Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 567: M Company's Transport Team

"Yang Xue, put your bag on the back seat. It's so uncomfortable to put it in front of the seat." After seeing it, Xiao Qiang said to Yang Xue while driving the car.

"No, you drive well." Yang Xue didn't even look back, and continued to study the contents of her notebook. She returned to her cold language and said to Xiao Qiang.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang took a deep breath, scratched his head, and continued to ask without giving up: "How is the research on this formula going? What formula is this about?"

Hearing Xiao Qiang ask about the formula, Yang Xue took off her glasses, gently closed the notebook, turned around, and said to Xiao Qiang: "Now I have obtained two formulas in total. Come on, and these two formulas are not connected together, so now I only know that the various pharmaceutical solutions and various equations on this formula are very advanced, far beyond those that have been researched before the end of the world. The results. As for what kind of medicine it is, it has not been researched yet, but what we know is that it must be related to the zombies this time, because there is something about those zombies on the formula obtained from the city. The reaction comes."

After Xiao Qiang heard Yang Xue's words, he nodded. The formula obtained from the urban area was what Zhang Bo obtained from the base of the men in black. After hearing Yang Xue's words, Xiao Qiang became more determined to find the formula. He had a mission, and Xiao Qiang had always wanted to know the cause of the zombie outbreak, including its relationship with the sudden rise of M Company. What I want to know more is what is going on with my system, and the two dreams that have been bothering me.

"Do you know how many formulas there are in total? Can you also know the origin of this formula? I can go look for it." Xiao Qiang said to Yang Xue.

"Looking at this cut of this recipe, if it is such a large recipe, there should be 6 parts in total. From left to right, from top to bottom, what we get should be the 2nd and 5th. These I can't guess where the formula is now, but when you got the second formula, didn't you get it from the phone of those people in Company M? Maybe you can get some clues from them." Speaking of the latter, Yang Xue also thought for a moment and then said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, yes, according to Shen San, there is a kraft paper formula in this search mission. And the place where this formula is located is a warehouse of M Company before the end of the world. By the way, When we were at the Black Wind Base, Li Feng and the others were planning to use this formula to conduct experiments on human bodies. I remember that after destroying it, he said that they could let their experts study it and create such a formula again. "Is this formula easy to imitate?" Xiao Qiang asked Yang Xue, remembering when he was at the Black Wind Base.

"The content on this recipe is very advanced, and the pattern is extremely complex. I once tried to take a photo to save it, but found that I couldn't take a good photo of the content on it. The kraft paper must have been tampered with. Moreover, if you want to It is impossible to make rubbings, and it is extremely energy-consuming to copy them, because the formulas and patterns on it are too complicated, and most importantly, the content on it is difficult to understand. It's very laborious to research this content, let alone be able to supplement it. If he's not bluffing, they still have information about the formula, so they should have clues." Xue thought about it while explaining to Xiao Qiang.

"You mean, due to the special nature of the kraft paper, coupled with the depth and complexity of the content on it, there should be only such an original recipe in the world." Xiao Qiang said while thinking about Yang Xue's words. .

"Yes, that's right, so if other people also know the importance of this formula, then it will be more difficult for us to obtain the formula." Yang Xue nodded and said it to Xiao Qiang. Formula Importance.

"Oh, the two formulas we obtained are so important. Have you put those two formulas away? You don't have them with you. If they are taken away by others, it will be difficult for us to find them. "Xiao Qiang drove the car, and as if he suddenly remembered, he braked suddenly, stopped the car, and reminded Yang Xue quickly.

"Be careful. Fortunately, it's the end of the world now. There are no cars on this highway. Otherwise, if you brake suddenly, our car will be rear-ended. Don't worry, I know the importance of this formula. Can you still use it well?" Are you keeping it? I have stored the two formulas well. Only I know where they are, not even my two assistants." Yang Xue leaned forward and sat down. , kicked Xiao Qiang, and said to Xiao Qiang angrily.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. By the way, how can you, a management student, know so much about the formula of this potion? You also know that the contents of the formula are higher than the technology before the end of the world. When ordinary people see the formula, wouldn't they find it difficult to understand?" Xiao Qiang apologized repeatedly, then started the car and asked Yang Xue.

Yang Xue was about to speak, but Xiao Qiang had already spoken: "Hobby, you must call it a hobby again, right? Your hobby is too great. You can learn it better than other people's majors. You, a management major, don't even know this major." How are you studying?"

"Many people have their own secrets, don't they? Can't you come up with something that surpasses the current cognitive technology, such as aircraft and hemostatic agents? Your major doesn't seem to be about learning these things." Listen. After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue turned around, looked out the window and said.

"Hehehe, I just asked casually, just to admire your profound knowledge. Don't be angry, Miss Yang."

Xiao Qiang quickly said with a smile.

"I'm not angry. You need to worry more about the formula. Besides, you must pay more attention to safety when obtaining the formula." Yang Xue said to Xiao Qiang, then put on his glasses again and studied his own Notes come.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, he concentrated on driving the car and did not disturb Yang Xue again. The car suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of the wolf jumping back and forth and the roar of the car could be heard. There were no cars on the road, so Xiao Qiang drove faster. However, since Xiao Qiang's driving skills had reached an intermediate level, he still felt relatively safe sitting in the car.

"Ding, there is a vehicle collision on the road ahead, and there are vehicles piled up together. Please choose to go around or get off the car to move the colliding vehicles away to meet the driving conditions."

After driving forward for a while, Xiao Qiang's navigation watch suddenly rang, reporting the road conditions ahead to Xiao Qiang.

After hearing the information broadcast by the navigation watch, Xiao Qiang stepped on the brakes, slowly slowed down the car, and finally stopped in front of a bunch of colliding cars.

Obviously, after the zombies broke out, these cars on the highway were attacked by zombies, and the vehicles collided on this section of the road.

Xiao Qiang looked ahead and found that the collision distance was more than 50 meters long. In addition to some cars, there were also some large trucks coming. However, for Xiao Qiang, whose physical fitness has reached Strongman Level 9, it is not difficult to move these cars and create a road that can accommodate off-road vehicles.

After "swiping" twice, Xiao Qiang saw two zombies rushing over on the road. He quickly drew out his dagger and killed the two zombies easily.

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 1 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Ding, the host kills an ordinary level 2 zombie, the experience value is +2, and the redemption point is +2."

"Yang Xue, please stay in the car and close the door. There are zombies on this road. Once I clear a path, we can continue moving forward." Xiao Qiang killed two of them. After the zombies were gone, he walked to the car and said to Yang Xue who was looking out of the car.

"Oh, please pay attention to your safety." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue also warned Xiao Qiang. After closing the car door, she continued to study her notebook.

Perhaps because the two of them stayed in the car all the way, Yang Xue's tone of voice when speaking to Xiao Qiang became much gentler, and she also knew she cared about Xiao Qiang's safety.

With a slight smile, Xiao Qiang walked to the pile of vehicles blocking the road, took a deep breath, lowered his arms, and dragged a car. "Boom, boom," Xiao Qiang pushed the entire car away and fell into the green belt beside the road. In this way, Xiao Qiang relied on his powerful force to lift dozens of cars to the side.

Here, the sound of the overturning car alerted the zombies on the road. Xiao Qiang noticed that there was a large group of zombies, stepping on the tops of the abandoned cars and rushing towards Xiao Qiang's direction with howling "ouch". .

He took out the dagger from the system and was about to step forward to kill these zombies when he heard the sound of a car braking from behind. Xiao Qiang looked sideways and noticed a row of military vehicles approaching, led by two black off-road vehicles. A group of big men in work clothes got off the car, holding machine guns. "Click, click, click." A row of bullets shot along Xiao Qiang's side, hitting the zombies and killing those who were about to rush over. They were all knocked to the ground.

Xiao Qiang narrowed his eyes and looked at the 50 or so people in front of him calmly. From their military truck, Xiao Qiang could find a large amount of arms, including not only various machine guns, rocket launchers and other heavy weapons, but also a large number of knives and sticks made of black gold. . On the outside of the car, a big M letter was spray-painted. From here, it can be judged that it seems that this is the M company's fleet.

"You guys, hurry up and move these cars away. The convoy must arrive in Zhongzhou City before noon. Speed ​​up." A big man in black got out of the car and directed his men. He spoke.

"Ding, we found a powerful person with level 9 powers!"

"Ding, I found a level 1 strong person who has awakened!"

"Ding, we found a strong level 7 human!"

"Ding, we found a strong level 6 human!"

. . . . . .

When examining these people, Xiao Qiang had already turned on the binocular recognition scanning function and scanned the levels of these people. It was discovered that among the two leading people, a middle-aged pretender turned out to be a strong man with level 1 awakening, and the big man in black just now was also a strong man with level 9 supernatural powers. The other people who were led were also at a high level, and there were dozens of mutants among them.

"Come on, get out of the way. Don't block us from getting these cars here. Pull your car aside, too." When the big man in black passed by Xiao Qiang, he said to Xiao Qiang loudly and unceremoniously.

Xiao Qiang didn't comment, nor did he pay attention to the big man in black. If someone helped him to clear the road, he would save himself from doing it himself, which would also allow him to rest for a while. After hearing the words of the big man in black, Xiao Qiang walked to his car, leaned on his car, and looked at the people from M Company in front of him, carrying the car.

The awakened level 1 strong man who got off the car glanced at Xiao Qiang next to him. Just as he was about to step forward to command, he found Yang Xue in Xiao Qiang's car. Suddenly, he frowned slightly and looked at it carefully again. Then, he carefully used the instrument on his eyes and pointed it at Xiao Qiang and tapped it lightly. Then, his expression was a little surprised, but he soon recovered. After a chuckle, he did not continue to command forward, but took out a box of cigarettes and walked towards Xiao Qiang.

"Come on, brother, it will take a while to clear the road anyway, have a cigarette." The middle-aged man walked to Xiao Qiang's side, took out a cigarette, and handed it to Xiao Qiang.

"Thank you, I don't know how." Xiao Qiang said to the man inconspicuously, showing a very obvious attitude, and did not want to communicate with them too much.

Let's not talk about Xiao Qiang's relationship with M Company is not very good, because what Li Feng did at the Black Wind Base at the beginning made Xiao Qiang's impression of the Black Wind Base not very good. In addition, the tone of the man in black talking to him just now seemed very impolite. The middle-aged man obviously used the instrument just now to test the specialness of his level, so he became much more polite. Xiao Qiang recognized that kind of instrument, which was also sold in his second-level mall. It was called a level detector. When it was aimed at a person, it could measure his current level, which was somewhat similar to Xiao Qiang's eyes.

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