Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 566 Yang Xue also goes

Besides, if I go there alone and meet the men in black, I don't have to fight them. If I can't beat them, I can run away quickly. It's easier for me to get away alone. Moreover, you may have seen it these days. Now I not only have a helper like Xiaolang, but also two puppet zombies infected at level 3 to help. So, at that time, even if I can't beat them, it shouldn't be a problem to escape. "Xiao Qiang said.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone stopped talking. After all, what Xiao Qiang said was the truth. If he met the men in black, he didn't need to deal with them, and it would be easier for Xiao Qiang to escape alone. What's more important is that the two zombies infected at level 3 that Xiao Qiang got from nowhere are really very powerful, much stronger than theirs.

"Well, if you insist on going there, you must be more careful. Don't get too close when fighting zombies. If you encounter those men in black harassing you, don't get too entangled with them. If you can't beat them, just run away. "Han Feng sighed, knowing that he could not persuade Xiao Qiang, and said.

"The magic weapon and the kraft paper formula are not important. It doesn't matter whether you get them or not. The most important thing is that you can come back safely." Wang Liang stood up and patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder and said.

"After I set off, the base's affairs will be handed over to you two. Everything will be operated as usual. If there is anything, notify me through the intercom." Xiao Qiang continued to instruct the two of them.

"Don't worry about the base's affairs. We will handle it well. But you must pay attention to safety." Wang Liang nodded and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Ding Dong, if you go out alone, you must pay attention to safety. Remember to call me once a day to let me know your situation. Also, if you go out this time, you must pay more attention to safety. If you get hurt as badly as last time, I will never forgive you. "Lin Bingyan walked in front of Xiao Qiang, with a charming face and tears in her eyes, and spoke to Xiao Qiang worriedly.

Seeing this, Wang Liang and others waved and asked everyone to go back to their own houses to rest. Yang Xue, who was sitting in the corner, also stood up, as if she had something on her mind. After standing up, she looked in the direction of Xiao Qiang before walking into the room.

"Okay, okay, look at you, you ran them all away. I promise that this time I will definitely return with a full load, and I won't get hurt. But you, this time, don't lose weight again. If I find that you have lost weight after you come back, I will definitely not forgive you, and I will spank you then." Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and gently hooked Lin Bingyan's nose, and then whispered to Lin Bingyan's ear and teased.

"Puff", Lin Bingyan was amused by Xiao Qiang and laughed, stretched out her fist and gently patted Xiao Qiang's chest.

"Not a proper person, hum. OK, I promise you, I will eat well, sleep well, and think about you well during this time. "Lin Bingyan leaned on Xiao Qiang's shoulder and whispered to him.

Under the lights of the Doomsday Alliance, the two lovers hugged each other.

It was a little after 4 o'clock in the morning. Except for the patrol team members, everyone in the base had fallen asleep after a tiring day. At this time, in Yang Xue's bedroom, there was a weak table lamp on. Yang Xue was folding some simple clothes and stuffing them into a large travel backpack. After packing the clothes, Yang Xue picked up a steel arm glove and gently wiped it. After a while, he put it in his travel backpack.

Opening the bedroom door, Yang Xue tiptoed out of the villa. Along the way, he carefully avoided the patrol members. The patrol team is mainly to prevent zombies from invading the base. Therefore, they will not take too much precautions against the movement of people in the base. After Yang Xue carefully bypassed the patrol members, she arrived next to a car. This car was the car that Xiao Qiang was going to take to Zhongzhou City to participate in the search mission. Before and after arriving at the car , Yang Xue looked around to make sure there was no one, then she gently opened the trunk of the SUV, bent down, got into the trunk, and closed the lid.

In the morning, after saying goodbye to everyone, Xiao Qiang drove the SUV to Zhongzhou City. Of course, during this time, he couldn't help but comfort Lin Bingyan, which calmed her down a little.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Qiang turned on his navigation watch and chose Zhongzhou City as the destination for navigation. The navigation watch chose the highway for Xiao Qiang and had already prompted Xiao Qiang, on the highway leading there, there was already a traffic jam of abandoned vehicles, and Xiao Qiang had to lift the car. However, if he followed this route, and there were no vehicles in the apocalypse, he would be able to arrive around noon.

On the way, perhaps Xiaolang knew that he was going on a long journey with Xiao Qiang, and he seemed very excited. Sitting on the co-pilot seat, he leaned on the window to look outside, and then climbed from the window to the top of the car. From time to time, he also yelled at the low-level zombies on the road, frightening them so that they dared not approach the car.

After a while, the little wolf suddenly jumped down from the top of the car, came to Xiao Qiang's side, opened its big mouth, bit Xiao Qiang's clothes, and nodded angrily to Xiao Qiang.

After Xiao Qiang saw the little wolf's actions, he freed one hand to touch the little wolf's head and said, "I know, I found out a long time ago, let her stay in the trunk for a while, and see if she dares to run around in the future. Go and have fun, pay attention to safety, don't fall off the car."

It turned out that when Xiao Qiang drove the off-road vehicle out of the base, he had already discovered that there was a noise in his trunk. After taking the advanced five senses enhancement pill, if he couldn't even find this, then Xiao Qiang wouldn't need to take any pills anymore. Although he didn't know who it was, Xiao Qiang thought that since he ran out secretly and hid in the trunk, he would teach him a lesson and let her stay in the trunk for a while before letting him return to the base.

Half an hour later, Xiao Qiang drove the off-road vehicle and arrived at the entrance of the highway according to the guidance of the navigation watch. Here, Xiao Qiang saw all kinds of cars parked in a messy manner at the entrance, but fortunately, the entrance was not blocked.

After Xiao Qiang drove the car onto the highway, he braked and stopped the car. Gently opening the door, Xiao Qiang got out of the car.

"Come out, you have been hiding in the trunk for so long, I found you a long time ago. Come out quickly, isn't it very comfortable to sit in the trunk?" Xiao Qiang opened the trunk of the car and said jokingly to the people inside.

After a while, Yang Xue climbed out of the trunk with her travel backpack on her back. While brushing off the dust on her body, she scolded Xiao Qiang: "Since you found it earlier, why didn't you tell me earlier? I stayed in the trunk for half an hour."

"Ah? Why is it you, Yang Xue? Why did you run into the trunk? Go back quickly. Don't you know that if you run out of the base without permission, you will be punished?" Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue and said in surprise.

The Longshan Base had formulated rules before, and the purpose was to better protect everyone's safety and prevent everyone from running out of the scope of the Longshan Base at will. Only with the consent of the patrol team or in special circumstances will they be allowed to come out. Otherwise, there will be penalties, confiscation of rewards, or making people do labor. These situations will also be handled according to the situation.

"I want to go with you to participate in this search mission. You told us not to follow you, so I had no choice but to hide in the trunk and follow you." Yang Xue gave Xiao Qiang an embarrassed look, tidied her hair, and said to Xiao Qiang.

Yang Xue wore a pair of light blue jeans, a milky white fluffy sweater, and a pink butterfly headband on her head, which curled up her long hair. With her tall figure and the backpack on her shoulders, she looked very capable, but her face still looked stern, which made her look very cold.

"No! I have made it very clear at the meeting yesterday. This search mission is too dangerous. Not only are there those powerful zombies, but there are also many base enemies, such as Li Zhong from M Company. Although he is not going this time, there is no guarantee that he will not send people to deal with us. And the base of the men in black also has many masters, and they are completely our enemies. So, this time, you should not go. If you want to go out for a walk, I can take you to the city for a walk when I come back." Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue's cold face, leaned on the car, and patiently explained to Yang Xue.

"Xiao Qiang, this time is different. This time we searched the warehouse of M Company. There are not only many good things, but also the recipe of the kraft paper. Didn't I tell you that the kraft paper is very important? If you collect it, you may find some medicine. Besides, don't you want to know what the relationship is between M Company and the outbreak of zombies in the end of the world? If you find information there, just like the content on this recipe, can you understand it?" Yang Xue was also rare. She actually came to Xiao Qiang's side and said to him with blinking eyes.

Xiao Qiang also rarely saw Yang Xue actually smile to him, and took the initiative to lean beside him. At such a close distance, he could smell the smell of shampoo on Yang Xue's hair. Xiao Qiang also seemed a little overwhelmed. After all, although Yang Xue usually looks cold and frosty, she is still an absolute beauty.

"Besides, don't worry, I can protect myself and will never hold you back. Besides, I won't run around. I will follow you closely and will only help you look at the relevant information. Besides, don't you have two particularly powerful zombies? Can't they still protect us?" Yang Xue rarely blinked at Xiao Qiang like a spoiled child and spoke gently.

Xiao Qiang had never seen Yang Xue like this before. Seeing Yang Xue acting like a spoiled child to him like this, his face turned red unconsciously.

"Okay, then, okay. But you are not allowed to run around when you get there. You must stay by my side. If you encounter danger, you must turn around and run quickly. You must protect your own safety at that time." Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue, nodded, and said to Yang Xue.

Xiao Qiang also considered that if he only took Yang Xue with him, if he didn't take too many risks, he could protect her safety. Moreover, if he found some formulas there, he really needed Yang Xue to help him look at them. Although, until now, Xiao Qiang was very confused about why Yang Xue, a girl studying business administration, was so proficient in these things.

"Okay, no problem, I will definitely follow your instructions when the time comes. Come on, get in the car quickly, don't waste time, there is still a morning's journey, if you go late, all the good things will be taken away by others." After hearing Xiao Qiang's agreement, Yang Xue also smiled and urged Xiao Qiang.

"What are you carrying? Also, remember to tell Wang Liang and the others later, so that they won't worry about not being able to find you. Also, if you can drive, we can take turns driving later." Xiao Qiang reached out and touched Yang Xue's backpack, and said to Yang Xue.

Yang Xue felt Xiao Qiang reaching for her backpack, so she quickly turned around and said to Xiao Qiang, "Nothing, just some clothes to change. OK, I'll tell Wang Liang later and tell them that they're out, okay?"

Then, the two of them and the wolf got into the off-road vehicle. This time, the wolf was arranged by Yang Xue to sit in the back seat, and he lay there in dissatisfaction, grinning at Yang Xue. Yang Xue also sat in the passenger seat, and Xiao Qiang was naturally in charge of driving.

After sitting in the car, Xiao Qiang saw Yang Xue put her backpack in front of the passenger seat, put on a pair of wide-rimmed glasses, and looked a bit intellectual, and then took out her notebook from the front of the backpack to study.

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