Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 571 Living in the same room

People who don't know, seeing the intimacy between the two, would think that they are old friends who haven't seen each other for many years. Especially the younger brother of M Company, looking at the two of them, he was embarrassed and scratched his head, secretly saying that he didn't know what kind of good friends Shen San had, and they were still so young.

"Brother Shen, you are polite. If you need black gold in the future, just ask. As long as it helps Brother Shen's position in M ​​Company, it's okay. At that time, brothers and Longshan Base will rely on Brother Shen for help." Xiao Qiang also thought that he could have a person like Shen San. In M Company, Shen San likes to be greedy for money. The higher the position, as long as Xiao Qiang has enough black gold, it will be a good thing for him.

"Hahaha, good, good. Sister Yang Xue is here too, she is still so beautiful. I haven't seen her for a few days. Sister Yang Xue is more neat. Did your Longshan Base only send two of you?" Shen San hugged Xiao Qiang and walked forward. At the same time, he saw Yang Xue next to him and praised Yang Xue again.

After hearing what Shen San said, Yang Xue turned to Shen San's side, smiled slightly, and nodded to Shen San, which was considered a greeting. Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Even a cold beauty like Yang Xue also likes to hear others' praise.

"People are more valuable than quantity. This time, the people from your M company and the legion are the main ones, and we are the auxiliary ones. What's more, the people from my base still have to clean up the zombies in Xuzhou City, and there is no way to come here so many, so I sent the two of us." Xiao Qiang said to Shen San.

"Hahaha, I understand, Brother Xiao is very lucky. There are so many beauties in Longshan Base. Don't worry, your brother Shen will definitely arrange them for you." After hearing what Xiao Qiang said, Shen San didn't ask much, but looked at Yang Xue meaningfully, and said to Xiao Qiang with a smile.

Shen San is a smart man. Xiao Qiang didn't want to bring so many people here, so he didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, Xiao Qiang had already been told about the good stuff that would appear in this search, and he also got the black gold given by Xiao Qiang, so he would not ask Xiao Qiang to bring only one person here.

"Brother Shen, that's not what I meant, this, this is not it..." Xiao Qiang saw Shen San look at himself and then at Yang Xue, and knew that he had misunderstood his meaning, so he hurriedly said to Shen San.

"Don't worry, brother Xiao, don't worry, I will make proper arrangements for you when we get here." Shen San interrupted Xiao Qiang and said without waiting for Xiao Qiang to explain the situation.

"Come on, this is my little brother, take them two to pick the best room, take good care of my brother, this is a VIP." Shen San waved his hand, called a little brother over, patted Xiao Qiang and explained to the little brother, and deliberately emphasized the word "a room".

"Brother Xiao, my task today is to entertain people from various bases and Hunter Brother here. I am busy with official duties and I really can't spare the time to take care of Brother Xiao. Let this kid take Brother Xiao over. You can tell him if there is anything. When I have nothing to do in the evening, I will definitely go to Brother Xiao to chat and have a chat." As he spoke, Shen San spoke to Xiao Qiang again.

"Brother Shen is too polite. Brother, please be busy if you have something to do. Just let someone take us to the room. If Brother Shen has time in the evening, you can come to my room to chat. I brought some good wine and am waiting to share it with Brother Shen." Xiao Qiang also patted Shen San and said.

After saying goodbye to Shen San, Xiao Qiang walked towards his room under the leadership of the younger brother. Along the way, Xiao Qiang saw that the base camp was already full of people, and the processing plant, which was not too big to begin with, was crowded. Xiao Qiang noticed that the larger bases or hunter teams all lived in the original buildings in the factory, while those with weaker strength could only live in temporary tents. In the end times, strength is still respected, which is fully reflected in this base camp.

Xiao Qiang noticed that the people from M Company he met on the road parked their cars in the yard of the base camp, got off the car and walked towards the largest residence in the factory area. When the leader saw Xiao Qiang and Yang Xue, he looked at Yang Xue meaningfully, then nodded to Xiao Qiang, as a greeting to Xiao Qiang. And the members of the Fengbao Hunter Team who had just made trouble had also entered the courtyard of the base camp, talking and laughing, arrogant, as if what happened just now was not happening to them. Under the leadership of the charming woman, they walked towards a better residence.

"Brother Xiao, are you the leader of Longshan Base? You are so young, I really can't believe you are so strong." On the way, the younger brother who led the way saw that the transport captain of M Company greeted Xiao Qiang, and immediately thought that Xiao Qiang was very powerful, so he talked to Xiao Qiang.

"You are too polite, we are about the same age, you can just call me Xiao Qiang, what is your name? Do you smoke? Do you want one?" Xiao Qiang looked at the young man next to him and planned to ask some questions, so he took out a box of cigarettes from the system and asked the man.

"Thank you, Brother Shen. They all call me Xiao Hu. You can just call me Xiao Hu. We will arrive at the residence not far away. If you have anything to do here these days, you can ask me. I will come I'll just do it for you." When the young man named Xiao Hu saw Xiao Qiang handing him a cigarette, he quickly took it and said to Xiao Qiang.

Although the two people are indeed about the same age, and Xiao Qiang has already said that there is no need to call him Xiao Qiang, Shen Sandu has such a close relationship with Xiao Qiang. Out of respect for Xiao Qiang, how dare Xiao Hu dare to call him Xiao Qiang casually? name.

"Xiao Hu, please give me a brief introduction to the situation of living here, and what should be paid attention to here." After Xiao Qiang heard Xiao Hu's name, he did not correct Xiao Hu, but A whole pack of cigarettes was stuffed into Xiao Hu's hand, and he asked Xiao Hu.

"Oh, Brother Xiao, that's too polite. I'm very satisfied if I can smoke one." Xiao Hu saw Xiao Qiang being so bold and quickly declined.

"This is the base camp jointly established by M Company and the Legion, but since we sent more powerful people this time, our M Company has a great say. If you want to eat, we will also provide some food here. Of course, inside There is also an exchange. If you want to eat extra food or items, you can use black gold to exchange it. As Brother Xiao, the food will naturally not be too bad, because it was transported here this time. It's more complicated, so only a small amount of water is brought here, and the amount distributed to each room every day is limited, so please use it sparingly. Fighting is not allowed here, and no harm is allowed to those with M Company tattoos. People, their status is very high. If there is a fight, the people from the legion will come out to stop it, and in serious cases, they will be kicked out of the base camp." Xiao Hu led the way and said carefully. Xiao Qiang explained the regulations of the base camp.

"Tattoo from Company M? Aren't you also from Company M? Don't you have a tattoo?" Xiao Qiang said after hearing Xiao Hu talk about tattoos.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Yang Xue next to him might have felt that the weather was a little cold, so he unnaturally pulled his sleeves down. After Xiao Qiang noticed Yang Xue's actions, he didn't say much.

"Oh, I'm just working for Company M. Only those who truly belong to Company M are eligible to have the tattoo of Company M. Brother Xiao, your residence has arrived. It's right here. I'll take you in." Hu sighed. It seemed that he was just a low-level staff member of Company M, and he spoke to the two-story dormitory building in front of him.

Xiao Qiang had previously thought that all those who worked for Company M would have tattoos marking Company M. Unexpectedly, only those who truly belonged to the top management of Company M had such tattoos. People like Xiao Hu are not qualified to have tattoos. While thinking about the problem, Xiao Qiang followed Xiao Hu's finger and looked forward.

I saw that it was a two-story dormitory building with about 10 houses on each floor. It looked like it belonged to the residences of the small leaders in the factory before the end of the world.

Following Xiao Hu, he entered the house. The room was not very big. Xiao Qiang found that the room was still divided. There was a bed in one room inside, and a small living room with a bed outside. There is a sofa and a coffee table, and there is a simple shower device in the corner of the room, but there is no water now, so it is probably impossible to use the shower device.

"Xiao Hu, there is only one bedroom in this house. Yang Xue and I, can you see if you can get it for us, with two bedrooms." After Xiao Qiang noticed the situation in the house, he faced Xiao Hu asked.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Xiao Hu secretly glanced at Yang Xue who was observing in the room, gave Xiao Qiang an "I understand" look, and then said loudly to Xiao Qiang: "Brother Xiao, As you can see, there are indeed a lot of people coming this time, and there is no base in Zhongzhou City. It would be great to find such a base camp. The space here is really limited, and we can only do it. Living in a house with 10 people per room, the two of you living in one room is only due to Captain Shen’s special instructions that we have such good conditions. "

Seeing that Xiao Hu had obviously misunderstood what he meant, Xiao Qiang was about to explain the situation, but Yang Xue interrupted Xiao Qiang's words and said to Xiao Qiang: "That's it, the two of us live together. We don’t live in this house for many days anyway, so if we live together, we can still take care of each other.”

"Hehe, then I won't disturb you two, Brother Xiao. I will call you two for lunch when you have lunch. If there is any notification, I will notify you immediately. If anything happens, you can Just tell me that if I have nothing to do, I will sit at the door and you can take a rest first." Xiao Hu smiled, and after saying goodbye to Xiao Qiang, he retreated from the room and opened the door very sensibly. close.

"This is the room you said you wanted to live in, Miss Yang. There is only one bedroom and one bed in this house. Does Miss Yang want to sleep in the same bed with me?" Xiao Qiang saw Xiao Hu After exiting, he also leaned on the door frame, looked at Yang Xue jokingly, and said.

"You wish. I sleep on the bed and you sleep in the living room. You are not allowed to step into the bedroom without my permission." Yang Xue said coldly to Xiao Qiang, and pushed Xiao Qiang out of the bedroom. With a "bang", she closed the door of the bedroom.

Xiao Qiang pouted helplessly and shook his head. He was bored and sat on the sofa to practice his fire heart formula.

At the same time, in the base camp, in a spacious conference room belonging to M Company, a middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, leaning against the inside of the desk. Outside, stood the two people from the transport team that Xiao Qiang met on the road just now.

"Master Chang San, I have transported the batch of laser guns here, and also brought many newly developed intermediate detonating talismans." The team leader said respectfully to the middle-aged man.

According to the information known to everyone, M Company has designed three external teams, each of which has many teams. The middle-aged man in front of him is the leader of the third team and the person responsible for leading the team to participate in this search mission. With the strength of awakening level 8, he is also one of the top people in M ​​Company.

"Yeah, good job, take a good rest in the afternoon, and start attacking the warehouse tomorrow." After hearing the words, the middle-aged man did not even turn his head, but nodded gently and replied to the man.

"Master Chang San, we met Yang Xue on the road. She was sitting in an off-road vehicle and also came to participate in this search mission." The man did not move, and continued to report to Master Chang San about what he saw on the road.

"What? Yang Xue? Is it the extremely dangerous Yang Xue that our M Company has been looking for?" Hearing Yang Xue's name, Master Chang San turned around suddenly, and a pair of eyes full of brilliance looked closely at the person who was speaking, and at the same time, the momentum on his body could not be suppressed and burst out.

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