Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 568 Looking for Yang Xue

"Brother, where are you two going? Judging from your skills, you should be quite good. The man seemed to be quite indifferent. He leaned against the car, with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, but he didn't light it. He said to Xiao Qiang.

"It seems that you are from M Company. It seems that you are going to Zhongzhou City as well?" Xiao Qiang did not answer the question directly, but asked instead.

When the man heard that Xiao Qiang did not reply to him, his eyes changed slightly, but he quickly recovered and said to Xiao Qiang with a little arrogance in his tone: "Yes, we are the transportation team of M Company, and we are absolutely internal staff of M Company. This time we went to Zhongzhou City to participate in the search work, and we specially brought a lot of weapons. You two are not going to participate in the search work as well?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Qiang saw the arrogant look on the man's face when he said that he was from M Company, and he just wanted to slap him twice, so he didn't even look at him and responded with a cold expression.

"Oh? Are you two going alone? It looks like you are from the hunter team. "The man saw Xiao Qiang's cold expression, although he was a little angry, he still did not give up and continued to ask, wanting to know more information.

"No, we are from the base. Your people are fighting with zombies, don't you go up to help?" Xiao Qiang didn't want to have any more exchanges with this person, and pointed to the front and said.

"Don't worry, it's safe to stay here. My people are very strong, and we have a lot of weapons. These zombies can be easily killed." The man showed an arrogant expression and said to Xiao Qiang.

"It's really funny, you are very popular? If my two puppet zombies are released, they can easily kill you in minutes. "Xiao Qiang saw the man's expression and thought in his heart.

The man laughed for a while and found that Xiao Qiang had no intention of paying attention to him. Instead, he was concentrating on watching the fight in front of him, and occasionally looked at his watch, as if he was disliked by those people for being too slow and delaying Xiao Qiang's journey.

The middle-aged man suddenly felt a little embarrassed. In the past, if the personnel of those small bases heard that he was from M Company, they would come up to flatter him and then give him the corresponding black gold. Why did Xiao Qiang have no reaction when he heard that he was from M Company, and he seemed to dislike the strength of his people.

"Ah! I got up too early in the morning. It's just right to take this time to go back to the car and sleep for a while. "After Xiao Qiang yawned, he ignored the middle-aged man, opened the door and got into the SUV.

The middle-aged man was angry, but he couldn't show it. Taking advantage of the moment when Xiao Qiang opened the door, he quickly leaned over and looked at Yang Xue's position in the car.

While looking around, he suddenly felt the hair on his head, which made his head itchy. After scratching it twice in a row, the middle-aged man slowly raised his head, but saw a beast with a big mouth, rushing towards him.

"Ah!" When the man was concentrating on looking into the car, he was suddenly frightened by the beast and retreated repeatedly, keeping a distance from the beast.

"Sorry, haha, this is my pet. I haven't been away from home much. I'm sorry to scare you. Little wolf, come back quickly and have a rest. "Xiao Qiang rolled down the window, smiled gently at the middle-aged man, and spoke.

After speaking, the middle-aged man felt that he had embarrassed himself just now. He was about to say a few words to Xiao Qiang, but he saw that Xiao Qiang had already rolled up the window. The little wolf also grinned at the middle-aged man, revealing his sharp teeth, and then obeyed Xiao Qiang's words and ran into the car from the window. Only the middle-aged man was left there, with an embarrassed look on his face. He wanted to attack, but he thought of Xiao Qiang's level measured by the detector just now, so he held back and ran to the front, directing everyone to move quickly.

After returning to the car, Xiao Qiang found that Yang Xue was concentrating on studying the notebook in her hand, and she was also drawing on the side, completely ignoring what was happening outside. So, Xiao Qiang didn't call Without bothering Lin Bingyan, he laid down his seat, looked at the people from M Company outside, and took a rest.

Half an hour later, the people from M Company made a way for the road. These people did not talk to Xiao Qiang anymore, and drove the car towards Zhongzhou. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang hurriedly drove the off-road vehicle behind these convoys. If these people from M Company lead the way, they would not have to do it themselves if they encountered zombies on the road, and after arriving in Zhongzhou City, they could find the search teams more quickly, which would save a lot of trouble.

"Brother, that guy is driving behind us. Should we take the opportunity to surround him and take the woman away? If I didn't see it wrong just now, the woman in the car should be Yang Xue." In a car from M Company, the big man in black said to the middle-aged man while driving the car.

"That woman is Yang Xue, right? They have been looking for her, but I didn't expect to find her here. But, I just passed the detector and found that the man next to him is not simple. A Level 9 warrior with a Level 8 pet beside him." The middle-aged man said thoughtfully while looking at Xiao Qiang's car in the rearview mirror.

"The strong man is only level 9. What are you afraid of? I will lead a few brothers and I will be able to kill him without you taking action, big brother. As for battle pets, although they are rare, we in M ​​Company also have a lot of them. , and it's only level 8, it only takes a little effort. When the time comes to catch that Yang Xue, it will be a great achievement for the two of us." The big man in black slowly slowed down. He grinned and said to the middle-aged man.

"Hmph, you always use your brain. Not to mention what we have emphasized above, Yang Xue is an extremely dangerous person, and he has the weapon made of Wujin. Just the man next to him, if he is just a strong man 9 If it were level 1, would I still be so surprised by his strength? Not only did that person have the strength of level 9, but he also had the physique of a level 2 powerhouse and a superpower, which was common in the entire apocalyptic continent. It's relatively rare. Although he is still relatively weak now, we still have to be careful. I don't know where Yang Xue found such a strong person. "The middle-aged man looked at Hei angrily. The big man in clothes spoke about this situation.

"What should we do? Should we just let them go like this? That's Yang Xue, a super patrol figure from Company M. If we can catch them, then at least we won't have to do this transportation job." That Hei The tall man in clothes glanced at the car behind him and said with some urgency.

"I have informed my superiors that Yang Xue and the others are also going to participate in this search mission. Our superiors told us not to do anything yet and wait until the organized search mission is completed before we go look for them. They asked us to do it. It’s clear where these two people are, and what their strength is.” The middle-aged man leaned on the seat again, closing his eyes to rest while still answering the man’s words.

There was no words all the way. When it was almost noon, Xiao Qiang followed the convoy and arrived in Zhongzhou City together, where they found the gathering place.

Because there is no human base established in Zhongzhou City, the entire city is full of zombies, and you can see a lot of zombies wandering on the way in. This search activity was organized with the cooperation of M Company and Legion. Therefore, they both sent manpower to the suburbs of Zhongzhou City a week ago to kill the zombies there and create a A place for everyone to serve as a temporary base camp.

Slowly, he followed the car towards the outskirts of the city. After arriving here, Xiao Qiang felt that the number of zombies had decreased a lot. On the road, he could still see rows of people and convoys with live ammunition, shuttling back and forth. There were also people coming from other city bases, as well as some people from the hunter squad, heading towards the suburban base camp.

From a distance, Xiao Qiang saw a row of people spaced apart on the road. They were defending on the road with guns and ammunition. There was a defense made of some sandbags, branches and other objects in front of them. There were some people on the houses next to them. Shaking.

In the middle of these sandbags, there is a channel for vehicles to enter and exit. Basically, on this line of defense, passing vehicles are not checked, but are only used to prevent zombies from invading inside. Xiao Qiang and the others drove in easily. Once inside, there were more pedestrians and vehicles coming and going. There are many military vehicles parked on the roadside, with cannons, rockets and other heavy weapons placed on them. Continuing walking further, you can see more than 20 tanks and 5 helicopters parked in a large open space. Some of these large weapons were engraved with the word M. It looked like they were brought over by M Company, and the rest should have been brought over by people from the legion. Next to these tanks and aircraft, there are specialized personnel responsible for guarding them.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh in his heart while driving, Legion and M Company really made a big deal. You know, after the apocalypse broke out, the Legion was also attacked by zombies, and countless arsenals were filled with zombies. Even in the hands of the Legion, the number of arms is definitely not very large. Therefore, the fact that they were able to send so many weapons, including helicopters, this time also shows how important they think this M Company's former warehouse is, and at the same time, how difficult it is to search this warehouse.

Soon, the car arrived at the second level of defense of the suburban base camp. In this level of defense, some iron frames, vehicles and other items were used to simply build up a part of the high wall across the main road, and In the open space next to it. On the surrounding tall buildings, the figures on the tall buildings flickered, and it could be seen that more people were defending inside the buildings. Xiao Qiang could already feel the aura of some strong men on these people. While driving the car, he turned on the scanning function and scanned the people on both sides.

"Ding, we found a strong level 7 human!"

"Ding, we found a level 8 human with supernatural powers!"

"Ding, we found a strong level 9 human!"

. . . . . .

"Ding, we found an awakened level 4 human!"

"Ding, we found a Level 3 human being awakened!"

Xiao Qiang drove up to the second line of defense. By turning on the scan, he found that among these people, there were two commanders, one from the Legion and one from M Company, both of whom were awakened level strong men. By. It can also be seen from here that the relationship between Company M and the Legion does not seem to be that good. Otherwise, they would not have sent two commanders to the second layer of defense to command their own troops respectively.

Further ahead, they were not allowed to drive forward, and could only walk to the base camp. Someone directed Xiao Qiang and his men to drive the car to the parking lot, but the vehicles transporting munitions from M Company were allowed to drive in. It was called a parking lot, but it was actually a large open space next to the road. On that open space, there were already many colorful vehicles parked, and there were also neatly arranged vehicles of the Legion.

"Why don't you let us in? Haven't you heard of our Wind Leopard Hunter Squad? Your M Company's bases in third-tier cities have to open the gates for us to drive in. Who are you? How dare you stop us from entering? I tell you, I am someone you specially invited to help you deal with zombies. Just relying on a few of you, you dare to stop us from driving in." Xiao Qiang was just about to go over to park the car when he saw someone in the crowd quarreling with the defense forces of M Company. Therefore, he pulled the car over and observed the situation here.

In the crowd, there was a team of about 20 hunters, driving several large off-road vehicles, parking the cars in front of the defensive roadblocks, opening the doors, getting out of the cars, and quarreling with the people from the M company who were blocking them. The words just now were said by a tall and sturdy man in the lead. This man had very developed muscles and bulging tendons. Even though it was autumn, he was still wearing a vest. The narrow vest looked like a small backpack against his figure.

"That's right, it's okay for you to stop these low-level people. The reputation of our Fengbao team is the top one even in the entire level 2 city." A charming and slightly enchanting woman next to him walked to the side of the big man, looked at the people from the M company who were blocking them with disdain on her face, and said.

"Ding, a level 2 awakened strong human was found!"

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