies from being infected.

On the outskirts of the village, Wang Liang and the others had already set up a perimeter of defense, which was a simple fence made of stretched iron frames and branches, and would be further reinforced later. Outside this fence, there are traps and pits set up one after another. Within Kangzhuang Village, members of the patrol team patrolled to prevent zombie invasion. At the same time, a relatively high observation tower was set up to observe the situation in the entire village. There are several houses in the village that serve as arsenals here. In case zombies break in, everyone can immediately access these guns for defense. An underground passage has been dug out between Kangzhuang Village and Longshan Base. Although it has not been completely repaired, it can allow vehicles to pass through. Moreover, in Kangzhuang Village, just like Longshan Base, you are allowed to wander around the village, but you are not allowed to go out. This is also done to ensure everyone's safety.

Xiao Qiang wandered around the village and decided to install the wind power generation system. In this way, he could save some gasoline and allow people in the village to use electricity. After all, I am the one who owns the system. The people in my base cannot live too shabby. Moreover, I can also spend exchange points to buy some generators, although an intermediate generator costs 50,000. Points are exchanged for points.

Everyone worked all night, and when everyone was arranged properly, it was already late at night. Li Wei and the others also prepared dinner for everyone. After everyone ate, everyone went to rest after a day of hard work. In this busy time, Wang Peng and Wu Ze were never seen. Because the two of us were taking the team members to the mountain behind, training hard to prepare, and in a month, we could be sent to various places.

Two days passed quickly. During these two days, the base completely reinforced the defense of Kangzhuang Village. Around the outside of the village, fences with spikes were made, and there were many traps outside. In the village, many more lookouts were set up and many cars were parked, further strengthening the defense.

Moreover, Xiao Qiang also installed the wind turbine. It is worthy of being a high-level generator. Only one unit can meet the electricity problem of the entire base.

During these two days, Xiao Qiang also followed Lin Fei and Lin Bingyan to the city every day to kill zombies. With the help of two level 3 infected zombies, Xiao Qiang successfully upgraded to level 3 of superpowers and was able to use fire superpowers. The reward he received was a fire-breathing technique called fire-breathing. Xiao Qiang could activate the fire superpowers in his body and spit fire at the enemy through his mouth to attack.

During this period, Shen San once again came to the Longshan base. In addition to congratulating Xiao Qiang on the expansion of the base, he brought Xiao Qiang the news about the places he was going to this time. With the news in advance, Xiao Qiang could also make a simple preparation. Xiao Qiang, who got the news, of course, asked someone to give Shen San some black gold.

In the news brought by Shen San, Xiao Qiang knew that this time it was led by the third-level city M Company and the Legion, and the two sides sent the most personnel. Although the third-level city took the lead, it was hard to guarantee that the two sides would not transfer strong people from the second-level city. After all, the place to be searched this time was a secret base set up by M Company in the third-level city. Not only that, the two parties also jointly issued a call for people from all sides to come to help, because in that warehouse, not only are there a large number of zombies, but there are also many powerful zombies.

Moreover, among the people who came again, among the 6 cities, including the 4th-level city including Longshan Base, a total of 4 cities sent people to the 3rd-level city.

Of course, the most important thing is that the news brought by Shen San specifically stated that although Li Zhong of M Company will not appear there this time, the bases where the black-clothed men who fought against Xiao Qiang and others last time will send people to participate in this operation.

According to the information Xiao Qiang has now, there are 6 4th-level cities, except for one that has not established a large base, the others have already established bases, including the Longshan base where Xiao Qiang is located. There are 4 3rd-level cities, and one city has been flooded with zombies, which is Zhongzhou City, which Xiao Qiang and others are going to search this time. The other three cities have established bases by M Company, black-clothed men, and the Legion. Among them, the black-clothed man is in the 3rd-level city, which is the largest one. From here, we can also see the strength of the men in black. Shen San didn't know much about the two second-level cities. He only said that the snobbery there was not clear. The only first-level city is said to be occupied by zombies, and it is said that there are super zombies in it. Of course, there are many small bases and various hunter teams in this city. It is estimated that they will go to participate in the search and find an opportunity to get a share.

The items in the warehouse of M Company this time include not only various new weapons and equipment, but also many medicines, even the hemostatic pills that Xiao Qiang has. What moved Xiao Qiang was the kraft paper formula and the three magic weapons made of black gold. Although he didn't know what they were, it was said that there was a knife made of black gold.

Xiao Qiang was puzzled as to why there were so many things that appeared after the end of the world in the warehouse of M Company before, even things in his own system. What is the relationship between M Company and his system, and what is the relationship between M Company and the end of the world? This is also a problem that has been bothering Xiao Qiang, so Xiao Qiang really wants to go to the warehouse of M Company to check whether he can find some clues.

Late at night, in the living room of the Longshan Base Villa, the senior executives of the Longshan Base are sitting here to hold a meeting about going to participate in the search tomorrow. On the huge screen of the Doomsday Alliance, the top broadcast is about tomorrow's search information, including some news about the items in the warehouse released by M Company and the Legion to attract everyone.

"I plan to go to Zhongzhou City alone tomorrow to participate in this search on behalf of our base." Xiao Qiang glanced at everyone and said.

"No, how can I let you go alone? This time even the Legion has begun to call on everyone, which means that the zombies there must be difficult to deal with. It's a bit too dangerous for you to go alone. Let's send more people over, and then everyone can take care of each other." Xiao Qiang just finished speaking, Han Feng immediately stood up and waved his hands repeatedly, persuading him to speak.

"That's right. They are all going with a large group of people. Our Longshan base is developing so well now. We must send a small team there. Otherwise, how will the third-level cities view us?" Wang Liang also said.

"Yes, this time we are also going to fight zombies. If we send more people there, we can also help deal with the zombies better." Jiang Kai said casually.

. . . . . . .

Suddenly, after hearing Xiao Qiang's attitude, everyone immediately expressed their attitude and disagreed with Xiao Qiang going to the urban base alone.

"If it is just an ordinary search and elimination of zombies, then I will definitely bring more people. However, this time it is M Company that is taking the lead, and M Company does not know what their attitude is now. More importantly, this time there are those black-clad organizations that are our enemies. They are powerful, and we know very little about them. If we meet them, it is inevitable that there will be disputes." Xiao Qiang stood up and explained to everyone patiently.

"If that's the case, why do we have to go and participate in this search? We now have sufficient ammunition and food in our base, plus your items. If we want to eliminate the zombies, we can do it here. There is no need to cooperate with them." Wang Liang also spoke after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

"This time, in M ​​Company, there is the kraft paper formula that we have been looking for, and three magic weapons. More importantly, I always feel that M Company has some connection with the outbreak of zombies in this doomsday, so this time we can go to their warehouse to find some clues about those things." Xiao Qiang frowned and said.

"If that's the case, why not take a few people with you? If we get there and clash with the black-clothed organization, we can have a helper." Han Feng continued.

"No, I don't know how long this search mission will take. First of all, our base needs a few of you masters to stay here. This time, it's hard to guarantee that the black-clothed people will not take the opportunity to attack our base.

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