Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 569: The 9,000th Anniversary of M Company

"Ding, a Level 1 awakening strongman human was found!"

While the two were talking, Xiao Qiang had already turned on the double-eye scanning recognition function and scanned the two people who were talking, and found that both of them were awakened strongmen. A hunter team is led by two awakened strongmen, so it's no wonder that this hunter team dares to be so arrogant and is still facing the people of M Company.

"Humph, didn't you say that vehicles are not allowed to enter? Why can your M company's cars enter, but our cars can't enter?" The big man saw the cars that Xiao Qiang followed and drove in. He was very angry and used his supernatural powers. Suddenly, his entire upper body turned into a leopard. The whole body was stretched to more than 3 meters high. With his mouth wide open, the leopard claw in his hand pointed at the people of M Company who were blocking the way in front and shouted. While speaking, he also slapped the iron frame blocking the road with one claw, and the iron frame was deformed.

"Ah, ah." The team of M Company, who was responsible for blocking the crowd in front, was also frightened by the man who suddenly turned into a leopard and retreated repeatedly.

"Gegege, you are so brave, and you dare to imitate others to block the road here. Let me see if you are scared." The charming woman was amused by this situation and laughed, and at the same time she teased the person opposite, and her posture looked as charming as she could.

After hearing the movement, people passing by stopped and observed the movement here. Watching the quarrel between these people, even the road was blocked.

"Noisy!" At this moment, a somewhat feminine voice suddenly sounded. The strong man of M Company who had awakened to level 4 and had been sitting in the corner raised his eyelids and looked at the man with the leopard ability and said.

The voice was very gentle, but very penetrating. After the words were spoken, it seemed to overwhelm the loud voice of the leopard-shaped supernatural power. The surroundings became quiet, and everyone looked at the side of the man.

As he spoke, the man gently raised his hand, bent his fingers, and a very small silver light flashed. Even Xiao Qiang didn't see clearly what the flying object was, and saw that the object had quickly inserted into the neck of the leopard-shaped man.

The leopard-shaped man looked at the direction of the object with an incredible face. It had turned into a leopard's claws and covered his neck. Slowly, some blood began to drip down along the leopard's neck. The huge body also "boomed" and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah!" The charming woman next to the leopard saw that the big man was killed by a single blow, and she also exclaimed.

The woman's face was also full of shock. On one hand, she couldn't believe that the captain of their Wind Leopard Hunter Team, who was awakened at level 2 and had always been a very powerful existence in her mind, was killed with one blow. Moreover, when he activated his superpowers and changed into a leopard form, his body thickness was very hard. On the other hand, she couldn't believe that the people of M Company didn't even cherish the strong awakened at level 2, and didn't take the powerful Wind Leopard Hunter Team seriously. The captain was killed by them with one blow.

The members of the Wind Leopard Hunter Team behind him were originally very arrogant. Seeing this scene, they were deeply shocked. They didn't dare to speak loudly anymore. They opened their mouths and looked ahead in surprise. The feminine man of M Company was able to kill their captain with one blow, although it was a bit unexpected.

The whole scene, which was originally a bit noisy, became quiet because of the sudden appearance of the feminine man, and then he took action. Everyone looked at the feminine man quietly.

The feminine man shook his wrist lightly, and a silver light flashed again. The object was pulled out from the neck of the leopard-shaped man and returned to the feminine man's hand. Xiao Qiang opened his eyes wide and watched the man's movements carefully, trying to see clearly what the object in the man's hand was, but he couldn't see it clearly.

"From now on, you will be the captain of this hunter team, okay?" The feminine man walked to the side of the charming woman, gently helped her up, and said with a smile.

"What? I, I will be the captain of this team?" The charming woman stopped the big pool of tears on her face and looked at the man in front of her with horror.

"Yes, as long as you listen to M Company and abide by M Company's rules, you will be the captain of this hunter team." The feminine man slowly stretched out his white and smooth hand, gently wiped the tears on the charming woman's face, and then leaned close to the woman's ear, stretched out his tongue and licked the woman's ear gently, and then spoke softly.

Listening to the feminine man's gentle words in her ear, the charming woman felt a chill all over her body, and then she looked at the feminine man with an incredible face.

"Okay, okay! I will listen to you and follow M Company's arrangements in the future." The charming woman nodded like sifting bran, and quickly agreed to the feminine man.

"Can the car be parked in the parking lot? Can our M company's car drive into the base camp?" The feminine man smiled gently. Although he was talking to the charming woman, it was more like he was establishing his authority to everyone on the field.

In the end times, strength is respected. The feminine man killed the leopard-shaped personnel who led the team with fierce means, and quickly supported a new captain for their team. After showing such a hand, the rest of the people dared not talk nonsense, after all, the strong men of awakening level 2 were killed by him in one blow. With a strong display of strength, everyone abides by the rules of their M company. This is the end of the world, this is strength.

"Yes, yes, your M company's car can drive to the base camp, I will move the car away immediately." The charming woman showed great respect for the feminine man, nodding and saying.

For this charming woman, the end of the world is already difficult. If she didn't have the cultivation of awakening level 1, it would probably be difficult. Now, although his backer was killed, he was supported to become the captain. Moreover, maybe he could get a bigger backer like this feminine man, so it would not matter.

"You few useless people, drive the car to the parking lot immediately and make way." The charming woman turned around and spoke to the people of the Wind Leopard Squad behind her.

While speaking, the people of the Wind Leopard Squad quickly got in the car and drove it into the parking lot next to them. The feminine man waved his hand, and the people of the M company next to him lifted the big man in the leopard form and threw him aside. Then, the feminine man returned to the corner and sat down, and the whole scene quickly returned to a busy scene.

"Nine Eunuchs, you are too much. These people are here to help deal with zombies. How can you just kill them? And in front of so many people, what will others think? Besides, it is a rule that we have set early in the morning not to allow cars to enter the base camp. Why do you people from M Company break the rules again and again?" The feminine man had just sat down when a big man in military uniform came towards him and asked angrily.

This big man in military uniform was sent by the legion to guard the second line of defense. He was a strong man of awakening level 3. When the base camp was first established, both parties had reached a consensus. In order to prevent the scene from being too chaotic, cars were not allowed to enter casually. Even the ammunition and weapons were parked in the warehouse outside the second layer of defense on a large scale. Unexpectedly, the people from M Company broke the rules again and again, always letting their convoy drive in. This time, they even killed the people from the hunter team who came to help search.

"Rules? Childish. Now is the end of the world. In the end of the world, strength is respected and strength is the rule. This time, although it is a cooperation between the two parties, your army sent fewer people, and their strength is not as strong as the people we sent. It is better to say that you are here to help us than to say that we are cooperating." The feminine man did not even raise his head, and still spoke to the man in military uniform in a delicate tone.

"Humph! If it weren't for the zombie riots in the level 2 city, most of the strong men in our army would be resisting the zombies. How could we only send so many people? Moreover, even so, we still sent a strong man like Captain Hu. Don't go too far." The man in military uniform seemed very angry. He waved his hand at the feminine man and said.

"In that case, it's better to let your Boss Hu come and talk to me. It's still a bit far to rely on you. It's better for your Boss Hu to come and talk to me. Besides, do you think your Boss Hu doesn't know what happened here? He hasn't said anything yet, you'd better shut up." The feminine man spoke to the uniformed man, and a cold light flashed slowly at his fingertips.

Seeing this, the uniformed man's face was also flushed. He snorted coldly, and didn't say anything. He took his men and walked back to the other side of the legion.

Others didn't know, but the uniformed man knew something about this situation. Originally, it was a team of people from the legion who came to Zhongzhou to search for supplies. They accidentally discovered that there were many good things in the warehouse of M Company. Later, M Company learned about it and asked to come to the warehouse to search together. Who would have thought that the second-level city where the legion was located suddenly broke out in a zombie attack. Now the legion can only send a limited number of top masters and troops. Although the Legion suspected that it was done by people from M Company, they had no evidence and could only leave strong men to guard the Level 2 base.

If it were ordinary supplies, the Legion could have given up. Who would have thought that the warehouse of M Company discovered this time turned out to be a very important secret research base of M Company. In addition to those large number of intermediate items, there were also three magic weapons made of Wu Jin. Most importantly, the Legion got the news that there was a gem hidden in it. According to the news obtained by the Legion, that gem was related to the outbreak and end of zombies. And it was because of this gem that the Legion suspected that the Level 2 city zombie attack was caused by M Company. Therefore, even if the base was attacked this time, the Legion still sent out a strong man of awakening level 6 to sit in the battle, and also brought a lot of equipment and 10,000 troops. However, M Company sent a strong man of awakening level 7 to lead the team, who was more powerful and brought 20,000 people. Therefore, although it was a cooperation, due to the strong strength of M Company this time, M Company also violated the regulations of both parties many times. However, in order to obtain the items in the warehouse, the people of the Legion could only endure it. After all, the zombies inside were too powerful.

"Not simple, not simple! The puppet silk thread made of black gold, tied with a fine needle made of black gold, has unlimited future prospects. It is worthy of being a member of M Company." Xiao Qiang was about to start the car and drive the vehicle to the parking lot, but he saw an old man with a goatee passing by the car, and he sighed as he walked.

Hearing what the old man with a goatee said, Xiao Qiang was also very interested. He thought that the old man with a goatee should know something. He planned to ask the old man with a goatee about the situation of the man just now, so he drove the car to the parking lot quickly.

"Come, I will help you carry it." Xiao Qiang didn't take anything, and all the things were put in the system. When he saw Yang Xue get off the car, carrying her backpack, he stretched out his hand and said to Yang Xue.

"No, I can carry it myself. There are some clothes in it, so it's not heavy." Yang Xue smiled at Xiao Qiang and said with a refusal.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang stopped talking, shrugged slightly, followed Yang Xue past the second defense, and walked towards the base camp.

"Come, have a cigarette, uncle, you are here to participate in this search mission too." Xiao Qiang took two quick steps and caught up with the old man with a goatee who had just spoken, and spoke.

The old man with a goatee was wearing a gray Tang suit, a pair of gray-black canvas shoes, and a white vest. It was already late autumn, but the old man with a goatee didn't feel cold and still wore such thin clothes.

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